After reading this thread two nights ago, I went and did a search to see if I could locate any more boxes. I found a few within a limited search time. One was identical to the ad posted at the top of this thread, with a much lower bid amount. One other was so vague that I actually e-mailed the guy and asked if it was a console box or an actual empty box. He responded that it was actually an empty box. It said something along the lines of, "Microsoft XBox360 Box. Following taken from," and then it had like 30 lines of stats about the XBox360 copied and pasted from the Microsoft website. It made it look as if it were the console box for the XBox that was for auction. Even being aware of the scam going on, I was still unable to decipher what was actually up for auction. If I weren't aware of the scam and was looking to buy an XBox360, it would have been easy to get sucked in.
I found a couple yesterday, and the bidding on one was at $550.00. The high bidder was named "Scambuster1" or something like that. I wonder if they are trying to stop what is going on?
Today I couldn't find any....and many people listing XBoxes were clearly stating, "Sealed, new in box" in the headline. If I were trying to sell an XBox360 for a huge amount, I'd be mad that there were all of these frauds out there selling empty boxes and scaring people off who were looking to buy a legitimate XBox360.
I'd never do that though...I feel that it's wrong to sell something for an obcene amount when it will be all over the market, on sale even, in a few short months because demand has been met. Just my .02 cents. I guess if there are people out there who are willing to pay $800, $900, or over $1000 for something that they will be able to get for far less later down the road, though, that's their business.