What is the WORST thing you've heard the LFS say??? I got a great one!!


When setting up my first tank i let it cycle for a week with shrimp, but my need for insant fish did not go away so i figured i would go get a couple dammsels. Brought a water sample with me. Owner of the store tested the water and said my cycle was over. Said i could have what ever i want. Not know muching i let him sell me a Emperor Angle, Sweetlips, Snowflake Eel, Morron Gold stripped clown, BTA, and a Scooter Blenny. All for my 29 gallon tank. He promised me they were all reef safe, not going to get to big. Luckly I did look on here a couple days later and was able to get the fish out and trade for criedt at what i thought was a better store. But NO matter where i go after a couple visits somebody will say something stupid and make me never want to come back.


Active Member
When I was a newbie an lfs employee tried to tell me that mandarins and purple nudis will accept any prepared foods; that blue linckias only need a 1/2 hour acclimation; and that anemones don't need any special lighting.
lucky for me I had already done my research!


Active Member
i was an employee at a lfs and i would never give bad advice. i would always look the anser up on the internet or find it in a book before i would give an answer. i gained a lot of customers for my own business like that, a maintanence business, suffice to say the pet store i worked at is more dirty and run down than ever, going from an above average place to a hole in the wall mom and pop in about 5 years. it sucks that there is not more integrity out there, and here is a funny one for you, had a customer come in and wanted guffies, i asked how many, she asked for a price, i told her 1.29 a dozen, she said how many is a dozen... i wanted to tell her 13 so bad..... not to mention i wondered what a guffy was


Active Member
i wont even shop there anymore and i worked there for 4 years even helped put in all of there current saltwater systems... guess that was to much work for nothing, especially at 6.00 an hour


Active Member
I don't support P3TC0 but I have another terrible fish store that I used to go to .. I asked this guy if he had any True Perculas in stock .. he said yes and led me over to a tank that had a lemonpeel angel and 2 Ocellaris clowns .. I tell the guy that I'm looking for TRUE perculas .. he goes .. yeah I know here they are . I said no these are ocellaris .. so he says: yeah but no one is gonna tell the difference just tell everyone that you have true percs .. then he goes: .. wait .. how did you know that they are false percs? I ignored his question and I told him that I wanted True Percs .. so he says: .. but these ARE true percs and winks at me .. i just turn around and leave ....... now I go to an incredible fish store in Evans GA .. it's called Star Aquarium .. it's incredible .. the owner and all the employees know everything there is to know .. it's awesome .. I buy all my fish there .. and I plan on buying my Regal Angel and my CLown Trigger sometime from there in the near future


New Member
I live in Coral Springs Florida and go to a fish store that I have found to be very knowledgable. Its Fish Emporium and they have a tiny room for supplies then all saltwater tanks in back. Great store!

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
I don't support P3TC0 but I have another terrible fish store that I used to go to .. I asked this guy if he had any True Perculas in stock .. he said yes and led me over to a tank that had a lemonpeel angel and 2 Ocellaris clowns .. I tell the guy that I'm looking for TRUE perculas .. he goes .. yeah I know here they are . I said no these are ocellaris .. so he says: yeah but no one is gonna tell the difference just tell everyone that you have true percs .. then he goes: .. wait .. how did you know that they are false percs? I ignored his question and I told him that I wanted True Percs .. so he says: .. but these ARE true percs and winks at me .. i just turn around and leave ....... now I go to an incredible fish store in Evans GA .. it's called Star Aquarium .. it's incredible .. the owner and all the employees know everything there is to know .. it's awesome .. I buy all my fish there .. and I plan on buying my Regal Angel and my CLown Trigger sometime from there in the near future

At a certain Pet store in my area, they have a picture and information of each fish in the tanks. One of the pictures is of an Ocellaris Clownfish. Next to the picture it says...............
Ocellaris Colwnfish (A. Percula).
What a bunch of clueless morons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
At a certain Pet store in my area, they have a picture and information of each fish in the tanks. One of the pictures is of an Ocellaris Clownfish. Next to the picture it says...............
Ocellaris Colwnfish (A. Percula).
What a bunch of clueless morons.

