WELLLLLL///wait a minute we did go thru HLLE...But I think that is all tangs...I run no carbon, feed well, have a grounding probe...and now all is well
Originally Posted by AQUARIUM125G http:///forum/post/3022292
i bought 3 blue hippo and one yellow tang and i had no luck, they die like in four to five days.
Where are you getting them from
i got them from my lfs, and i dont have a qt, my tank is in golden condition i currently have 4 pj's, 2 clowns,2 banggai's,1 rustic angel,one dotty back, cleaner shimp, 2 ppermints, starfish, 2 flame scallops, two feather dusters and they are all doing great but i dont know why i have no luck with tangs.
Originally Posted by AQUARIUM125G http:///forum/post/3022303
i got them from my lfs, and i dont have a qt, my tank is in golden condition i currently have 4 pj's, 2 clowns,2 banggai's,1 rustic angel,one dotty back, cleaner shimp, 2 ppermints, starfish, 2 flame scallops, two feather dusters and they are all doing great but i dont know why i have no luck with tangs.
Have you tried buying them anywhere else???
my first Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang, and Powder Blue Tang didn't last more than 3 weeks. until i bought my Sailfin and he lasted for 2 months before i got my second Hippo Tang. and i still have both of them.
there is a picture of both of them
I'd say that koles, convict, yellows and sailfins are all pretty comparable as far as hardiness. Hippo's can be pretty sensitive to diseases and parasites. I hate to say this, but to lose these fish so quickly, (assuming that they were bought healthy), tells me that you are doing something wrong. Could have to do with foods or how you are feeding, or it could have to do with something in the water that is not quite right.
If your water is good, in an otherwise healthy 125 gallon, you shouldn't lose these fish that quickly.
Zebrasomas, bristletooth's and Naso's are all way easier than acanthurus tangs. I see hippo's are always listed as easy but my experience are they are fragile and need to be absolutely comfortable in their environment to do well and remain disease free. My powder brown was much hardier and less panicy (the first to hide when realizing you dabbling in the tank not to feed it) and I had the hippo from a 1.25" baby til it was 3", small tank and 6ft tank, never bothered by any fish and the first fish in the 6ft tank.
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/post/3022287
WELLLLLL///wait a minute we did go thru HLLE...But I think that is all tangs...I run no carbon, feed well, have a grounding probe...and now all is well
Meowzer if I may ask, what does running no carbon have to do with tangs? Also what is a grounding probe?