What I learned from SWF.com funny


Active Member
Tizzo will like this one....
I learned, Never start a thread on abortion

I'm still apologizing


OOOOhhhh, I remember that...
yeah, sorry bout that. All the politics and drama got to me.


Originally Posted by capschamp
Anyone remember beaslbob? My first lesson was not to listen to that guy.
Go plant life! It solves all your tanks problems!

The guy WAS a loon, but plants for trates seems to be the new trend. I see it to much people advising add a fuge to fix your trates.
It don't work like that PEOPLE!!
Add a maxima for trates.



you know your addicted when something in a conversation makes you think of your tank, the suddenly your talking about it again.
Or when your friends know more about your tank than there freshwater tanks because you talk about it too much,


Active Member
Originally Posted by rzande1
11) If something goes wrong in your tank it is your fault. It doesnt matter if you're doing everything right and have better water quality than the ocean the problem still lies with you personally.
This leads to the next theme on SWF.com... any time anyone has a problem with their tank, the water parameters are "perfect".
And let's not forget the multitude of people who come here to "research" proper fish keeping, and after receiving answers to their questions promptly become the experts in advising the newbie's about what they've learned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cj52racers
Also, anyone who would ever mention that they dont have a qt tank would be burned at the stake.
Where are these people? I have my pitchfork ready...

Originally Posted by rzande1

11) If something goes wrong in your tank it is your fault. It doesnt matter if you're doing everything right and have better water quality than the ocean the problem still lies with you personally.
Yea, right? Cause the tank crashing was an act of god. Ahhhh, too soon? (from the dinosaurs/god debate)


It was a driveby tank crashing. That is what it was. lol
Could it be the gallon of windex I accidentially dropped into the tank? Nea.... (Kidding I would never do that. Way too expensive to do that)


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i no longer feel the need to check cnn.com, because cowfishrule just posts all of the good stories in the aquarium.
also, no one on the planet knows how to spell "anemone".
Heyyyy.... do so...ANENEMEONE.........SEE


Active Member
If you test your water and your perameters are perfect, there is never a need to do a water change....My friend has gone a year witout one..

Just because your underware dont look dirty doesnt mean they arent..LOL.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
I have learned some things here also...
I learned that most people do not know how to use a "search" button.

Isn't it also called the "Any Key"? I'm still searching for that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nacl freak
What I've learned, over and over again
There is no such thing as a white anenome. ANAEMONE! AENENOME? ANEMONE

NO NO NO.... There is no such thing as a HEALTHY white ANEMINENENENEEE..... LMAO>..... get it right...sheesh....

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
And let's not forget the multitude of people who come here to "research" proper fish keeping, and after receiving answers to their questions promptly become the experts in advising the newbie's about what they've learned.

! Guess I kind of resemble that remark! Sorry if I've offended any of you "oldies" with my enthusiasm! I've been doing this all on my own for over six years (heck I didn't even know that T5 lights existed till I got on the boards), and a friend just recently turned me on to this sight. Can't get enough of actually being able to "talk" to people who are interested in this hobby as well ~ thought I was the only one on the planet for awhile
. I promise I'll try and be better, but it sure is hard


Originally Posted by cj52racers
Also, anyone who would ever mention that they dont have a qt tank would be burned at the stake.

Uh oh....
Am I going to be burned? Don't hurt me, I'm new!!



Active Member
If your fish have white spot, scratching on rocks, you didn't QT. YES, it's ick, just start hypo and learn the lesson.


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
! Guess I kind of resemble that remark!

I think what crimsy means is when somebody get a certain peice of advice.. they turn around and give it to somebody else, but they aren't sure WHY they are saying it.
A newcomer will say "No no don't EVER put buffer in your tank
" cause that's what he's been told, but when you ask him why he comes back with... "Cause that's what everybody told me"
So instead of learning why he got the advice he did, he just passes it on cluelessly.
WHY is a huge question. I met a kid in the LFS yesturday who couldn't decide how to set up his sump. He kept saying he wanted a fuge. I asked him why he didn't know. Everyubody told him he needed one, so he just thought he'd go with that. I explained the purpose of a fuge, and I think he's not gonna get one...

He should be joining the boards soon though


Active Member
- Oh and when you are asked about your water parameters don't just say they are *ok* or *perfect*. Give the specifics!
- anemone and a new tank don't mix well


Active Member
Thought of some counter ones we read too often.
14) Because I don't have the space or money to setup a QT I should never get anything with a disease because it's not my fault.
15) Because I am impatient, there ought to be a way to dump a mandarin in my tank in like 2 months max. Just after all the algae dies off.
16) My tang is acting funny in his 40gal. I know it's not because of tank size, because it's not. Any reasons my tang acting is funny? Look, stop telling me it's the tank, it's not that small. Then pretty much it's all %$#^&$^%* after that
My fav.

What's the tank size really matter? Even a 1000 gal is a fraction of the ocean.
(Obviously not understanding there's a difference between say being trapped in a tiny metal cage or a 3000sq ft house)