What do you wish you never added to your tank?

jessi p

Reef at first I thought you were saying "he killed it" as in the snail did a number on the algae. Then I read it to mean he killed the snail, duh! Hey, at least you got the shell back.


Active Member
Miracle mud in the fuge, then the powerhead i put in the fuge, with the suction cup that didn't hold. Had it been sand, it would have just added itself to the DT...but miracle mud in the DT just sucks.


Active Member
ouch reno! i put a PH in my sump recently, but already ahd failing suction cups so it hangs in place with no real way for it fall in...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
Miracle mud in the fuge, then the powerhead i put in the fuge, with the suction cup that didn't hold. Had it been sand, it would have just added itself to the DT...but miracle mud in the DT just sucks.



Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ

yea, i was thinking i was getting diatomes, or my calcium was solidifying, until i was thinking about it yesterday. It is insanely nasty on my sand bed and i'm going to have to suck it out. I'm not doing anything yet because i have some new test kits coming in and i want to see what the heck is going on with my tank alkalinity wise first.


Active Member
Coral from the pet stores in my area without QT. So far I've gotten a coral eating worm and I found flatworms yesterday! Maybe this is why I buy online usually.


Royal Dottyback. Cool looking and lots of personality, but tore apart all shrimp but my CBS. Not to mention a total pain to catch. I fially pinned him against a rock with my net but accidentally smooshed him.
RIP little buddy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buffett
my cleaner shrimp, im REALLY begining to loath him lol
Really? What does he do that you don't like? I love my cleaner shrimp, but I still havn't added coral and fish yet, so who knows.


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Originally Posted by sepulatian
Hermit crabs as well. I have about 20 of them and they keep killing my snails. They have plenty to eat and there are shells (my hawk gets revenge and sucks the crabs out of the shells they steal......and their own, he realy is not partial to anything :joy: ) I am bringing them all to the LFS. I have better ideas in mind. All part of the plan....
This is why I keep my hermits in my fuge ONLY.
I probably wouldn't have them at all, but my daughters like to watch them.


Ahh. My other one would be my hands. Just finished polishing furniture and forgot to wash my hands. What a mess.


Engineer goby. No matter how I arrange the DT the bugger rearranges that night. I can't have a FLAT sandbed, 'cause he seems to prefer dunes.


Snowflake eel... Yeah they're pretty cool... but mine made a meal of almost my entire clean up crew before I donated him to the lfs. I figured as long as I kept him well fed, he would not bother other tank residents. Well...he was very well fed!! :mad:


New Member
the clarkii that was in my 55 gallon reef. anytime you put your hand into the tank, she would hide below her sebae then zip out and nip you right between the fingers on the thin, sensitive skin there. she tested my patience for sure!


crushed coral,
coral banded shrimp (he ate curly of the three stooges),
live rock pc that i thought had a emerald crab hitchhiker but turned out to be a gorilla crab which took me a month to get to my sump then another month to catch him.
Forgotten: I put a flame angel fish in first in my tank... all corals i put in were his food... then he jumped out...


Active Member
Wow this thread has really taken off. It has turned out to be just like the old "what's one thing you wish you'd known" thread. In any case, there are alot of crazy experiences listed here. This is great!!!
Keep em comin!!!!!


Active Member
i posted in this thread earlier too, but another thing i wish i had nevr added, clown goby, lil bugger nevr comes out, i mean i saw my lionfish more...