What is the world coming to. Please look


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
What is the world coming to you ask?
Personally, I hope it's coming to an abrupt, unforseeable end. Things will get worse before they get any better.
lets hope iran keeps ticking off Great Britain, we've not gone to war with someone with nukes in the past...you may get your wish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainfever
You all take the time to write your rants and raves on here where it really does no good, but how many of you will take the same amount of time and write the same rants and raves to your city council, your congress, your senators?
doubtful. mos people dont even know who those people are.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainfever
You all take the time to write your rants and raves on here where it really does no good, but how many of you will take the same amount of time and write the same rants and raves to your city council, your congress, your senators?
lol yep that will do alot of good, by the way they just passed a law in illinois that illegal imigrants come now legally get a drivers liscence :help:


I will be the first to admit that I have fallen out of touch with govt stances and procedures ever since my politically charged friends all moved to austin. The last election I voted in was the primary of the last presidential race and I havnt voted since. Not because I dont care but because its so much BS that I dont even like to deal with it any more, with that said:
I was always under the impression that republicans not liberals are the PC crowd. I know for fact that the republicans have religious extremists such as focus on the family etc on their side and those people are the worst if there ever was a category. But Im just appalled with all the liberal bashing in this thread. Were not that bad. I understand in a hobby where we put thousands of dollars in to a box holding salty water there arent going to be too many liberals aka: poor people. Or would monetairly challenged work better? But I bet you fifty bucks that the lady who didnt like the 'devil holiday' not only was A) religous but also B) republican. Unless she was mexican and in that case she's just loco. (wheres the smiley with a sombrero?) Where are the findings that its all liberals that are the PC crowd because I never got that memo......


Active Member
Dont worry bout it, were used to them here..its allways the same ol same ol around here with them....we dont really like starting or participating in name calling, spreading hatred between Americains and ranting without substance......IMO, of course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
they aren't teaching about "inequality", they are teaching socialism to elementary school students. maybe the kids' parents are socialists, but I would have a MAJOR problem if my kid were in that school
And you could take your child right out if you wanted to. The kids seemed to be getting very possessive over the legos, so the people who run the center took them away in order to teach the kids how to be equal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I fully agree with the quote above. I personally do not think it is a big deal. The children's center in question is most likely privately owned, so they can do whatever they want. Maybe this is being done to teach the children that inequality is not good. Maybe they are looking at it and thinking that that might be the best way to teach children about the many inequalities in the world. I am not saying I agree with the ban on legos or the teaching method, but I believe that it is the center's right to do as they please. If a particular parent does not like it, they can put their child in another center. It's as simple as that.
I personally think that everyone criticizing the school is taking away the school's right to run their school as they want. Isn't this the land of the free? Doesn't the children center have the right to restrict what they want (as long as the restrictions are legal)? No one is forcing a child to go to this center.
It would be clearly very different if this was being done in a public school, where the student HAS to go if they cannot afford to pay money for their education. It is not like you can just leave a public school because then you need to shill out big bucks for a private or parochial school.
they aren't teaching about "inequality", they are teaching socialism to elementary school students. maybe the kids' parents are socialists, but I would have a MAJOR problem if my kid were in that school.
and people not speaking up and getting in our political leaders' faces is true, because this country is quickly becoming a socialist country. only the examples aren't so blatant as the story in Seattle.
but yeah, if they're only teaching about equality, why are Cubans coming here on rafts to get away from a country where those teachings were put into action?
if everybody should have the same size house and the same possessions, like the Seattle teacher says, then why would anyone be motivated to go to medical school to become a doctor when they could just work as a janitor and have the same amount of wealth? socialism doesn't work for anybody except those in power (and the lazy and shiftless).


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
And you could take your child right out if you wanted to. The kids seemed to be getting very possessive over the legos, so the people who run the center took them away in order to teach the kids how to be equal.

and if the parents want to raise little socialists, they could just as easily move to Cuba or South America where socialism is appreciated.


