Active Member
I have one last thing to say on this post. When buttholes like team2 what ever his name is looses their oldest son to a ^*(^^% Arab, and you also loose total loss of an arm plus numereous other holes and scars that you deal with on a daily basis all from a damed raghead then maybe you have room to talk. Until then just shut the ^&(R up and shove it, and filter me. Its buttholes like Team2 that my son died protecting their rights for =freedom andpeace for, and its an old jerk like me that shed blood just so buttholes like teama 2 canhave his freedom to speak. No dude, your the one that is a nutcase plain and simple. Now kiss my backside and filter my posts.....You have no dam room to talk or say a darn thing when odds are all you ever did was sit at your desk and play.....and probably voted for Gore to boot! I have all the reason s in thew worlds to hate the SOBs, and no one is gonna take that right away from me especially an A $ $ hole like you! Would I do my duty again if called even knowing it was an idiot like you I was helping to protect, Yes, even if I did not like it. Unlike you I live by my commitments and responsibilitys and have every right even more so to voice and make my opinions heard than you and many others do, that are of the train of thought its wrong to hate or dislike anyone as the whole world is a bed of roses. Take a hike jerk!