What do you wish you never added to your tank?


what a good idea for a thread!
I'd have to say my picasso trigger, just because I now would like to keep some more peaceful fish, and I'm worried that he wont fare well with them as he grows.


Originally Posted by caz2022
The ball that my daughter added to my 55 community tank-through the side!!!
Oh my!
My lunare wrasse to my 180g. Cool looking fish, but he's eating all my snails and crabs! Now I can't get him out! I've tried nets.....no way! I've put small pieces of shrimp on a hook, he pulls it right off the hook. I guess I'm taking all my 200#'s of LR tonight and trying to get him with nets. I have a $5 bounty on his head, my friends and neighbors are all trying to catch the little



Last night we had to take out ALL of the live rock to catch a damsel (it was one of the white, yellow, and black type) that has been in the tank for about 3 years. It was getting really mean! Needless to say, my husband was not going to let a 2 ounce fish get one up on him.
Damsels are the devil!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
What is in your tank you wish you never added? Everyone has something they have put in their tank only in time to find it wasnt a good fit. Perhaps a fish that is too agressive or an intrusive species of coral.
Maybe this thread can help others learn a little extra info on that fish they are coveting or coral they are dieing to have.
For me it is Xenia and Green Star Polyps. Xenia although very cool looking is quite an intrusive species, IMO. I have to remove stalks every few weeks. Green Star Polyps, although also very alluring, will cover over anything. The colony I have now is threatening to spread it's mat over some neighboring Ricordia's and needs frequent grooming as well.
What's in your tank?
Any type of live coral, it has cost me a fortune. If I had went FOWLR, I could have a new beach house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by caz2022
The ball that my daughter added to my 55 community tank-through the side!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I just wish I would have never tried any of the dwarf angels. It got to be pretty expensive.
Why do you say this? Because they nipped at corals? I was planning to get a bicolor angel.

kevin r.

Snow Flake Morray Eel! Had a 29 when I was living in an army barracks. Thought it would be cool. Wound up picking him up off the floor a couple times a day. Way too much stress. He didn't survive a 2 month trip to the field


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Why do you say this? Because they nipped at corals? I was planning to get a bicolor angel.
I was wondering the same about that statement. I had a coral beauty for well over a year, and she was a model citizen. After I lost her during a tank switch, I got a beautiful little pygmy angel...also a model citizen. IDK, I guess there are a lot of little angels that cause problems. Maybe I've been lucky so far.
Lisa :happyfish


if you have other coral.. wont they keep xenia on check? surround it by aggressive corals and it wont spread. atleast i think..... wont it get the living daylights stung out of it if it tries to spread to there spots?