What is the world coming to. Please look


Active Member
my german teacher just goes off on bush and the war 24/7. i did not sign up for a class to hear bush basing all the time. all she talks about is how were in it for oil and such and such. she does not see that were not only trying to protect our freedom but also trying to make the world safer. her views are so liberal and she does not hide it ( even when teachers are suppose to ). i think its funny how in HS you can tell what teachers are liberal; its b.c they express their views all the time. it drives me insane. so yes, put Liberal Public HS teachers on that list too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
we should start a nation wide movement to STOP policical correctness!

Welcome to the Libratarian party.


Originally Posted by christiiiii
I work in a daycare and the other day we had to pull all the games out of the preschool and kindergarten rooms because a parent complained it hurt her childs self esteem when he lost... This is the same mom who canceled our holiday classroom parties. We couldnt even dress up for halloween because it was devil worship.
I agree this is out of control.
Yep. No halloween costumes, but it isn't devil worship in NY, because no religion is allowed, yet they say the pledge everyday, including "under god". No kid is allowed to lose a game because of self esteem, or win a game because of ego. Am I alone here, but who has a younger sibling or cousin or someone that they always had to let win? I did, my little cousin. She is 5 years younger than me. I was raised with the attitude that if you are sad that you didn't win then you should try harder next time. Not to any extreemes, it was ok to lose, but if you had a personal prolem with it. There was one way to solve it, try harder. We would let her win until she got around 10, then we slowly started playing for real. I never saw a worse sore loser in my life. To this day (she is 22 now) if she doesn't get her way she either pouts or seeks revenge. Yeah, that certainly helped her a lot!!! Funny my siblings and myself have no problems if we win or lose. It was a good game!


Active Member
I guess we can no longer describe Michael Moore, Rosie Odonnel and Bill Maher as Rats. That would not be politically correct.
They are Rodent Americans

stupid liberalism...


Originally Posted by Phixer
Using the same PC I can no longer describe Michael Moore, Rosie Odonnel and Bill Maher as Rats they are now Rodent Americans

stupid liberalism...
HAHAHA :hilarious


My 12 year old's teacher was teaching diameter and radius to the class using cookies as her example... They are using calculators and my son gets the calculator to read "EAT ME". He walks it up to the teacher, hands it to her and says, "This is what MY cookie is saying right now". (I think he was showing off that he got the calculator to say that), but anyway, I get a call from the principle and the boy gets 2 days detention because she, and I quote, "Took extreme offense".
I think I should take offense that she took offense. By her taking offense means I raised my son to be a blatant, disrespectful, disrupting, moron. Yep... I'm taking offense.
Anyway, when I confronted the principle, they said, "Well, we don't know exactly how it happened... Could be your son had problems in the past, there is really no way of knowing exactly what happened so there is nothing he we do".
I hit a dead end. The boy tries to be cute, creative, and funny and gets 2 days detention because she misunderstood his content.
Anyway, I am thinking of a list when fat=gravity challenged was posted...
and the normal=typically developing came up...
Almost every title is changed cause somebody took offense...
Maid=environmental services
deaf=hearing impaired
murderer=victom of society
black=african american
there are so many...

Oh and my other son... I can't call him slow at his school. I hafta say "developmentally delayed". Aren't they kinda the same thing??


man i just saw this thread and it has been great to read... sorry to butt in i just had to say i couldnt agree more with all of you. i am a 22 year old college junior and i am just starting to see through all of this liberal, politically correct crap. i go to school in san marcos, Texas. which is about 25 miles south of austin, which... if you know anything about austin... great city, but it is liberal capitol of Texas. and i just see this stuff crammed down peoples throats... its pathetic. i think that my generation is very close to being the last one that that was raised correctly. some of you probably feel that even my generation was tainted. anyways... sorry again for speaking up, i dont have much to add, just wanted to say this thread is right on.


Active Member
GNorman said:
my german teacher just goes off on bush and the war 24/7. i did not sign up for a class to hear bush basing all the time. all she talks about is how were in it for oil and such and such.
maybe you should listen to her...she really isn't that far off...


If the conformist & liberals have their way with America, land of the free is DOOMED!!! We need strong single minded individuals that think outside the box with their own ideas & opinions. Boulder = PC / liberal ideals. Don't get me wrong, i am all for the environment, but that is about the only idea of theirs that i support. My college has some huge plan to make our school diverse through manipulating the enrollment based on race not academic achievement, bunch of bull$h!t. Life is tough & not Fair, DEAL With IT! thats my motto.


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
we should start a nation wide movement to STOP policical correctness!

AMEN TO THAT !!! I think our government have too much time on their hands to deal with this petty stuff.


What is the world coming to you ask?
Personally, I hope it's coming to an abrupt, unforseeable end. Things will get worse before they get any better.


Active Member
You all take the time to write your rants and raves on here where it really does no good, but how many of you will take the same amount of time and write the same rants and raves to your city council, your congress, your senators?



Originally Posted by TriGa22
In Seattle Kids arn't allowed to play with Legos anymore. The reson is becuase some kids can make bigger buildings than others. Im sorry but that is stupid. The only way they can play with them is if they decide to build something together.
I think this is stupid. Does everonye have to be the same? Does everyone have to make the same money? I mean think a nano could look better than a 180. I think this is just wacky and stupid
Opinions? Comments?
It's ONE
children's center doing this, not all of Seattle. It's been blown way out of proportion.


Active Member

Originally Posted by dskrezyna
It's ONE
children's center doing this, not all of Seattle. It's been blown way out of proportion.
I fully agree with the quote above. I personally do not think it is a big deal. The children's center in question is most likely privately owned, so they can do whatever they want. Maybe this is being done to teach the children that inequality is not good. Maybe they are looking at it and thinking that that might be the best way to teach children about the many inequalities in the world. I am not saying I agree with the ban on legos or the teaching method, but I believe that it is the center's right to do as they please. If a particular parent does not like it, they can put their child in another center. It's as simple as that.
I personally think that everyone criticizing the school is taking away the school's right to run their school as they want. Isn't this the land of the free? Doesn't the children center have the right to restrict what they want (as long as the restrictions are legal)? No one is forcing a child to go to this center.
It would be clearly very different if this was being done in a public school, where the student HAS to go if they cannot afford to pay money for their education. It is not like you can just leave a public school because then you need to shill out big bucks for a private or parochial school.