What do you wish you never added to your tank?



Whatever creature is nipping at my favorite zoas in the dark of night, yet to be identified.
For those with nasty yellow tailed damsels, I got a small blue hippo tang that chased mine to the ends of the earth constantly. I really think the hippo was trying to school, the stupid damsel appeared to be running for it's life. One morning, the damsel was dried up on the floor and the hippo seemed sad to have lost it's friend. I did the happy dance thinking about the hours and hours I spent trying to catch that monster.

clown boy

Active Member
Green Bubble Tip Anemone in a tank lit by florescent lights with a Maroon clownfish twice as big as the anemone.

who dey

Active Member
a piece of live rock with flat worms hidden in it. They multiply by the zillions and are a pain in the butt to get rid of

college kid

Hatian Anenome, Killed my damsel (no real loss there) Then my maroon clown took host to it, and would not let any other fish out of the far corner. Lost an Angel to this, then I removed the Hatian and the clown still gaurded that corner, so I had to bring the clown into the LFS. Had 1 Hatian, 1 clown, 1 angel, 1 damsel, and one foxface. The foxface is the only one that made it!


Active Member
My original set of damsels! I hate those things with a passion. I used them to cycle my original 75g years ago and still have nightmares about them.
Also, LOVE my angels to death, but they ate over $2000 worth of my coral!!!!! Actually, that is my fault for being a glass is half full aquarist

Keep this thread going...makes me smile


Humu-Humu triggers can be a pain, but they're beautiful. Worse thing I've ever added were damsels. I've got one that is 4 years old and has survived every bad thing that could happen to a tank! I feel for the guy, but thankfully my Royal Dottyback puts him in his place. Sure does mean I can't get anything nice for a while though.


someone gave me a golden headed sleeper goby cause it got to big for their tank..I took it out of the goodness of my heart because I don't really think they are pretty, I NEVER would have bought one!...well, to make a long story short..He makes a MESS! he sifts sand while swimming around my tank dropping it on everything
...I have a diamond goby that I love! he sits on the sand and sifts...like a GOOD sand sifter!
I hate to say it but this might just be the one fish that I give an eviction notice to.
I win.


Active Member
I got tired of seeing this thread and thought if I posted it might go away. I haven't read any posts so if this has already been stated please disregard my input.
My answer is........


Active Member
Yellow Cucumber. Nuked the seahorse tank, killed 11 of 14. It took the corals (Softies only) quite a while to recover, a few of them completely died out.
As much as I love my wrasses I think they are the ones responsible for having to replenish my crabs and snails every month.... I think they are sucking the insides out of them! And I think they are plucking off all of my shrimp (used to have four) now I have 1..... They mysteriously dissappeared....


first mistake was using tap water to mix up the initial fill.. had such a bad algae bloom and terrible diatom problem for the first 2 months...
next was getting a blue damsel for a starter fish (after adding some other fish the damsel went into attack mode, had to remove all rock to get it out)
bought a very small blue hippo tang ( 5 months later the fish tripled in size and had to get rid of it because the tank was too small, 24g nano, removed all rock again)
my final mistake was buying some camel back shrimp ( I told myself that i wasn't going to be buying any coral because i didn't want the responsibility.. several months passed by and forgot camels eat polyps..decided i want some polyp coral and next day it was all eaten up, removed all rock again)