What improvements should I make?


OK, Actually Im thinking about finding a new home for my tang now and also my turkeyfish soon. This should free some space in the future for a toby puffer and then im done.
I really love my turkeyfish but he creates alot of waste, and will only eat goldfish which I know is not good for my water quality.


It looks really good, though I am afraid for your lionfish..your trigger might take a liking to its fins..
You should be able to keep them up to 2 years, the humma and niger grow fairly fast when they are fed well..
though they are fairly small right now so you should be good other than water quality...youll just have to keep up on that as they get bigger


My triggers dont seam to mess with the lion....So far
As far as feeding the lion, I have tried silversides and krill but he wasnt interested. He did eat my chromis last night. What SW feeders would you reccomend?
I took Naso tang back this morning and someone with a 125 galon tank bought him as i returned him. Im now down to 4 fish and feel beter now that my tank isnt as overstocked.


Mollies? ive never heard of them and dont think my LFS store sell them, but i will look into it... THX!


Long term, you need to get him on frozen. My dwarf lion ate mollies live, then dead off a feeding stick and I was slowly able to convert him to frozen silversides.
You're going to have a hard time converting him since there are other animals in the tank. I'd suggest you read through some articles, especially on converting lions to frozen over at lionfishlair.com


OK thanks, Ive have done some research, it sounds like it is going to take awhile. I have been trying to go from goldfidsh to silversides on a feeding stick but it isnt working. He is just not interested in anything that isnt alive. I will continue to try to convert him, but Yes it is difficult with the triggers, becuase they immediately go after the food.


Has anyone had success with a Clean up Crew with Triggers?
I currently have 6 Turbos which has survived, but i would like to increase my crew.
Im thinking of getting a few larger conches, maybe a queen conch, or trying a Choc Chip Starfish once my PH is more stable.
Any suggestions?


conchs no.. they turn them over and eat them fairly quick...I never had a starfish with mine..dont know how they'd do


Thanks for your reply
To be safe I will do more research on the CC starfish and just get a few more of those Turbos. The Turbos are big enough that my fish dont mess with them and mainly stay hidden until the fish are asleep.
Im fine with doing the cleaning myself, but having some inverts in there to get into the hard to reach places is nice!


Thanks! I actually added more LR and I think it looks even better Im going to add some more pics.
Lets see, Reno... Thats not too far.. 50 cents per mile (237 miles) thats $118.50 LOl jk
How far are you from Acryllic Aquariums? Isnt it in LV, NV? have you seen that show on Animal Planet called Tanked?


love that show! (other than most of the tanks they do are crazy big and it doesnt seem like the people know jack about how to keep them and what fish go with what, lol)


I have been wondering how they set up the tank, fill it with water and put the fish in on the same day???