Weekend Photo Feature: Crabs

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I don't know how everyone else is getting such good shots. This is my best try with a Nikon 50 that I was trying to hold steady in my hands. Either the camera isn't phocasing right, or I'm not very steady. Couldn't get the tripod quick enough to get this shot. It seems my crabs are all camera shy when it comes to having thier photos taken. :notsure:
Any info on the camera settings when the shot was taken? I've never messed with the Nikon line but its my understanding they have the "macro" function which may allow better quality close ups. Getting that rare opportunity close up can be very challenging....yours is a fine example.


Active Member
NM thanks for the input....I didn't realize the second photo had so much glare and obvious acrylic "micro" scratches until I sent it through...hmm it also means my tank is pretty scratched up... I'd be glad to loan you my camera...but I'm on the other side of the country!!!


Thanks Sleasia!!! Sorry I can't get the quality I can see on my end, need to learn how to reduce in my other photo shop instead of paint and the quality would be so much better!! Actually, (even though you can't tell in that picture) it a red scarlet. Looks better when you can really zoom in on it. It was a piece of krill that my fishes missed but, he didn't!


These arent very good but were taken with a canon g6 in macro mode. I dont know the other specifics. The sponge crab was far away and I was lucky to even have him close enogh to get a shot.



BBB- be careful with that guy! I accidentally brought on ehome from the beach and when he started walking down the drive way I had to start a salt water tank. I owe a lot to him. HE grew to be about 5-6 inches across and made a snack out of several corals and snails. Keep him fed and he will be fine though. They are striped hermit crabs, very common. Here is a picture or Mr. Crabbie and another little crab who decided that he had the best and biggest shell of all!



Active Member
ok im finally getting around to some of my crab pics :jumping:
oh and im taking all of these with a canon power shot s50 on various settings. these are throughout a year period , different tanks. i also just recently figured out how to get good pics with this thing in the tank so dont hate!



Active Member
saltnoob what a nice collection of crabs.. I only have different hermits. I should get a few other kinds :thinking:


Active Member
thanks! i love my crabs! umm well you know what i mean...
as of now the only large hermit i still have is the electric blue.
i have maybe 2-3 emeralds, but have been pulling out the big ones because i have seen a few of the big boys nibble on my zoos's
the spider decorator was too cool , but he recently died in a nitrate crisis i went through a month ago... just as well, they arent reef safe.
and the tan guy i dropped in the tank when i was just starting. he was 1/2" , then as my crabs and blenny started dissapearing, i penned him as the culprit - over 3 months he grew to about 4" before i got him out! he was a juvenile florida stone crab! but i always liked that pic :)


Active Member
Ok but I have nothing to wear...
Hi Blueface! Do you know where I can get a new party shell?
Sure try down near the brain coral boutique...


Active Member
Of course we have party shells...Here is one just made for you my dear!!!
Oh that is nice!!! But don't you think its too much like my old one? I was looking for something with a little more color.
No don't be silly ...try this one.