What do you wish you never added to your tank?


Active Member
I really like this thread i think it helps noobs like me to know what to stay away from.....umm the only thing that i dont like as of right now is this long ugly slinder piece of lr its very ugly and no matter how i place it it always sticks out and makes everything look horrible im thinking about taking a hammer to it and making some nicer pieces out of it


Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
I really like this thread i think it helps noobs like me to know what to stay away from.....umm the only thing that i dont like as of right now is this long ugly slinder piece of lr its very ugly and no matter how i place it it always sticks out and makes everything look horrible im thinking about taking a hammer to it and making some nicer pieces out of it
Use it to make a bridge.


Active Member
just off the top of my head here's a few things, well water, engineer goby, he's still in the tank cause there's no way to get to him, buries my corals and digs all the sand out from the rock, a BTL that is now four BTL's about the size of dinner plates and the only reason there's just four is because I've given three away so far this year
, and the worst yet is when I first started this hobby I went to my LFS and bought some really cool live rock that had some really neat baby anemonies on it (that would be Manjano) and I still have hundreds of these really neat baby anemonies still in the tank and no matter what I do they keep coming back.
Im still new and this ive read this whole thread and now i know what not to buy as a few i have been looking at. Thanks to you all.
The one i would say is a stars and stripes puffer. knew it had potential to eat my invets but lfs told me as long as i fed him well he would leave all alone. Alright he eats like a monster. Frist month never touched anything. bought a urchin and started eating all its spines luckily i caught it and put the urchin inside some rockwork where the puffer couldnt get it. It hides good now during the day. It ate my whole piece of frogspawn that was doing so well for me. GRR! Thank god it hasnt tried to eat my "lettuce slug" yet but the puffer is getting traded in this weekend at lfs.


New Member
Worst thing thus far- my power went out while I was on vacation about 2 months ago- really screwed up my nitrites and Ph, what a pain, I ended up losing a bunch of stuff from my tank. I have been doing religious water changes to try and fix this......and then my fish got ick from the stress.
Originally Posted by markanderson
sally lightfoot, nasty when he got big and impossible to caught because his so fast.
OMG! I love my Sal! He's the funniest thing in the tank. He comes down to the front of the tank at night and presses his belly against that glass and dances for me! It's a crazy sight - trust me!


New Member
Arrow crab that terrorized my entire tank until he shishkababed my cardnial and i chased him around the tank with the end of a net, him wearing the cardinal like a boxing glove. Managed to get the cardinal off his claw, killing the crab in the process. Oh yeah, and the cardinla died. Later that day my three striped damsel decided to nip my bangai to death for good measure. Now the arrow crab's dead and the damsel it the king of the tank.
Live and learn


Active Member
A giant blu leg hermit I got from the beach. I got 120 bucks of zoa in and he seem to like the glue sticking it to the rock. So he ripped up all the zoas to get to the glue wierdst thing I have ever heard of. So he is now reacking havoc in my sump


Well-Known Member
LOL Looks like the damsels win hands down on what not to put in a tank...
I had a pink tube anemone...it was beautiful and it perched right in the middle of the tank like it was placed there for show...from that spot it ate every new fish introduced. It was into the rock so deep I couldn't remove it without killing it.
For a year I could't add any new fish. When I moved I did not add it back to the tank...it got sucked up in the power head I had running until I could take it to the fish store to get rid of...May he RIP, with all the fish he killed.
I will not add any type of anemone again.


wow, strong bump. anyways, the worst thing i added to my 40 gallon was a flame angel. brought ich to the tank and wiped out the whole fish population.
worst thing in my 28 gallon was a half black angel. brought ich to the tank and almost wiped out the whole fish population.
needless to say, im not buying any more dwarf angels...
worst thing in my 58 gallon was sand, i should've left it bare bottom.
and my 5.5 is still in the works, and so far, the worst thing is the foam wall. its a PITA to make...
btw, i dont have anymore of those tanks, only the 5.5. the only reason being we moved and i had to sell all of it...