What is the WORST thing you've heard the LFS say??? I got a great one!!


Active Member
when i first got into the hobbyi had a 75 gallon and i was dying for a naso tang or powder blue tang
i went to my lfs and was looking at med to large size tangs. they were 60 a piece. they also looked huge! so i figured that thereis no way i could get both- lfs owner - says why not! they both will do fine in a 75.
i only bought the naso, which died a month later (and i bought the naso with ich- didn't know what that little fuzzy was on his fin)


New Member
About a month ago I was at the great fish store in the area, Some of you know what i'm talking about they've been flamed enough with this thread. Anyways, they had about a 28 inch Wobbegong Shark for 175 bucks, I think they are cool as heck but with a ten gallon of my own lol no way, The lady in the fish department told another guy that he'd do great in a 55 gallon tank. This guy allready had a red volitan and snowflake eel in there. Needless to say I pulled him aside and told him that was a bunch of crap, these sharks need a lot more then 55 gallons. He asked me how many gallons would it need, my reply- the indian ocean would be good. He left without buying the shark and the lady asked me to leave... Thought this was funny, maybe you'll all get a kick out of it as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bishop82
About a month ago I was at the great fish store in the area, Some of you know what i'm talking about they've been flamed enough with this thread. Anyways, they had about a 28 inch Wobbegong Shark for 175 bucks, I think they are cool as heck but with a ten gallon of my own lol no way, The lady in the fish department told another guy that he'd do great in a 55 gallon tank. This guy allready had a red volitan and snowflake eel in there. Needless to say I pulled him aside and told him that was a bunch of crap, these sharks need a lot more then 55 gallons. He asked me how many gallons would it need, my reply- the indian ocean would be good. He left without buying the shark and the lady asked me to leave... Thought this was funny, maybe you'll all get a kick out of it as well.
Its crazy what some people will do to get a $1.


Active Member
my fish store is actually really great. they all have salewater tanks of their own and they really know their stuff. they are very helpful


One day at The (old) place where I once bought my R/O water I asked how often they changed the filters in their R/O/D/I. The guy said, "There's filters in those things?" I was dumbfounded and haven't been back in two years.


Stuckinfla I know that place well. I particularly dislike the one that always looks like he is mad at the world.


Stuckinfl... if you think what you heard at petworld is good, try petland and check out their website!! They tell people to cycle their new SW tanks with "hardy invertebrates" like starfish or anenomes. I wrote the company a nasty e-mail about that one of course I got no response. Also, they say their info is from experienced marine biologists!!! These places kill me. :mad:


I had a guy tell me that my tank was to new for a mandarin, which it was, and then come back 10min later and ask if he could get one out for me. So he told me it would die then tried to get me to buy one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
my fish store is actually really great. they all have salewater tanks of their own and they really know their stuff. they are very helpful
Which one do you go to?


A lady at a store that I bought a flowerpot from ( Ihad only had my tank cycled for about 1 month, of course it died)told me that a sweetlips would be fine in my 75 gallon reef tank. But unless I swithced all my crushed coral to live sand it would choke on it and die. She said that they were bottom feeders and they take in the a coral with the food, they can choke on the coral and die. this was the store owner, And I did swich to live sand but not because of the choking thing. :notsure:


Active Member
One LFS in town actually told me that a Nurse Shark was JUST FINE in the 125 gal tank they were holding it in.....mind you it was around 4' long!!!! I overheard them trying to sell it to someone who had a 75!!!!!! I flat out threatened them, in front of the customer, to call PETA on them for suggesting that (mind you I hate PETA). I tried to find someone with an appropriate tank to take the fish....but it died after about 2 months.

I also know of a customer who bought a 10-gal from Walm**t with only an airstone. They sold her 30 goldfish for the tank the day she bought it. They all died within a day. She went back and they said it was a bad batch.....and sold her 50!!!! They all died within hours.....and she went back (not sure who is less intelligent at this point) and they gave her a discount on 50 more!!!!! They all died within an hour. They never told her to change the water at any point. She called a more reputable LFS who told her to bring in a water sample. I was there when she came in. The water smelled like glass cleaner because the ammonia was so high!!!! Luckily she was set on the correct path by reputable LFS personnel.

