What do you wish you never added to your tank?


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Originally Posted by chilwil84
dam yellow polops
eheheheheheeee aggressive little boogers arent they? I removed some today as well. :happyfish


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Blue Spiney Lobster, Gettin HUGE!!! and Brittle stars for the same reason!
Big enough for dinner with a side of lemon sauce? :)


My 8 line wrasse. He has eaten my sand sifting star (slowly), all shrimp, a percula clown and is now fighting himself in the reflection of the glass. We call him Tyson.


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when i first started my tnak a lfs gave me a copper based medication for my tank and then i added a anenome and a dwarf angel fish. yeah it killed them. talk about a waste of money. i didn't know at the time.


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This is a great thread for all of us getting ready to fill our tanks! :cheer: Great idea Shogun.
So keep them coming. ***) I'm taking notes. Was wanting a green star polyp, but now I'm having second thoughts. :notsure: So far no one has said zoos, so I'm happy about that, as I LOVE zoos. Will probably be my first coral attempt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
This is a great thread for all of us getting ready to fill our tanks! :cheer: Great idea Shogun.
So keep them coming. ***) I'm taking notes. Was wanting a green star polyp, but now I'm having second thoughts. :notsure: So far no one has said zoos, so I'm happy about that, as I LOVE zoos. Will probably be my first coral attempt.
Thanks for the props. I thing Zoas are a great choice for ya. I think that green star polyps are great too. Mine were very dense and bright. Unfortunately, at least in my tank, they were growing and spreading really fast. They grow on a mat that spreads over the rocks or whatever is in their path.


crushed coral with the live sand When I set up the first tank I used 20 pounds of live sand and a thin layer of crushed coral (arogonite) on top of it. LFS told me it was good for keeping the calcium levels up. I think they were right about that because I have a ton of coraline growing but the cc gets coraline too and looks dirty.
The cube i'm currently cycling has only fiji pink!


White spoted hermit crabs, needles to say they went back to the pet store, damn things ate three feather dusters in about 5 min.


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When I first started my 37gal tank, I started with tap water...NEVER again!! The aftermath showed up months later in algae, algae and more algae. Quite a project getting it all cleaned up, and I did get it (finally) cleaned up. It literally took months. It's RO from here on out, baby!!
Lisa :happyfish


Hermit crabs as well. I have about 20 of them and they keep killing my snails. They have plenty to eat and there are shells (my hawk gets revenge and sucks the crabs out of the shells they steal......and their own, he realy is not partial to anything :joy: ) I am bringing them all to the LFS. I have better ideas in mind. All part of the plan....


Originally Posted by caz2022
The ball that my daughter added to my 55 community tank-through the side!!!
Yeah I think you win.
Mine was a Hawaiian Blue Puffer years ago. He's since deceased and I really did like the little guy, but he kept eating EVERYTHING I put in my tank (snails, anenome, fish, etc.).


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my "pink square" anthias. supposed to be a nice community fish, but was the rarer case where they think they are a grouper. chased my oldest fish out of the tank, and bullies everyone new and old. also --- changed from male to female so it doesnt even have the pink square anymore!


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I already posted on this thread once but there was also the tiger cowrie snail that decided my yellow colonials were the best snack ever went from a meager 12 polyps down to 3 fortunatly I'm back over 50 now. I loaned the cowerie to a friend who had an algae problem and he killed it. was nice enough to give me the shell back though.