What are your thoughts on the Israel fighting going on?


Active Member
I have one last thing to say on this post. When buttholes like team2 what ever his name is looses their oldest son to a ^*(^^% Arab, and you also loose total loss of an arm plus numereous other holes and scars that you deal with on a daily basis all from a damed raghead then maybe you have room to talk. Until then just shut the ^&(R up and shove it, and filter me. Its buttholes like Team2 that my son died protecting their rights for =freedom andpeace for, and its an old jerk like me that shed blood just so buttholes like teama 2 canhave his freedom to speak. No dude, your the one that is a nutcase plain and simple. Now kiss my backside and filter my posts.....You have no dam room to talk or say a darn thing when odds are all you ever did was sit at your desk and play.....and probably voted for Gore to boot! I have all the reason s in thew worlds to hate the SOBs, and no one is gonna take that right away from me especially an A $ $ hole like you! Would I do my duty again if called even knowing it was an idiot like you I was helping to protect, Yes, even if I did not like it. Unlike you I live by my commitments and responsibilitys and have every right even more so to voice and make my opinions heard than you and many others do, that are of the train of thought its wrong to hate or dislike anyone as the whole world is a bed of roses. Take a hike jerk!


Active Member
I am sorry to hear that but I also have two brothers in the millitary. Each have served 2 years in iraq and my oldest brother goes back in october. The things you have had to deal with are results of war. To blame a soldier for causing death and injury is unfair it is the diplomats who start war. If you want to hate anybody hate saddam hate bush hate congress.

37g joe

lets not get this deleted people. Chipmaker As you can tell By what I wrote that I am no suporter of Islam and I find it to be a threat to the security of any non islamic nation. BUT Where you and I differ is that I feel that We can not Fight This War with complete Annialation of our enemy. I do feel a much larger war is in the futre one that Dwarfs the recent conflicts and we need to be prepared but not to the point of mass murder and puting them in concetration camps. You have every right to be worried about what thier ultimate goal is but we can not stoop to such a level as them. And another point dont put arabs and Islam in the same Group Islam is a relegion and Arab is a etnicity Thier a re a fair amount of Arabs that are non islamic and find islam as a threat also. Thier are alot of Christian Arab churces through out the Arab world who are persecuted every day by the Islamic nations they are in.


Staff member
I suggest that the racist, defaming comments cease. If one can not participate in this topic without making ethnic and religious slurs, then please just stay out of the topic altogether.
Those comments are not welcome at SWF.com.


Active Member
On this subject diplomacy has failed, its weak attempts have done more damage then good in this region. What can possibly be said that already hasnt been said? I'll tell you what will work and has a 100% success rate. The total conquering of the enemies of Israel who threaten them.
This tiny country will never have the support of more than a few, they know that. Their only chance is to completely destroy all enemies who threaten them.
Totally and completely.
Who said war dosent solve anything, war has solved every dispute ever known to man. When you kill your adversary they cannot resist. I know this sounds harsh but unfortunately its the only way to ensure peace.


Active Member
im going to take that comment as a joke? name one time that a nation has completely obliterated its enemies without negative consequences. diplomacy is always the best way. It is easy to deny that when you yourself have never fought in a war.


Active Member
Israel has been very diplomatic over the years in offering to give back land and control. they've been very diplomatic in not assassinating Arafat or declaring all out war on Hamas and Hezbollah (until now).
now, how diplomatic have Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and the Palestinians been toward Israel over the years? what have any of them offered to Israel other than death and destruction?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
Israel has been very diplomatic over the years in offering to give back land and control. they've been very diplomatic in not assassinating Arafat or declaring all out war on Hamas and Hezbollah (until now).
now, how diplomatic have Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and the Palestinians been toward Israel over the years? what have any of them offered to Israel other than death and destruction?
thank you


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
im going to take that comment as a joke? name one time that a nation has completely obliterated its enemies without negative consequences. diplomacy is always the best way. It is easy to deny that when you yourself have never fought in a war.

Yeah... diplomacy sure seems to have worked well so far.
Of course there is a cost involved, thats a no brainer... Peace isn’t free. If diplomacy was effective against this type of enemy we wouldnt need a military.
Diplomacy has failed on every attempt and still does today and always will in that area... why... because terrorists don’t negotiate.
"Charlie don’t surf"
A total conquering is the only way to ensure peace in that region. Whether you like it or not, Israel needs to kick the s**t out of their aggressors, not give hugs
or try to reason with people who want to kill them, the only thing these people understand is action... Not diplomatic sanctions or another " time out" ... Diplomacy has a time and place, then its time for results. But what would I know about warfare, I’m just a retired military veteran of two foreign wars.

37g joe

Israel has given deplomacy A chance they have given much but Diplomacy has failed and thier enemies have just gotten stronger and more Brutal. At what point in time do you say enough is enough. Thier is a point of no return when you have tried to negotate but the only respose is destruction and every time bomb goes against Israel theyt become weaker until at one point do they become so week because they have exausted diplomacy that they are now easly conqured. The rest of the world keeps telling Diplomacy but they dont truly give a darn wheter Israel Survies or not they wont come to Israels resue if they try diplacy and are atacked. Israel has to look out for itself because the U.N cares more about lining thier own pockets. When Countries like Sudan are allowed to be on the security consil you know that they are as corrupt as can be.


Active Member
I concur, I hope Israel gives them a 6 day flashback of 67.
Screw diplomacy. Take the weapons away from the Arabs and there will be peace. Take the weapons away from the Jews and there will be a slaughter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
Well Phixer Guess Israel was not able to make the ground they needed.
It's just a matter of time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
We have had our homegrown terrorists like the KKK as well as the UK with the IRA.
Dont forget the Native Indians....I wonder why they terroized the early settlers....


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Chipmaker not an attempt to flame. Your beliefs may be considered radical by some.
We have had our homegrown terrorists like the KKK as well as the UK with the IRA.
OK City and the unibomber weren't terrorist - just plain old murders/criminals.

I've always considered the IRA to be freedom fighters. There are times when negotiating doesn't work and the only way to answer violence is with violence.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Dont forget the Native Indians....I wonder why they terroized the early settlers....
Dog you have that backwards in the earlier years. Now the Casinos owned by the indians terrorize -LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I've always considered the IRA to be freedom fighters. There are times when negotiating doesn't work and the only way to answer violence is with violence.
Agree, unfortunately violence is the only language that some understand.