What do you wish you never added to your tank?


The demon white devel three stripe Damsel :mad:
Its just like the first Jurrasic park the Australian guy says
They should all Be deostroyed that one killed 8 of the others and a park ranger.
Maybe thats what happened to my little brother and the Snowflake eel :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
After that went in the tank my wallet sprung a huge leak that just wont plug........


Isn't that the truth!
i bought a orential sweetlips , not knowing that they will grow from 3 inchs to 34 inchs, but thats what happens when you buy something and dont do any research on it... beautful fish though, soon will out grow my 55...


crushed coral and damsels, thought they were cute and colorful
Shrimp-goby-banded. He doesn't sift sand like the Diamond ones, and hides mnost of the time. Now that he is in there I understand I can't add another.


That blasted, wandering, pain in the butt BTA. It finally found a place it likes, but its right in the middle of several of my other corals. Now it wants to sting everything. It's getting HUGE. To make matters worse, it doesn't even have a single bubble and my clowns ignore it like the thing has plague.
At least it has pretty colors and is healthy.


leopard goby and LTA...goby doesnt sift and LTA wants to hang out in the back of the tank under a rock instead of in the corner with the maroons :(


Either my fire shrimp because its a waste of 30 bucks if you ask me, you never see it. Although it did a lap around the tank today, and this morning it was on my feather duster. Other than that it stays in the back, middle, bottom of my tank. Worst place ever. But it is exciting when he comes out. Once a month that is. The other was a flame angel I added to my other tank that died from shock. Next time I will be more careful about the fish I pick out. That was my first and only death. *knocks on wood*


Active Member
Another thing...helpful in the beginning, but proved to be kind of problematic in my reef...hermits. I'm letting them dwindle at this point. Trying to find some "kinder" clean up crew to put into my seahorse tank.
Always learning.
Lisa :happyfish
Originally Posted by earlybird
No regrets as of yet. I don't have water yet.
holy crap 1000 postw with no water. thats what i call patience.
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Another thing...helpful in the beginning, but proved to be kind of problematic in my reef...hermits. I'm letting them dwindle at this point. Trying to find some "kinder" clean up crew to put into my seahorse tank.
Always learning.
Lisa :happyfish
so what will be your alternative to the hermits?

big pat

I wish I wouldn't have added 3 blue green chromis and crushed coral, dang I wish I had a sand substrate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriggerPhish
so what will be your alternative to the hermits?
I know the question wasn't addressed to me, but my alternative was three emerald crabs. They have a done a great job cleaning my tank. That and nassarius and cerith snails, and two cleaner shrimp is all I have in my 125 gallon tank and they keep in clean.
believe it or not i wish i never would of added my cleaner shrimp, that little @#$@#@ ripped an arm of my anemone. and he never leaves any of my corals alone.


New Member
Super! I just bought two... Tab Water, Blue Damsels (at least they killed themselves down to one)