What do you think of the tank?

HMm just curious is a normal behavior for perucla clown fish stay by the power flow so much? Like the attachment to the side. They always stay by there. They don't really swim around. They only swim is time to eat. After i did a water change today. One started to swim behind the rocks now. Any thoughts on it?
Water Paramter:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrate: 20ish now. It was 40 after watch change today it drop to 20,
Sal level is at 1.026 tested by the LFS with a refrac.


Well-Known Member
That is what clowns do...they find a corner and stay there. It becomes their territory and God help any fish that wants to swim in their spot. Mine hosted the intake and output tubes of my canister filters.


They're hosting, it is what clowns do, they find something and host with it. Most clowns are not free swimmers such as a Tang would be.


Active Member
Need ALOT of light, other than that if levels are on you shouldnt have a problem.. i wouldnt suggest one in a nano, they can plow over corals and sting them pretty good


Active Member
There is no guarantee that a clown will host anything. IMO, clowns hosting corals is not a good thing. The corals are not the intended home for clowns and many do not withstand the abuse of the clowns thrashing in them.