HAHA .. yeah .. I know how you feel .. :hilarious


Originally Posted by Key00west
you know it kinda of sux that alot of people here are having such bad experiences at your LFS, i manage one here near Tampa, and if someone comes in and has a qeustion im not sure about?? i'll look it up online or in one of the books we have, its just common sence to know the truth, plus it helps me learn new things everytime. thanks for listening

i worked at a fish store for about a yr and we would do the same thing. and if we didnt feel as if someting would be right or there was a sick fish we would put no sale on the tank or ask the customer to come back. we have a pile of books as well and get in a few fish mags to keep us updated. but i by far dont know everying. but if i dont i will try to find out....and call the cust. back. so dont dogg all pet stores....Mine is Mexico Finns And Feathers. we sell just about everytihng. even cats and dogs. in Mexico MO :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
my lfs ranks a 7.5 (1 being ***** 10 being aqaurium like) they have a small selecton of swf and corals. only 4-5 things tick me off about them, the fact they say that a bamboo needs 400-550 and have a remora in a 380 and u can tell its stressed becuz it nevr stops moving for more than 10, 15secs at max. the fact they have a humu trig in a 30gal. sharks in 30s also. and this one employee that told me a panther would so awesome in a 70, and told my friend (firefish9) that a scopas would thrive in a 35gal. aside from their prices and other stuff i dont have a word for becuz its 12:50 and i am tired theyre pretty good. i like their reptiles section more tho just cuz they have cooler stuff, its all wild caught tho :mad: .


New Member
sharkboy13 or should I say Jon. I have had it with both your stupidity and dishonesty. First of all for whatever reason you feel compelled to make up malicious and ridiculous lies about your pet store and the people who work there who by the way have been more than patient in putting up with your 4-5 hour weekly visits and fielding your obnoxious questions and requests from a child who fancies himself a saltwater fish and reptile expert but in reality just manages to kill off alot of livestock through ignorance and poor planning and then rather than learning from your mistakes just blames them on others. Did you ever consider that your lionfish might have died not because it was of poor quality but because you put it into an uncycled tank without a heater, and then saying you threatened to sue to get a refund you should consider that what you are doing is not only rude but also possibly illegal (liable) So maybe you should get a little experiance before trying to give advice to others when you have only had your first fish tank for a couple of months, take some of your own advice and stop oversocking your tank. Maybe when you grow up a little you can also learn to be honest and show some respect to people who try to help you.


Well I will get to experince a LFS for the first time in my life in a week. Moving to California and cant wait to be told a bunch of false information
. Glad I found this fourm to help me along and find the real answers.


Active Member
Lavagirl maybe when you grow up you will learn to have respect for others..and not take your personal assaults out on someone on a fish forum. :thinking:


Originally Posted by FireFish21
Do you realize how hard it would be to find a teenager who knows everything there is to know about all pets?
I think most places expect the customer to check into their hobby before they begin buying all they see.
Before I comment on the quoted part, I would like to congratulate you on being a responsible employee of what seems to be a good lfs. Not selling animals for the reasons you mentioned costs the company business, but a company that supports the employees decision to save the animals lives from maltreatment deserves praise.
Now, about hiring a teenager who knows everythign there is to know about all pets. No, that can't be expected. However, it should be expected that a sales associate for a particular section of a pet store does know everythign there is to know about the animals they are selling. If they don't, the company should provide them with proper training so that they are knowledgable on the topic. If someone isn't qualified for a job (and being knowledgable on the topic is a seriously needed qualification), they should not get the job, period.
On the topic of customers being expected to do their own research...yeah, that would be ideal. If people always did their research before buying anything, the pet business would be a better place. It would mean responsibility, which would mean few if no stray dogs/cats, no animals purchased for being cute and then released into the wild when they get too big, and no animals killed for being placed in improper conditions. Unfortunately, the average customer knows very little, and it is the job of the sales associate to make sure they know what they are getting into and be responsible with sales.
It's not even that customers don't know anything, because many do. Its more that many many many lfs give BAD and WRONG information, confusing the customer who has done just enough research to get started, and who needs a push in the right direction for more information. Being directly told by someone that masquerades as an authority on fish that the hippo tang will fit in your 20g tank and won't outgrow it is just not fair, to both the fish and the customer.
Sorry, that rant kind of took off...