What can we do to up the numbers?


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
I used to love this site a lot more when there were hundreds of active members and great help from everyone. There are still a lot of active and good members here, but less so than we used to have. I understand why and I realize the necessity. Still, how can we bring our numbers back up? Any good ideas? IMO, this is truly the best site for Saltwater, but it used to be better. Good layout, good archives, and great posters. Unfortunately we have less posters. I don't want to stir the pot, I would like to see if we can come up with ways to have our cake and eat it too. We should be able to think of some way to increase the number of posters without disappointing the owner. Maybe this is just a rut, maybe I'm insane.
Do we need incentives? What can we as a community do to entice little fishies? Remember though, in the ocean sharks are necessary, so don't go down that route. Any good ideas?
not treat people like children thatd be a good start


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I have been here about 4 yrs, and the rules have always been the same.
I do miss the trading and used equipment.
I was wondering about the buying of used equipment when I first became a member. I am very new to the hobby and would love the opportunity to buy used equipment. Did there used to be a section dedicated to used equipment? If so, why is it no longer available?


Active Member
people abused the privilege and started running their businesses here. Like any privilege it was taken away.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
people abused the privilege and started running their businesses here. Like any privilege it was taken away.
That is too bad...I could really use some used lights. "hint, hint"...J/K but I really could use some used lights.


I used to frequent this site on a daily basis. I understand why the forums were eliminated, but I think that the rules should have been changed. It could have been hurting business to allow the frag trading/sales and classifieds to run on their site. I know it would be hard to implement, but if they were able to collect even such a small fee as a dollar or two every time someone bought/sold something here. Think of it kind of like a poker table at the casino, the house has a fee for playing.
Secondly, if people were abusing the forums, the moderators should have been able to step in and take care of the issue. Close threads, issue warnings, temp bans or perm bans. Thats why we have mods. To enforce the rules. If there were more mods or even stricter in those forums I think it would be able to control it to a point where it would not hamper business.
Third, this is the internet. There will be trolls and jerks no matter where you go. Thank the anonymity of the internet. People don't or may not care if they offend you, but also, people shouldn't get offended so easily.
Bottom line, people will leave because of the features. It's up to the mods and the site to keep them here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by popnfrresh
I used to frequent this site on a daily basis. I understand why the forums were eliminated, but I think that the rules should have been changed. It could have been hurting business to allow the frag trading/sales and classifieds to run on their site. I know it would be hard to implement, but if they were able to collect even such a small fee as a dollar or two every time someone bought/sold something here. Think of it kind of like a poker table at the casino, the house has a fee for playing.
Secondly, if people were abusing the forums, the moderators should have been able to step in and take care of the issue. Close threads, issue warnings, temp bans or perm bans. Thats why we have mods. To enforce the rules. If there were more mods or even stricter in those forums I think it would be able to control it to a point where it would not hamper business.
Third, this is the internet. There will be trolls and jerks no matter where you go. Thank the anonymity of the internet. People don't or may not care if they offend you, but also, people shouldn't get offended so easily.
Bottom line, people will leave because of the features. It's up to the mods and the site to keep them here.
Well wasn't this thread just a jolly waste of time? Lets discuss a bunch of things that we can do make this forum better and then completely ignore them all! We came up with a ton of good ideas but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we aren't going to follow through with any of them. I love this post ^. We can only blame the elimination of the buy/sell/trade forums for so much garbage. Hey, can I stop beating around the bush for one second and throw something out there? What else changed around the time that everyone left?
Let's face it...the mods suck.


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Well wasn't this thread just a jolly waste of time? Lets discuss a bunch of things that we can do make this forum better and then completely ignore them all! We came up with a ton of good ideas but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we aren't going to follow through with any of them. I love this post ^. We can only blame the elimination of the buy/sell/trade forums for so much garbage. Hey, can I stop beating around the bush for one second and throw something out there? What else changed around the time that everyone left?
Let's face it...the mods suck.

GEEZ PEZ....tell us how you really feel...LOL
What's up with that???


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
and you consider the people who don't even have a tank, but post in the aquarium all day good contributors to the board?
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
does it make us bad contributers to the board or something ?if you only post in the aquarium then yes you are not helping this board it is about saltwater fish mainly not a grip board there are plenty of those out there to post on
i had heard from prvious members that they had issues with moderation. also i heard about the classifieds/trading issues...their loss.
I have no problem with mods it is a job most would not want but most complain about.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz

It's interesting, Saltwaterfish.com is actually in the top 27% of message boards ranked on the internet according to http://rankings.big-boards.com!
I think the duran duran site had more post last week than swf did by using that sites info.People just starting out Google saltwater fish find this site stay for awhile then find other sites they can get frags or used equipment can still get good info then stay there and until swf goes back to trade and used equip sec it will loss more and more people especially in this economy (would you buy a tec light at $400 or 1 year old at$250?)I have been here for about 5 years and come back every now and then under diff names (lost pass code ,change email address ,forgot name in this forum)


Active Member
OMG! We just can't let the selling forum go, can we. Let it gooooo. This forum is not any slower than other fish forums at the moment. I personally don't like sites where such an important emphasis is placed on selling stuff. I can name a couple right now. The conversation, good conversation, is lacking and every other new post is a trade/sell ad. I don't go there anymore because it just bores me.
Let it goooooooo!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
OMG! We just can't let the selling forum go, can we. Let it gooooo. This forum is not any slower than other fish forums at the moment. I personally don't like sites were such an important emphasis is placed on selling stuff. I can name a couple right now. The conversation, good conversation, is lacking and every other new post is a trade/sell ad. I don't go there anymore because it just bores me.
Let it goooooooo!

el guapo

Active Member
I don't know I would say if so many people are saying thats an issue they are having then I would say its an issue . Personally I could care less if there was a selling/trading forum . I never traded or bought or sold anything .
To be honest attitude in the other areas just gets old . I very seldom give input anymore . When you give advice most people don't listen , Others flame you . So I just read and nod a head or shake it in disgust . Not worth the bother to try and help anymore .


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Well wasn't this thread just a jolly waste of time? Lets discuss a bunch of things that we can do make this forum better and then completely ignore them all! We came up with a ton of good ideas but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we aren't going to follow through with any of them. I love this post ^. We can only blame the elimination of the buy/sell/trade forums for so much garbage. Hey, can I stop beating around the bush for one second and throw something out there? What else changed around the time that everyone left?
Let's face it...the mods suck.%%

Thanks a whole bunch. I really love coming to this place these days.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Thanks a whole bunch. I really love coming to this place these days.
Don't you?? It is so great... We are told to moderate more, moderate less, be more strict, relax, allow this, don't allow that... all by the same people/person.
We love member input but can't please everyone. Being that the person who started this thread is now saying that the mods suck, I guess there is no real point to this bash-fest continuing...