Active Member
Pontius, I am not arguing in favor of socialism. I am arguing in favor of the Seattle's center to teach whatever they want. It is a private institution. If the KKK is allowed to still hold rallies and marches, then I am all for this center's right to teach what they want in their center. It is the same argument that people have here against SWF censoring certain topics. They claim that it takes away their first amendment rights. Just like the Hill Center, this is a private institution, and if someone does not like it, they can leave.
And if the parents want to raise socialist children, THAT is their right as well in this country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Pontius, I am not arguing in favor of socialism. I am arguing in favor of the Seattle's center to teach whatever they want. It is a private institution. If the KKK is allowed to still hold rallies and marches, then I am all for this center's right to teach what they want in their center. It is the same argument that people have here against SWF censoring certain topics. They claim that it takes away their first amendment rights. Just like the Hill Center, this is a private institution, and if someone does not like it, they can leave.
And if the parents want to raise socialist children, THAT is their right as well in this country.
and when their children are older and think that socialism is the right way to govern and they raise their children as socialists, and all these generations over the years become the leaders of this country, guess where that leaves our country? it's dangerous teaching, and it shouldn't be allowed, private school or not.
comparing this and KKK rallies are apples and oranges. guess who goes to KKK rallies?? ADULTS. ignorant and lame, yes, but people old enough to make up their minds for themselves. these children are impressionable and have irresponsible people telling them what to believe and are given no choice in the matter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
and when their children are older and think that socialism is the right way to govern and they raise their children as socialists, and all these generations over the years become the leaders of this country, guess where that leaves our country? it's dangerous teaching, and it shouldn't be allowed, private school or not.
comparing this and KKK rallies are apples and oranges. guess who goes to KKK rallies?? ADULTS. ignorant and lame, yes, but people old enough to make up their minds for themselves. these children are impressionable and have irresponsible people telling them what to believe and are given no choice in the matter.
Like you said, adults can make their minds up for themselves. They can make their mind up whether they want their child learning about socialism at such a young age.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Like you said, adults can make their minds up for themselves. They can make their mind up whether they want their child learning about socialism at such a young age.
and when this country is ruined because of that kind of thought process, thank yourself for going along with it. this country was founded on democracy, not socialism. you can talk "freedom of speech", "freedom of religion", "freedom to join the KKK", blah blah blah all you want. but I don't believe "freedom to try to turn the US into a socialist country via children" is covered in the constitution. in fact, I believe the declaration of independence calls on us to stand up against this kind of trash, with force if necessary, to assure that the US remains a democracy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I fully agree with the quote above. I personally do not think it is a big deal. The children's center in question is most likely privately owned, so they can do whatever they want. Maybe this is being done to teach the children that inequality is not good. Maybe they are looking at it and thinking that that might be the best way to teach children about the many inequalities in the world. I am not saying I agree with the ban on legos or the teaching method, but I believe that it is the center's right to do as they please. If a particular parent does not like it, they can put their child in another center. It's as simple as that.
I personally think that everyone criticizing the school is taking away the school's right to run their school as they want. Isn't this the land of the free? Doesn't the children center have the right to restrict what they want (as long as the restrictions are legal)? No one is forcing a child to go to this center.
It would be clearly very different if this was being done in a public school, where the student HAS to go if they cannot afford to pay money for their education. It is not like you can just leave a public school because then you need to shill out big bucks for a private or parochial school.

didnt look at it that way. thank god we can speak freely, or i would have never expanded my mind to this view. thanks lion_crazz


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
and when this country is ruined because of that kind of thought process, thank yourself for going along with it. this country was founded on democracy, not socialism. you can talk "freedom of speech", "freedom of religion", "freedom to join the KKK", blah blah blah all you want. but I don't believe "freedom to try to turn the US into a socialist country via children" is covered in the constitution. in fact, I believe the declaration of independence calls on us to stand up against this kind of trash, with force if necessary, to assure that the US remains a democracy.
also a different view... im just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride ***)


This goes on in all of the schools I work in though. It isn't a matter of a private daycare or a school the kids can be pulled out of. I work in a public school district. Kids are not allowed to win or lose. All kids have to be on the same page whether they are academically able to or not come testing time. I have been working with kids that are mentally handicapped-to those that just have trouble understanding things. They are in the same "life skills" class. They are all taught the same. It is so sad, because those that just have trouble learning in the conventional way should not have to be taught in the same way as those who have serious difficulties. In the middle school, the behavioral problems kids are in the same class as those with mental disabilities. It is just not right.


Active Member
Sepulatian, I totally agree with you on that. I think that is a totally different issue, but I agree, more kids should be given individual attention.
I see where one may think the two issues could be related. Things are being distributed the same way in both cases. However, in the Hill Center, we are dealing with a property issue. Property is being distributed the same - property that belongs to the Hill Center (thus saying they can distribute it any way they see fit). In the public schools you are referring to, we are dealing with a lack of education because everything is the same for everyone. That is a major fault to the government for not providing the education the student requires. Education is a fundemental right of all American citizens, so the improper distribution of the education is a direct failure of the local, state, and possibly national government.


Active Member
I figured the only reason they would outlaw legos was because so many kids were snacking on them....go figure