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Originally Posted by reefraff
Whats your problem with religion? You have some serious issues
Now that's the typical response I get from the religious right. Because I don't believe in some 'All Seeing, All Powerful' deity someone dreamed up in a book centuries ago, I have serious issues? Yet again, you think because you have faith and believe in some Supreme Being, you are better than me, and I'm just a second-class citizen. I don't need religion to lead a happy and successful life. I do quite well without it. I don't need to leave my house every Sunday and go sit in a building listening to some robed invidual tell me how 'I've sinned and need to do pennance'. Of course to resolve those sins, I have to tithe 20% of my hard-earned income to their institution because "God would want it that way". It's laughable to sit and listen to people talk how good Church-Goin', God Lovin people they are. Then the next thing you hear, that same person has killed his neighbor, beat his wife, or r@ped his daughter. You can't even run for a political position in this country unless you're photographed walking out of a church on Sunday, with you wife and kids in tow. Your faith has created controversy in this world for centuries. Wars have started because of it. I honestly think the world would be a better place if religion was never brought into the mix. It separates classes of citizens worldwide, for what? You'll defend your religious viewpoints to the death. Why? What do you have to gain doing that? Show me one PHYSICAL proof God exists. Don't give me the "Just look around you" speech. Neither you, me, or any other person that has lived on this planet that is accurately documented in history can prove where trees came from, how man came to being, or even why dinosaurs became extinct. We know they are here, or have been here, but have no real proof how they got here in the first place. Scientists have tried to prove theories how man and this planet evolved, but the religious right just tell them they have "serious issues". Where exactly is this Heaven and He11 you think people go to when they die? Do you have any proof they exist? The only way to find out is to die. Unfortunately, there's no known way to come back to tell the rest of us if they are really there. If God is this All Caring and Loving Entity, why does he allow death, cancer, grief, murders, ...? If having religion makes you feel better, gives you a sense of well being, and helps you live a happy and successful life, good for you. But don't look down on me because I don't agree with your philosophies. Trust me, just because you have faith in some Supreme Being, doesn't make you better than me.
Whats your problem with religion? You have some serious issues