What do you wish you never added to your tank?

jimmy 4

Im not a fan of either of these fish
The Citron gobie on top is taking up space in my tank, and the sunshine chromis is a very evil fish. The chromis is always chasing my blue damsel, and that makes my blue damsel tail slap everything in the tank including the sand on the bottom and the poor citron gobie.


Originally Posted by InnerDragon103
the false percula i first got... at least i wish i didnt add it alone, because it claimed the whole aqaupod as its biotch and pimp slapped every fish i tried to put in there
lol - i just got a mental image of nemo pimp slapping fish. that was a good laugh that i needed.
I would have to say freezing cold tap water when we first filled up our tank. I'm surprised our LR actually survived.
Also, falce perculas (wild) - they were nothing but headaches cause they'd never eat.


the wrasse ate all my snails and picked a leg off of chip my star fish. the damsel was just the devil. i gladly took all my rock out to get them out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by floatingfish
believe it or not i wish i never would of added my cleaner shrimp, that little @#$@#@ ripped an arm of my anemone. and he never leaves any of my corals alone.
Well, I'll have to see if my two shrimp to the same thing. I don't have any coral yet, so don't know what they will do. I pray nothing.


Originally Posted by Sula
Coral banded shrimp.
Cool looking at the LFS.
Impossible to see in the tank.
Hard to keep other shrimp alive in the same tank.
Agree!!! I bought it from recommendations to control bristle worms. But why eat bristleworms when you can eat other shrimp. Lost a cleaner and the other cleaner and peppermints are constantly on the run.


I have to say damsels, took me 2hours to catch one to return to the store not to mention I had to move everything in the tank. Wait a pain those little guys are


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriggerPhish
so what will be your alternative to the hermits?
A nice variety of snails, astreas, Mex. turbos, nassarius, emerald crabs and some nice peaceful shrimps of some kind. Don't know about the shrimp just yet, still researching, but I know there are some out there that I can add to my seahorse tank. I just love sexy shrimp, but I'm not sure how effective they would be in the clean up crew. I also really love the cleaner shrimp...but, oh well, we'll see.
Lisa :happyfish


CC, the stinkin rock i did not QT and now have a mintis, damsels, and oh yeah.....anything, because now i am addicted!!!lol


Originally Posted by Big Pat
I wish I wouldn't have added 3 blue green chromis and crushed coral, dang I wish I had a sand substrate.
What was wrong with the chromis b/c I'm thinking about adding them to me tank?


Active Member
the blue devil damsel my lfs told me to cycle my tank with.. now i can't seem to get him out..all he does is pimp slapp my inverts all day with his tale


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Originally Posted by crt81
What was wrong with the chromis b/c I'm thinking about adding them to me tank?
I have never heard of problems with Chromis. I have 4 of them and love em to piece.


Active Member
1) I added some LR that had a mantis that I did not realize till he destoyed by hermit, shrimp and fish population.
2) Diamond Goby. Stirred up all the sand my water was never clear till I removed him.


tap water, damsels, hermit crabs, alveopora for its sake, xenia (though almost all gone finally), mostly a shrimp as it ate all copepod population and eventually killed off a crab. My tank is much happier with just 2 fish adn a BUNCH of coral. My fiance crashed my tank in just one day actually only a few hours after acclimating a few new specimens and not allowing for water removal by adding water. A year adn a half later, all is well, happy, adn she still reminds herself of that day more than I ever will. It is probably good it happened. Has to happen to everyone at some point. Better after 5 months than now.