went snorkling and caught..


Active Member
I'd have to agree, although a little more tact could have been used. 2 angels in most tanks is not good let alone a nano, that is plain irresponsible. JMO, very cool though that you caught them, just get a bigger tank or put them back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
No they don't. You're another irresponsible swf owner.
Please find a new hobby.

there not even bigger than a half dollar and the one is like a nickel, a 20 gal long is fine for a bit,
so stfu
and go find another thread do be a pissy little bich at


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
The lagoon area has hermit crabs,Ive seen urchins and quenn conchs in there also. Where the water comes into the lagoon...before high tide by the rock piles are lots of fish.
hey brett, yea i have gotten a bunch of blue leg hermit crabs there on those rocks. also, right under the boat in 12 ' of water i grabbed two mating fighting conchs, and a cute baby little crab that turned out to be a terror - florida stone crab
Originally Posted by Whitey
Okay, I take it you agree that 2 Angels pulled from the ocean have a while before they're too big for a 29 gallon tank?
Does this not sound ridiculous and irresponsible?
Don't be stupid.

since im "stupid". there little.. so it doesnt really matter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scottallert
there not even bigger than a half dollar and the one is like a nickel, a 20 gal long is fine for a bit,
so stfu
and go find another thread do be a pissy little bich at

A) I have kept a bagillion self-caught fish over the past 30 years. Allways following the rules of course.
B) Usually it's folks who live no-where near the Ocean that tell us that do what is legal or not.
C) It's up to us that do live here to be responsible.
Scottallert, I would have your back, but you talk, write, like a 12 year old little punk. If you want to be taken seriously as a mature person, present yourself as such.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
A) I have kept a bagillion self-caught fish over the past 30 years. Allways following the rules of course.
B) Usually it's folks who live no-where near the Ocean that tell us that do what is legal or not.
C) It's up to us that do live here to be responsible.
Scottallert, I would have your back, but you talk, write, like a 12 year old little punk. If you want to be taken seriously as a mature person, present yourself as such.
yeah,some people just come on here and try to make other people feel dumb by reading alot of books and thinking they know everything, when i have expierence taking livestock out of the ocean;since its pretty much my backyard.
but ty,


awsome fish i just lost my queen that my friend caught for me in the keys about 3 years ago are you intrested in selling either of the angels i have a 125 and live in orlando


Active Member
Originally Posted by jbracing
awsome fish i just lost my queen that my friend caught for me in the keys about 3 years ago are you intrested in selling either of the angels i have a 125 and live in orlando
if you want to pick them up sure, i can trade them to you for some frags or corals.


thanks but i dont relly have any corals right now and thats probably a couple hour drive from me. didnt think about how i was going to get them


Originally Posted by scottallert
there not even bigger than a half dollar and the one is like a nickel, a 20 gal long is fine for a bit,
so stfu
and go find another thread do be a pissy little bich at

Ah, the typical reaction of an uneducated, irresponsible so-called hobbyist.
Nice language message board tough guy. Keep telling yourself you know what you're doing. The fish you caught don't stand a chance of survival.
I guarantee you they won't survive and all because you want to convince yourself you're an expert.
I stand by what I said, once you kill these fish, find a new hobby that doesn't involve risking the well being of living things. Maybe do a puzzle or ask your mom for some LEGOS.


Originally Posted by Whitey
Ah, the typical reaction of an uneducated, irresponsible so-called hobbyist.
Nice language message board tough guy. Keep telling yourself you know what you're doing. The fish you caught don't stand a chance of survival.
I guarantee you they won't survive and all because you want to convince yourself you're an expert.
I stand by what I said, once you kill these fish, find a new hobby that doesn't involve risking the well being of living things. Maybe do a puzzle or ask your mom for some LEGOS.

totally agree, people will never learn, a nano for gods sake dude, do the right thing and put them back, please and if you have to collect them, get them a little bigger


A) I have kept a bagillion self-caught fish over the past 30 years. Allways following the rules of course.
B) Usually it's folks who live no-where near the Ocean that tell us that do what is legal or not.
C) It's up to us that do live here to be responsible.
Scottallert, I would have your back, but you talk, write, like a 12 year old little punk. If you want to be taken seriously as a mature person, present yourself as such.
You are apparently..... 13?
Ah, the typical reaction of an uneducated, irresponsible so-called hobbyist.
Nice language message board tough guy. Keep telling yourself you know what you're doing. The fish you caught don't stand a chance of survival.
I guarantee you they won't survive and all because you want to convince yourself you're an expert.
I stand by what I said, once you kill these fish, find a new hobby that doesn't involve risking the well being of living things. Maybe do a puzzle or ask your mom for some LEGOS.
You are NOT HELPING! Take it easy, man. Present your case with passion, but you're not going to get anywhere on this tack. (Unless you want this guys new hobby to be kicking puppies!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
Man I really Loved LEGO's maybe I should go buy some??
Hey if you go to buy some, get me some too? My mommy took my wallet because I threw a temper tantrum

Im going to head over to Jupiter one of these days and go snorkling and see if I can find myself a nice little goby or something that will stay small. I only have a 24 gall, but its got an opening for another small fish. No angels though haha


Active Member
First-To those who's first reaction is "That's illegal": You the American citizen are the owner and care-taker of public land, not the government! Read the constitution. Should there be laws to protect the resources for all citizens? Yes, as long as that is as far as it goes. No part of public land or resources "belongs" to the government. Government ownership of public land is a Soviet idea that is propagated by socialists using enviromentalism as a cloak.
Second-I started with a 55g sw tank and at the point I needed more room for my growing fish, I purchased a 125g tank. Irresponsibility is not doing what you need to when you should. Fry(frey?) are often raised in small tanks at hatcheries until they are big enough to need a larger tank. Wait until someone has an 8" angel in a 10g tank before screaming "irresponsible".


Active Member
Hey gentlemen this thread is going to get closed if you can't be more polite. You have stated that you think that it is wrong for him to keep his two angels in a tank that small. He has said that they are extremely small. You have a difference of opinion. Let it go and move on.

Now.........back to OP. They are really beautiful. Hopefully they start eating really well soon. I would definitely be thinking about a large upgrade soon. Do you have another tank ready yet? Maybe a 75 in the next couple months ready? I believe a queen needs a tank of at least 180 or bigger to house it for life. What are your thoughts?
Well I have the best solution to chill everyone out. Just send me those angels and I'll make sure they are kept in a good 350 gallon reef tank. Also I don't think those c.banded will work in your tank either so you can send them also! HAHAHA!
Seriously though two angels in a 29 will kill each other sooner than later...so have you thought of selling them to a l.f.s...you can get get some $ and the angel police will be off your back. Heck if I lived in south Florida I'd save the electric bill and just dive when I need a s.w.f fix?