What do you wish you never added to your tank?


Active Member
What is in your tank you wish you never added? Everyone has something they have put in their tank only in time to find it wasnt a good fit. Perhaps a fish that is too agressive or an intrusive species of coral.
Maybe this thread can help others learn a little extra info on that fish they are coveting or coral they are dieing to have.
For me it is Xenia and Green Star Polyps. Xenia although very cool looking is quite an intrusive species, IMO. I have to remove stalks every few weeks. Green Star Polyps, although also very alluring, will cover over anything. The colony I have now is threatening to spread it's mat over some neighboring Ricordia's and needs frequent grooming as well.
What's in your tank?


the false percula i first got... at least i wish i didnt add it alone, because it claimed the whole aqaupod as its biotch and pimp slapped every fish i tried to put in there


although i love my female ocellaris, i'm pretty sure over the years she's singly responsible for the deaths of a clown goby, a diamond goby and two long nosed hawkfish (all four who were found on the floor in EXACTLY the same place). i can't prove anything, but she has this smile on her face as if to tell me she knows where i sleep....


I added two camelback shrimp when I first put up my tank. I have tried for countless hours to get them out without taking out rock with no success....They like the taste of my green star polyps too much


did a stupid thing and bought a Picasso trigger and put it in a tank with a long spine urchin the urchin was lunch in under 10 mins


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
the little rock naturally at the very bottom of the 200lb pile in my reef that contains the mantis.....
im sorry but thats pretty funny....


I feel for ReefForBrains because i have a pet Mantis of my own ... until i catch him !
Blue devil damsels.... 4.99 = hours of headache


Coral banded shrimp.
Cool looking at the LFS.
Impossible to see in the tank.
Hard to keep other shrimp alive in the same tank.


Active Member
watchman goby - he was cool when i bought him, then i realized he was boring and all he did was chase my fish away from his area. now i've had him forever and cant get rid of him.
citron clown goby - punk made my clown jump.... seriously.. i added the clown goby last and he terrorized my tank.... hes dead now... for obvious reasons.