What do you wish you never added to your tank?


my SOB yellowtail chromis's who attack anything in their territory, whether it's a snail, my hand, a chiton, or my shrimps. Or my serpent star who killed my sea cucumber and caused it to blow all its organs out :mad: . Or finally my sand-sifting star which is just needs so much more space.


Sunpod mH 150 Watts I turn it on for the first time in my 10g nano reef it boild m y watter.
Esmerald crab some times eats my coraline algae in the LR
Originally Posted by tahoetanks
My 8 line wrasse. He has eaten my sand sifting star (slowly), all shrimp, a percula clown and is now fighting himself in the reflection of the glass. We call him Tyson.
Originally Posted by volitan_fa
Yeah I think you win.
Mine was a Hawaiian Blue Puffer years ago. He's since deceased and I really did like the little guy, but he kept eating EVERYTHING I put in my tank (snails, anenome, fish, etc.).
Yeah, this thread is an awesome idea!
I wanted a Hawaiian Blue Puffer. Now I don't.
Originally Posted by azfishgal
This is why I keep my hermits in my fuge ONLY.
I probably wouldn't have them at all, but my daughters like to watch them.
I think hermit crabs are way more fun to look at than snails, though...
What's wrong with hermit crabs?


lets see in the reef tank
the neon psuedochromis and cherub angel. They think they are the bash brothers and beat up any new fish that goes in the tank. I have yet to find a fish they wont harass to death.
aggressive tank
hawaiian blue puffer that thing is an urchin and sea star killing machine
lunare wrasse snails are no more and eats and eats and eats
angler lets just say it managed to eat a harlequin tusk and a maroon clown that were the same size as it


Active Member
making so many small caves and adding a pansy yellow watchman goby that hides in a hidden cave.. he pokes his head out in the shade and watches me enter and exit my room then hides if i approach the tank :|


Active Member
I would say two engineer gobies, but I bought those while I was at home this summer, and put them in my buddy's tank for the time until I went to school. So instead of them destroying the aquascape in my tank, they did it in his

They were taken back to the store a few days after they were bought.
In my tank, I regret my purple lobster. HUGE PAIN. He cost me twenty bucks to bring home, and since then, about 150 more. He killed my Heniochus Butterfly, my gorgeous Volitan Lionfish, and my Yellow Tang. After the Tang, I finally got smart and went to the pain of catching him and I put him in my 3 gallon. The only thing he has to terrorize in there are my boxer crabs, and I don't think he's going to want anything to do with them (if he can ever even find them).


Active Member
Originally Posted by porthosandjazz
I think hermit crabs are way more fun to look at than snails, though...
What's wrong with hermit crabs?
Hermit crabs kill snails to get to their shells. Also, they can crawl on some corals, like frogspawn and torches, etc, and not make them want to open up. They are great cleaners in my refuge/sump though.


Originally Posted by dksart
Crushed Coral!

Ditto on the CC and our chocolate chip starfish... and I just inherited a decorator crab from the hubby cause it killed his feather duster and now he doesn't want it. And margarita snails. The little buggers would just keep falling off and dying cause they couldn't right themselves. Oh well........


Originally Posted by aaron7405
Sunpod mH 150 Watts I turn it on for the first time in my 10g nano reef it boild m y watter.
Esmerald crab some times eats my coraline algae in the LR
ROFL, you would have to be a moron to add a 150w halide to a 10g, that is like putting your tank in the stove.

green hammer

New Member
Umbrella Mushroom Polyp. It swallowed my clownfish after paralyzing him with... something? While trying to save the clown, I ended up killing the Umbrella.


the two peppermint shrimp....that I guess are not "true" as the lfs told me they were, they will NOT leave my zoa's alone.....I chase them every night, and also the snails that I have are always ontop of the zoa's and im always pulling them off ......
live and learn....although im not sure what to do about it...

couldn't catch those pepp's if my life depended on it...they run and hide when they see me coming, unless im reaching for the food!
was told to keep them fed, been feeding 2 to 3 times a day (so far no probs with the water from that) and they still go after my zoa's......
