What do you think of the tank?

Well i bought two percula clown fish but they kinda funny. Do you think they are healthy? Especially the little one. Let me know your input.
2 Perucla Clown Fish
2 Hermit Crab
2 Peppermint Shrimp
Snails were killed by the hermit crab.


Active Member
They look fine, how big is your tank and parameters?
I hate how hermits kill snails. Snails are so much better.
12 gallon
0 nitrites
0 Ammonia
20 Nitrate
8.1 Ph
1.024 sal
Ya i actually want to rid of the crab but i don't want to kill them. The algae on the tank is blooming.


Active Member
2 clowns should not be in a 12g tank. way to small. a couple small blennies and 3 chromis maybe but
clowns shouldn't.
and your nitrates are a little high but not dangerous.


You can always just take the crab back to the LFS and trade him for a snail.
I hate hermits and have declared war on them in my reef tanks.
Tank is off to a good start. To be honest, it was hard for me to watch the video, it's too shaky for me.
I think your clowns will be okay for a little while in the 12G, just don't load it up with more fish. ONE small blenny in that size tank would be fine, but multiples would fight.
Ya. I just wanted percula clown fish. I am going save up some money and transfer to a 29 biocube tank or I will just get a 30 gallon tank but if i can find space it maybe. I like the cube because it doesn't take up a lot of space because in my main room which is also my computer room... welll a room i typically my whole day is filled with my mom's stuff. Typically speaking about 50% of her stuff and then 15% of decoration stuff for holidays. Yes is like a storage room. XD
Well I was planning to do another water change but i ran out of prime and salt. I do have another water conditioner that i use for freshwater but i don't want to use it because it turns the water sorta green looking after a long period of time.
I will try to trade them off, but I am not sure if i can. I will try to get a less shaky video. Thanks for everyone replies!


Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/383611/what-do-you-think-of-the-tank#post_3356527
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
You can always just take the crab back to the LFS and trade him for a snail.
I hate hermits and have declared war on them in my reef tanks.
what do you get to stir sand in your tank then? I would love to go hermit less in my pico. PM me.
Nassarius snails, cerith snails. In a pico, you should be able to keep the sand clean with snails.
I Currently have 3 pink turbo snails. The hermit crabs has not kill them yet. It has been 3 days since i had them in there. Well they snals are small so i guess they can't take their shells. Should i get anymore type of snails? I want to get out the hermit crab but them alone interest me a lot.


The issue with hermits in nano tanks is that they become far more likely to hunt snails. I believe it is usually out of lack of food that a nano provides for them. I've also seen hermits kill snails just because they can. They seem to really like cerith and Nassarius shells due to their shape.
I would remove the hermit and turbo snails. Turbos will knock stuff over, especially in a smaller tank. I also don't think Turbos are suited for nano tanks, as they usually starve.
In a 12 gallon, I would do 3-5 of each: Nassarius, Cerith, and Trochus and/or Astrea snails.
Depending on how much you feed the tank and what's in it, you might need to slightly adjust that list.
If crabs interest you, try a Pom Pom crab or Emerald crab. An anemone crab might work as well (they don't need an anemone).
I will totally look into! Sadly though my LFS is moving :< and they haven't been stocking on live stocks. sniffs. :( that is the only store i know that has marine items for sell and live stock. :( I am going to be a sad panda. Pet smart does not sell marine livestocks. ***** sometime do but is an extremely far far place to go to.
So i have a question. I heard bioball aren't that great neither Well this is what my filtration consist of
Filteration system: This discreet filtration system is hidden to provide maximum space for your aquarium inhabitants. Sponge filter traps detritus and free-floating particulate matter. Activated carbon bag removes dissolved organics and odors. Ceramic Rings and Bio-Balls provide the ideal environment for beneficial bacteria. (all included in purchase)
So i have a live rock that i am bring it back to live sitting in a bucket and i heard some people actually
put live rock in the filtration compartment. Should i take this advice?


The live rock will serve the same purpose as what you already have. IMO, none are good unless you rinse them and stay on top of it constantly. I recently removed all the LR from my sump and canister filters because it collected so much waste and just became a nitrate factory and was hurting more than helping.
I see that you have carbon, how often do you change that?
I took it out after a month or so because i read a lot threads that people say is not good. Well is good but also has is con. Oh. There is a protien skimmer for biocube tank that are 14 gallon to 29 i was thinking can i use that in the tank?


The BioCube protein skimmer is absolutely terrible, don't waste your money. Rio makes a skimmer for nano tanks that works much better.
Carbon is highly beneficial for a reef tank. Use ChemiPure Elite. If you use other forms of carbon, they're only effective for two weeks and then must be changed out.
Oh. The LFS told me to wait for my tank to stable before i start converting it to a reef. I bought frozen food today. Spirulina Brine Shrimp for 3.99. He said is already enrich with vitamins and he uses that brand as well.Can you link me to the skimmer? I can't seem to find it.


Just google "rio nano skimmer"
If your tank is done cycling, it can be a reef or fish only. Of course, you should start with easier corals first such as basic mushrooms and polyps, but there is no reason that you have to wait months and months before starting a reef.
Spirulina bring shrimp is good, but mysis shrimp would have been better. IMO, your LFS is just out to sell you stuff, you're going to have to research a lot before you just take his word for it.