Weekend photo feature:

nm reef

Active Member
Lets go with fish phots this time...post your favorites along with a bit of info on the species and the equipment used to get the photo...I know many of the membes here have posted some outstanding examples in the past so this thread should be full of outstanding of fish species as well as quality photography.
I'll start the weekend off with a few of my favorites.
First is one of my all time favorie photos.....my mandrian and orange spotted goby practically posing for a photo...shot with my Canon G5...as i remember I was looking to get some coral shots at the time and these two just caught my eye.

nm reef

Active Member
Next is couple shots of my bi-color blenny sitting in his favorite hole....this little guy has tons of personality and is always a source of pleasure....his attitude is one of display "policeman". he'll normally be found in his hole....then many times a day he'll leave to "police" the system....going from perch to perch obviously checking the status and well being of the rest of the inhabitants.Once satisfied that all is well he will return to this hole until time for his next rounds.


nm reef

Active Member
Another of my all time favorite "personality" species....my foxface rabbitfish...a true character...eats from my fingers....very peceful with the other tankmates...great algae eater and striking coloration...what more could a person ask for....


nm reef

Active Member
The assorted clownfish species are always a favorite in the hobby...this guy was purchased when a local hobbyist had to move across country and couldn't take her system along.... at the time I had a pair of perculas in my display so this guy was placed in my 55 gal refugium where he lives to this day.

nm reef

Active Member
This next fish died a few months ago when I had a series of problems......I've missed him dearly since. In time I intend to replace him......great personality...a bit on the shy side so he wouldn't be out all the time but preferred to hide behind the rock work and only come out primarily at feeding time......and outstanding coloration.


nm reef

Active Member
Next is a look at another fish I recently lost....my flame angel.....in my opinion one of the most beautiful of all the dwarf angels.....reported to be a problem with corals but mine never was....


nm reef

Active Member
Next are a few shots of my resident camera hog....without fail he'll strike a psoe everytime I approach the display with my camera. He and his buddy my tiger pistol shrimp offer some great diversity and character.....


nm reef

Active Member
I'll stop for now with what I feel is my favorite photo taken of my aquarium....a look at my posse......frank & jessie james along with billy the kid........this made a outstanding 8x10 photo and was another of those accidental photos taken while looking for something else. While trying to get some macros of individual corals these guys lined up and begged to be captured .....
so...now that I've got the ball rolling lets see examples of your "fish photography"....



Great Pics NM reef
I got a fox face rabbit fish too and id have to agree with his great personallity
But ive got a qusetion
My foxface is seldomly yellow

hes only yellow around yellow right before we feed him
Then he turns brown
Did he for get that hes a foxface and not a magnificent rabbitfish
He lives in a 90 gallon reef tank,
amonia 0
calcium 430
How can i get this crazy fish back to yellow

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
Great Pics NM reef
I got a fox face rabbit fish too and id have to agree with his great personallity
But ive got a qusetion
My foxface is seldomly yellow

hes only yellow around yellow right before we feed him
Then he turns brown
Did he for get that hes a foxface and not a magnificent rabbitfish
He lives in a 90 gallon reef tank,
amonia 0
calcium 430
How can i get this crazy fish back to yellow
The common foxface will often be discolored when stressed or disturbed......mine was discolored a lot when first added but now only early in the am or whenever somebody spooks him.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rasnme
looking at your photos have made my day!! absolutely beautiful

Thank you very kindly...I enjoy taking photographs of my display almost as much as I enjoy maintaining my display.


My dottyback. This is the best picture I could get of him peeking out of his cave in the 2 years that Iv had him.


Here is my flame angel. He is relatively new to my tank. He loves mysis, emerald entree, and of all things aptasia. He ate all 3 of the tiny aptasia I recently aquired with a piece of live rock. He also has not touched any of my corals. Picture taken with a Sony Cybershot P200. The camera is ok the photographer, well less than ok but I'm learning.


Active Member
Great pics! Thought I'd throw a couple up, 1st pic is my dusky jawfish, second is my little clarkii and last is a hermit.


nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Coral beauty stopping by for a check up!!

Very nice...I replaced my flame with a coral beauty....here he is with one of my newest additions...