What is everyone's career?



Originally posted by polarpooch
Holy cats! Forgive me for saying this, but your job sounds really, really cool and interesting (and dangerous). Is it bad I think this way?
Definately part of the SOLUTION!
I'll bet it is. I could never do that job...I don't think I have that kind of patience or that kind of compassion. Kudos to you:)

It has it days. The worst things are something that you know is going to be bad! Like if you drop something. One time I was loading a box of dynamite on to a flat bed truck and a buddy was loading a long box on as well, I had set it down and walked to the front of the truck, he didn't see the box I had just set down and pushed it right off the other side. I happened to look back and see it falling and grabbed it before it hit the ground, after we took it down to be looked at it was found to be in a hazardous condition and would have blown up if it hit the ground. Now with 11 sticks of dynamite, and the truck setting in front of a storage building packed full of bombs, and I’m not talking about small stuff like C4 or TNT but bombs that we drop on bad guys. The doors on these buildings are so big and thick and heave that it takes two guys to open them; it would have blown the two doors and the truck, or what’s left of the truck, 3 miles across the bay. That’s when you stop and check you pants


I'm currently in the Law Enforcement Arena, but when I grow up, I wanna be a "ManWhore!"


manwhore:jumping: :jumping: now that is a good JOB my job is shiping currency from banks to there main offices and main offices back to the banks its a fun job can you tell your friends that you had $ in your hand today i can :D :D



Originally posted by midwest reefer
I'm a master of the Custodial Arts.... Or a janitor if you wanna be a ---- about it...
....actually I work at chuckee cheese dressing up as a mouse and or fixing coin jams out of stinking skiball machines:rolleyes:




Originally posted by lockemup
I'm currently in the Law Enforcement Arena, but when I grow up, I wanna be a "ManWhore!"

I'm a retired "ManWhore". You get tired of that kind of thing after a while


Active Member
i get the dirty job of paying the bills

my husband though, he locks um up, boards it up, cleans out all the nasty s***t they leave behind, kicks them out, and we are talking about forclosures, or better named -- property preservation :D



Originally posted by eric41177
RADIOSHACK!!!!!:happy: easy and get to play with all the toys
then go home and play

Thank you for calling Radio Shack, you got questions we got answers... My buddy coined that phrase for them.


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
Bartender/server..would rather be shoveling horse _ _ _ _:D

Hey, that's what I do. I'm an Assistant Zookeeper with the Amarillo Zoo, I specialize in herps and hoofstock.


Active Member
Currently working in research associated with clinical trials and experimental pharmaceuticals focused around insomnia, dementia, hep-C. Also do research on Cushings Disease, depression, and schizophrenia.
Going back to school for my doctorate in Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology.


New Member
GSE mechanic for Delta airlines. Repair jetways, baggage systems, ground power, and yes all those little bag tugs and such! Very unrewarding work but benefits are good (used to be better).


Well let's see.... Career?
Anything that keeps my attention for longer than twelve minutes at a time... with that said...
My primary focus is Information Technology in the government sector.
Secondly I sell Carbon Dioxide Laser Engravers... This is cool stuff... Good money too! Useful for cutting acrylic for sumps and overflows and other stuff...
I am working on my third, fourth and fifth career... I am currently a commissioner on our local planning commission, I am taking flying lessons to become a pilot and lastly I attend college classes when I have some free time so I can retire and teach college level mathematics....
In my spare time I stare at my reef tank.... My Favorite Part!


I am the manager of an adult book and video store.
I work Monday thru Thurs. anywhere between 5.5 hrs to 7.5 hrs. per day and make $450.00 per week plus 2-commissions.I took a course in college for Patient Care Assistant with Home Health but the pay wasn't there and I don't get slapped by the elderly anymore,or have to stay in the bathroom with them while they stink it up:eek: Don't get me wrong I love taking care of elderly people but it just wasn't bringing in the money to pay bills.


Active Member
Self Employed I.T. Consultant and day trader when I'm between contracts. Nothing like being your own boss. My ideal job when I make enough money at what I'm doing now (Is that possible?) is to play classical guitar at the local coffee shop.


Alot of those jobs sound awesome. I am a chef at a country club in the NW burbs of chicago. I love to cook, but the hours are starting to get to me. Buon Apetite!!!!



Originally posted by 007
Currently working in research associated with clinical trials and experimental pharmaceuticals focused around insomnia, dementia, hep-C. Also do research on Cushings Disease, depression, and schizophrenia.
Going back to school for my doctorate in Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology.

That is so cool of you...my daughter suffers from bi-polar,ptsd,adhd,and odd.We need more like you out there.If there were then she would of gotten "straightened out" sooner.She still has episodes but most of us that know her understand it,give her space at the same time be there when she needs us.:cheer:


Computer Security Engineer for my day job. My evening job is taking care of the FW pond, SW tank, the puppy dog, the husband & then any hobbies I can squeeze in. At some point I have to go back to school & get that PhD so I can go teach at a college.