What is everyone's career?

dark angel

Right now my job is just being a mom. But when my son goes to first grade next year (when i dont need to pay daycare) then im going back to school for x-ray tech. :D I can't wait!!


I have been a cosmetologist for the past two years. It's the coolest job I've ever worked at. (been working since 14) I work at Studio 8 Hair Designs and Spa, Inc. as a Nail Tech and Stylist. Also, I am currently the head of the Nail Department. If I want to work my butt and make money i can. If I just want to sit and not do anything I can do that to (I don't get pay though) But it's fun. Remeber alot of people have worst drama in their life's than you will ever have. SO look on the bright side of things.


Right now I'm a Program manager, I just went on a few interviews, I'm trying to break into Pharm Sales, I hope to hear something within the next 7 to 10 days.......pray for me


vocational trainer for the m.r. population. (help people with serious disabilities get jobs.
crisis team manager for the mr. population. (verbal deesculation and physical restraint when nessisary with the same group of people)
NOTE: anyone thinking about getting a social work degree.... forget it.... unless you want to be an indentured servent your entire life.


Active Member

Originally posted by grantman
math teacher.... some people consider me the solution.....others consider me the problem.

will you come and teach my class... my teacher is an IDIOT


Active Member

Originally posted by Dark Angel
Right now my job is just being a mom. But when my son goes to first grade next year (when i dont need to pay daycare) then im going back to school for x-ray tech. :D I can't wait!!

i was gonna do that when my kids started school, then i researched it and the hours really sucked and after you really start getting into it you had to do swing shift at the hospital. hopefully it will work out better for you, that was a while ago
gl with it!!


I work at burger king
making flame broiled woppers
I wear paper hats,
would you like an apple pie with that!
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Ding, fries are done.
Don't apple bob in hot vat
it really hurts bad
and so do skin graphs,
would you like an apple pie with that!
Ding fries are done.
Ding fries are done.
Ding fries are done.
Ding fries are done.


Active Member
I have my own business as a career development counselor and headhunter (was in IT) so things weren't looking too good last couple of years so I do that part time now and I work full time at University of Oklahoma, undergrad cooridinator/counselor for the petroleum engineering depart. I'm also going to school full time for my masters in Human Relations studying organizations in regards to culture, change, mulitculturism, globalization implications etc. No wonder I haven' been on here much....I think I'm way too busy.


I'm a student at UNBC in Prince George, BC (Canada for all you Americans out there) where I have 15 more days until I graduate with a degree in Fisheries Biology...then its out into the real world to find a job:notsure:....all so I can buyy more fish tanks!!! Woooo hooooooooooo!!!!!

dave flood

I am a painting contractor, spray stain & farnish on doors & trim in my shop for new homes, also wallpaper, faux finishes, woodgraining , spray painting, spray texturing, & much more. 32yrs.
Also have stocks (no day trading) in for the long haul.


50 aka pig aka the man aka stinking copper and anything else you can think of police officer