What I learned from SWF.com funny


Here are a few things I learned from this message board:
1 If you want a tang and have a small tank get it and don"t TELL ANYONE!
2 If you are having nitrate problems then your tank is too small.
3 If your skimmer isn't doing its job,then you need to skim some more money from your wallet.
4 If you don't have enough flow in your tank its' because your pocket is too shallow.
5 If you think you need a reactor you may be over reacting
6 If you have a question about lighting and don't get answer just wait,some else will ask the same question.
7 If your question is "What can I keep with this light" and the answer is sps and softies,you will still not know what to keep with this light.
8 If you think an annenome,coral and a shroom are all the same,you are not alone.
9 If you have more than one fish you need more than one tank.
Please feel free to add to this list!


New Member
10) If you ask if you can put all of these fish in the same tank, its generally a no, then an argument.
Haha, I love it though.


Originally Posted by Nel621
Here are a few things I learned from this message board:
1 If you want a tang and have a small tank get it and don"t TELL ANYONE!
2 If you are having nitrate problems then your tank is too small.
3 If your skimmer isn't doing its job,then you need to skim some more money from your wallet.
4 If you don't have enough flow in your tank its' because your pocket is too shallow.
5 If you think you need a reactor you may be over reacting
6 If you have a question about lighting and don't get answer just wait,some else will ask the same question.
7 If your question is "What can I keep with this light" and the answer is sps and softies,you will still not know what to keep with this light.
8 If you think an annenome,coral and a shroom are all the same,you are not alone.
9 If you have more than one fish you need more than one tank.
Please feel free to add to this list!

awe, that's cute!
cept # 7. If you learn that you can keep sps's, you can keep anything.
Did you have that secretely compiling in word? Cause thats a lot of observations!
I like it.


Active Member
i no longer feel the need to check cnn.com, because cowfishrule just posts all of the good stories in the aquarium.
also, no one on the planet knows how to spell "anemone".


Originally Posted by Tizzo
awe, that's cute!
cept # 7. If you learn that you can keep sps's, you can keep anything.
Did you have that secretely compiling in word? Cause thats a lot of observations!
I like it.
I visit this forum almost every evening and observe a lot of the same funny stuff all the time.Plus at night I don't sleep much so the brain is always cranking.You should have seen the letter I sent to the New York Post newspaper with my congestion pricing plan.In case you are not aware of what our mayor wants to in brief he wants to charge motorist $8.00 to enter the most congested parts of the city and use the money to fix the transit system.I think my ideas are better.


11) If something goes wrong in your tank it is your fault. It doesnt matter if you're doing everything right and have better water quality than the ocean the problem still lies with you personally.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
i no longer feel the need to check cnn.com, because cowfishrule just posts all of the good stories in the aquarium.
also, no one on the planet knows how to spell "anemone".
I knew there was something else I couldn't spell.Goes with all the things I can't pronounce!HA!


Originally Posted by rzande1
11) If something goes wrong in your tank it is your fault. It doesnt matter if you're doing everything right and have better water quality than the ocean the problem still lies with you personally.
It's always your fault!You put the water in and you take the water out.Who are going to blame,the fish?


12) Keeping salt water fish is alot like that IBM commercial with the monster or whatever attacking the village and the king hiring the consultant. You can solve most problems by simply throwing money at it. It doesnt matter what it is. Your filters are bad? Buy new and more expensive ones. Is your water crappy? Go to the lfs and buy large containers of actual ocean water. Are your fish dying? Buy more lol.
"It's always your fault!You put the water in and you take the water out.Who are going to blame,the fish?"
NO!!!! Pump failure lol. Atmospheric conditions (thank you for the current White House's energy plan) Water conditions (thanks for everyone down the pipe making it almost impossible to get good water from the tap)


Originally Posted by Nel621
It's always your fault!You put the water in and you take the water out.Who are going to blame,the fish?
hahaha! Now you see why we go round and round.


So lets add who has every thought of....
Who has ever thought of pouring a gallon of gas into your tank and setting it ablaze
Who has ever thought of putting your tank outside in the winter due to nitrates
Who has ever thought of pulling an office space on your tank


I have learned some things here also...
I learned that most people do not know how to use a "search" button.
I learned that people give you definite answers when they are "kinda pretty sure".
I learned that people are WAY more willing to tell you to use a chemical in your tank, so they can ask how it went cause they won't use it in theirs first.
And I never knew how much I'd miss the popcorn smiley.


Anyone remember beaslbob? My first lesson was not to listen to that guy.
Go plant life! It solves all your tanks problems!