what does your SWF.com name mean?


Active Member
mine is a question...Are You Around?
8 to 10 years ago i used to ask certain people that I worked with if they were around, because even when they were there in the physical sense they never were in the mental sense. One of my buddies/co-workers started calling me "(my first name) Around" and did this skit that i guess was a jerky boys prank call, by the summers end everyone was "(their first name) Around"...one big happy "Around" family... to this day if I see anyone from that point in time that worked with me they still refer to me as "(my first name) Around" and I always ask them: ARE YOU AROUND?


Active Member
Well, see that pretty blue fishy, in my avatar. Well, it is a fascinating prehistoric fish, called a Coelacanth. I could write like an article on them!
(hmmm...maybe an idea for a new FOTM!!!! LOL J/K oh, but on that note, about the ____ of the Month, if anyone wants to do an IOTM for this month, feel free, but don't do a mantis shrimp, I am planning on writing a really long article about them for february, oh, sorry for the hijack! LOL, if the mods wanna delete this post, feel free.)
Well, the first letter of my first name is "r", well SWF has a 10 letter limit on surnames, so I took out the "o" since you don't need it to be able to prounonce Coelacanth properly, and aadded r to the end.

darth tang

Active Member
Emperor Palpatine gave me mine....Guess it stuck. Seriosly, when I played paintball, we had a 3 man team and did tournaments. This was about 5 years ago in Minnesota doing the Polar Bear tournament......actually won a few. Anyway, our team name was Def Squids. Our member names were Squid Vicious, Billy Da Squid, and myself, Darth Squidius.
Darth Squidius was to long so I used Tang instead.

my way

Active Member
I think I should change mine to what I am using on other boards, Psychographic. At least that has some meaning.As a custom painter I do try to come up with some psycho paint jobs. What do you think, keep it or change it?
My way was just a song I was listening to when I signed on. No not the Sinatra version.


Active Member
Personnaly Ilike the psychographic! Where are in Jersey? I grew up in Collingswood right outside Phlly.
My other obsession......... I mean hobby is woodturning and my name is Tim, thus TurningTim

my way

Active Member
I grew up in Bridgewater, Somerset county Where Rts. 22, 78 and 287 meet. I just recently moved to Oxford, Warren county.


Active Member
Originally Posted by muffdiver
i rather not say

muffdiver... what kind of tank do you have...
it literally looks JUST like mine.