Originally Posted by Gemmyhttp:///forum/thread/382118/what-is-this-red-algae/20#post_3333343
That's pretty.
I know, what are the chances that I got something good...LOL
I'll post ot again since this is a new page,....John had me look at nemastoma's, and mine looks like a tiny piece of this
Originally Posted by Fretfreak13http:///forum/thread/382118/what-is-this-red-algae/20#post_3339026
Thats beautiful! Send some my way! =O
lol speaking of luck. I havn't been on these forums in a long time, did you ever catch your devil damsels?? XD
LOL...YES A long time ago....when I took the stingray to that aquarium in March....we re-did the tank and I got them then
As far as the algae goes....it is growing I will try to get a better pic later with my new macro lense
LOl...It grew really big on the front and back of the rock, the front piece was covering a ricordia, so I pulled it out and fed it to the 225G occupants
....I also pulled some off the back and fed that to them too. I have new growth on the front again....IT is beautiful when it is new....after it gets really big it gets a little duller.
Still, it's cool that it acts as a source of free food. The Scinaia I found growing in the 12g tank is the same way -- VERY deep reddish color when small, but fades off a little when it gets bigger.
thats one thing thats lacking in this forum; the well known experts of the hobby
hey dont hate the player, hate the game! we all goda be n00bs some time
Originally Posted by 1guyDudehttp:///forum/thread/382118/what-is-this-red-algae/20#post_3373469
hey dont hate the player, hate the game! we all goda be n00bs some time
The mechanics of this forum have gotten so poor, it's hard for anyone to really want to deal with being here...hard/impossible to post pix, finished posts just disappearing when you press "submit", etc.
Cranberry and I take it in spurts...we'll be here, finally get fed up, stop for awhile, and when we're up to dealing with it, we pop back in until the next time (not that we're "experts"...).