What are these things killing my tank?!?


last friday out of nowhere, my tank started dying. The PH and nitrate levels were normal then bang, everything shot up into toxic zones. I did nothing but clean it very normally and add a little calcium. I've since done a water change and added some new bacteria to help normalize it and kill the ammonia. What are things worm looking these that are taking over my tank all of a sudden? I've already lost all my fish and inverts in a 24 hour period and now I"m worried about losing my corals. Please give me some advice. Also what is this carpet looking creature that came out of nowhere. I need to know how to kill them. Lastly, these tiny serpernt looking star fish have started growing crazily. I don't understand why or how or if they're harmless or not. PLEASE HELP!!!



Active Member
Your description of the starfish sounds like a mini-brittle ... good to have. I can't see anything from the picture. :D


I don't have a good camera....I want to know what these millipede looking worms are and if they're doing harm. Also, what the crap is that carpet thing? Please advise....


Active Member
have u looked at night for the suspect with a flashlight? try to see if it is some creature. did ur fish have scars from something it?


Active Member
Do the worms have bristles on them? If so, they're bristleworms ... also good to have as cleanup crew members. I have no idea about the carpet thing. :thinking:


no, I mean they were absolutely fine and so was the water on Thursday. I did nothing abnormal and I can't find the culprit. The fish almost looked as if they had no oxygen but that's impossible as the skimmer was fine and I just added new, reverse-osmosis water. Please help me save my corals....what should I do?


they're red and it does look like they have bristles. I saw one last night that was super long. I have not seen them in the abudance that I have in the past 2 days thoug.


New Member
the worms sound like bristle worms, they are a detritus eater and scavenger, pretty much along the same worth as the mini stars. If your picture was a little bigger I could get a better ID on the carpet thing but by discription it sounds like a marine flat worm or nudibranch.
the ammonia spike is distubing, something must have died a few days ago in order for it to come on so suddenly. the calcium you added what kind was it??


agramilk....or something like that....comes in a white bottle. I've been adding it as needed for over a year without incident. My calcium levels aren't even off. I can't figure this out and I feel so depressed b/c I feel like I"m about to have to start completely over again (which I can't afford) and I don't even know what caused the damn thing.


Active Member
srrry once i read ur post i kind off edited the stuff, i wasnt in the mood to laugh either
what exactly is ur status right now. what is left?


well, I still have my xenias and sponges andleathers and a clam but they're all doing poorly. I fear I might have no tank by morning. What else should I be doing to save it?


New Member
Yep Water changes are your best friend at this stage. even if it means replacing it all. I would start looking around for dead stuff also, thier might be something hiding behind a rock or something like that that is dead. you could also do some more ammonia tests but try to be more specific with them. As in test the pore water of the sand and the water neaxt to the LR, stuff like that through out, it might give you a better answer to where the ammonia is coming from.
Carbon is also a good call


New Member
Just get some good carbon from the LFS and put it into a nylon bag (lfs should have them if you ask, filter bag) and then put it on the output of your drain line and/or your skimmer output.


well, at least I know what it is. I have a very good feeling that I won't have a reef tank come tomorrow morning. I have changed out half the water and adding some prime nitrate lowering chemicals but not a large amount, just the recommend amount. My nitrite level is about normal again. I just need to work on my ph and my nitrates which have come down but still need to come down some more. I added bio-spira to replenish some of the good bacteria which I hope will help eat the amomnia. I don't know what else I can do but I think it might be too late in any case. Please let me know if you continue to have more ideas. I really appreciate this.