nemo lover

I sent my husband to the lfs for carbon, and he came home talking about how the lfs was telling him we could have atleast three fish in our 2.5 :scared:


ahhh the fabulous ***** :notsure:
i went into that crappy store about a month ago(just cause all other shops were closed i just wanted to look at fish, i have a sickness, anyone know of a site similiar to A.A. but fish A.)anyways back to story

i went in there and looked they had a nice foxface healthy(i couldn't buy it cause it was *****)anyways i looked at the bottom tank where they had the damsels and there is about 25 clowns fake perc's and tomatos. all at the bottom of the tank 2 were dead all the rest breathing very hard. so i pulled the sales dumbass over and pointed them out to him. oh that is how they came in he says. ok fine you going to test the water or anything. he says are you looking to buy something. i said mabe if your water looks good. so he tested it.. PH WAS AT 6.5 OR LOWER nitrites were way high also. so i asked him if all tanks were on the same system he said no. he then told me that the water is fine that they can tolorate it. i played dumb ok. then can you test the water that the foxface lo is in for me. he says hold on. he brought the manager to me. i told him that the water needed to be changed immedatly or all fish will die. he asked me if i was going to buy a fish i told him to test the water in the foxfaces tank, so the manager told the sales dumbass to test the water for me he used a quick strip dunked it and ran to the other side away from me, came back and said the water was fine and was going to start bagging the fish, i stopped him fast. went off in a little tantrum, got asked to leave, started to leave,but decided to leave them with a few choice words with a store full of customers. people looked at me funny but oh well i couldnt take the torture of clowns lightly. sorry i love this hobby and they do not need to keep fish at all.
well that my story :mad:
word to the wise boycott *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My husband and I also need to attend AA for fish, we wandered into P*%CO on July 4th just killin' time before a picnic and our tank was also cycling. The so-called sales ass's(oops I meant associates) are walking around the fish department like all there work has been done, and there are dead fish in every tank in the saltwater section. Knowing enough, even as a newbie, we would never buy anything from that joint. But just for ha-ha's my hubby sent a very direct and to-the-point email to the corporate office...they replied....and asked if they could call him. They did and had a lengthy conversation with him that they are trying to improve their stores to include more knowledgable staff etc.... we told them to stick to freshwater! They were so insistent that they wanted us for customers, that they gave us a $50 gift certificate to be used in the fish dept on fish or equipment. I will be buying my Oceanic salt mix and thats it! SUCKERS



New Member
i just started with sw 3 weeks ago one lfs i think i can trust pretty well and another one i went to ill never go to agian the first told me after a week of having the water and salt good to put in a few fish he didnt tell me what kind or how many
so a after the first week on a sunday the store i could trust was closed and i was wanting to get things going so i i went to the second lfs to get a few fish to i told her how long every thing has been going and told her what the other lfs said so she sold me 2 damsels which was ok to get things going but she also sold me 2 clowns 1 yellow tang and a choco stat fish saying they are hardy over $100 worth of fish
the next day i went to my regular lfs and told him what i got he seemed a little mad not at me but at the other store
any ways its been 2 week and everthing is doing good so far but my tank isnt nearly cycled yet hopefully they will all make it one thing is for sure before i put any thing in my tank agian i will definetly do the reserch on it first


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Which one do you go to?
mine isnt a chain of stores. its called pet and hobby. they sell other animals like birds, turtles, ferrets, etc. but i think its privatelyt owned by one guy that works there.


you know it kinda of sux that alot of people here are having such bad experiences at your LFS, i manage one here near Tampa, and if someone comes in and has a qeustion im not sure about?? i'll look it up online or in one of the books we have, its just common sence to know the truth, plus it helps me learn new things everytime. thanks for listening


Active Member
Originally Posted by Key00west
you know it kinda of sux that alot of people here are having such bad experiences at your LFS, i manage one here near Tampa, and if someone comes in and has a qeustion im not sure about?? i'll look it up online or in one of the books we have, its just common sence to know the truth, plus it helps me learn new things everytime. thanks for listening

There are a few of you guys out there, and thank you!! I go to a few that are good like that, its all the rest that appall me.


New Member
well im sorry to hear about everyones poor LFS's... I for one am very pleased with the one i go to... Very helpful and best of all very knowledgeable... Never steered me wrong and have been there from the start... They are straight up with what is a smart choice, to the point where i can ask if this fish or coral at a rather high price would be good for my tank and can expect an honest answer... I have been turned away time and time again from expensive items because he said they were not compatible or its too soon... Anyone else find their LFS to be honest and trustworthy?? Seems like nothing but bad experiences...