What in the world is BTLDreef up to now?!?


They were already eating Mysis and Brine at the store. Hubby and I couldn't say no to the price either. Our 30Tall isn't ready, but these guys should be okay for another 4 weeks or so in here.



Keep your fingers crossed for me, my last two rounds with fish in this tank went terrible! I think this tank might be cursed. If I loose these guys, it's going to be used for a shooting target in the woods.


3/$90, which for NY, is untouchable, especially if they're already eating frozen. They had about 200 of them, but the line of people buying them once word got out was insane and I'm sure by tomorrow he'll have none left. He moves his stuff incredibly fast, so I had to jump on it. One woman literally bought 27 of them.
They're in the 14G for now. I can't decide between putting them in the 30T or the 35 Hex, so that decision still needs to be made. They're only about 2" from tip of tail to top of head and the woman that breeds these guys said the 14 would be fine for them for a few months. It's going in the corner of my living room, so I'm kind of leaning towards the 35 Hex, just because it's a "cool" design, but I'm not sure.
Nothing else is in there will them except a snail and a hermit. They eat right out of the water column, it's crazy. The person who raised them never used a feeding station to get them to eat. And they eat like little piggies. Once they go in a larger tank, I will probably put my female Bristletooth Filefish in there, since her man doesn't seem to want to be with her in the 180 :-(
BTW, they're H. kuda.


Maybe one day when I learn about what I'm doing, I'll try some seahorses - they are so cool looking. Good luck!!


Holy moly... I always wanted one but always was hesitant on getting them because of their frailty.
i will keep watching yours and take notes before I take a dive on it.


I'm super excited about these guys. I'm about to feed them lunch for the day, can't wait :)
Does anyone know how to upload video taken from an iPhone onto here, when I do it, it gives me an error. I wanted to post a vid of how they eat.


Well-Known Member
man they are like $80-$90 a piece here! Good find!
I use utube BTL....ya i know who wants another account but than after its uploaded to utube its real simple just have to copy and paste the HTML thing i thinks or copy and paste something like that LOL


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386609/what-in-the-world-is-btldreef-up-to-now#post_3396730
3/$90, which for NY, is untouchable, especially if they're already eating frozen. They had about 200 of them, but the line of people buying them once word got out was insane and I'm sure by tomorrow he'll have none left. He moves his stuff incredibly fast, so I had to jump on it. One woman literally bought 27 of them.
They're in the 14G for now. I can't decide between putting them in the 30T or the 35 Hex, so that decision still needs to be made. They're only about 2" from tip of tail to top of head and the woman that breeds these guys said the 14 would be fine for them for a few months. It's going in the corner of my living room, so I'm kind of leaning towards the 35 Hex, just because it's a "cool" design, but I'm not sure.
Nothing else is in there will them except a snail and a hermit. They eat right out of the water column, it's crazy. The person who raised them never used a feeding station to get them to eat. And they eat like little piggies. Once they go in a larger tank, I will probably put my female Bristletooth Filefish in there, since her man doesn't seem to want to be with her in the 180 :-(
BTW, they're H. kuda.
Good deal!
I heard Kuda were very ticky on temp changes....they are beautiful.


Have heard that as well. I just really wanted to try these guys. I love the colors some turn, and the fact that they were already on frozen, combined with the price, I couldn't say no.


Is it wrong that I find these guys so much more interesting that my reef right now? Lol
Last night, while planting some more macro for them, the one that I think might be a male kept trying to hitch to my fingers. It was very, very cool! My poor Blonde Naso is going to be so jealous! Haha