What is everyone's career?


Active Member
Well I was a zookeeper for 5yrs, my dream job, I will never forget those years.
I am now a stay at home mom of boy and girl twins who will be one year old on the 26th, I will say this is the hardest most thankless most rewarding job ever, nothing in this world can beat those little arms giving you a hug.


Was in sales and sales management. Now I am back in school working on another degree in Radiation Physics. Hated my first career path.


Active Member
I'm one of the worlds best paid "babysitters/nose wipers" or a construction site "Superintendant"...Depends on whether you ask me or "them"... :rolleyes: :nope: :rolleyes:


Main - IT nerd for Texas Tech University.
Freelance web developer - www.bmstill.com
I am in my 3rd semester (3 more to go) in the MBA program at the University of Texas. I am 24 and I STILL don't know what I want to do. I am hoping that when I finish my MBA that more doors will open. I am still coasting through life with no direction. :rolleyes: I DO know that I am bored with the IT industry.
For those who have ever seen Office Space (the greatest movie ever), they wrote the character Peter Gibbons after me. If I won $100 million and never had to work again, I don't know what I would do with my time. I would probably just sit around and do nothing. I don't stay excited about anything for too long. I get bored with things way to easily.


Active Member
18 year old college drop out who eats off of his parents money while trying to get a job at the big K!
Sadly, this much is true. I was living in Ledyard, CT but ran out of money after getting laid off and couldn't afford to get a new job cuz wouldn't get a pay check for like two weeks and the gas money and food and... so i came back to live with mom and pops (step dad)... :help:

tahoe ocean

Licensed Veterinary Nurse, (part-time)but my hubby thinks I just play with kittens and puppies all day.
I'm also a volunteer at Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care, (part-time)but my hubby thinks I just play with eagles and bob cats all day.
I'm also a mommy of 2: my hubby knows I play with the kids all day! That's my favorite job!:joy:


Already had one dream job... worked for Tamiya America, got to play with -- cars all day.
Now I'm a network technician for the state of Nevada. State jobs are cool :D


Just finished med school at Emory University. I am a full time Physician Assistant at a busy Internal Medicine practice (14,000 total patients).
In other words, long long hours right now :sleepy: :rolleyes:


Active Member
My working career is a perfect blend of dilbert, office space and the opening scene in Joe vs the Volcano......
I am an IT geek for Sprint Telecom - until the figure out thatthey can fire me and make the bottom line look better ....