What is your dream tank?


What is your dream tank how many gallons and what kind of fish.
My dream tank is at least 500 gallons something that I can afford and have the time to clean it each week. I would like to have a school of large Angles in my tank. May be three or four of them of the same kind. Like having a school of them.What are your dream tank. Tell me some of your thoughts on this.

sinner's girl

I want at least 5 or 6 feet long, don't care about gallons. I just want to be able to have a yellow tang.
so fish for the dream tank would be a yellow tang, pair of clowns, and a six line. I'd have lots of inverts and at least two stars.
and some lr to watch.


this is my dream tank, hey you never said realisticly! I would have to be rich and hire people to clean it and whatever else it needs done.:D


I haven't figured out how many gallons it would be, but I have the ideal place to install a 12' x 3' x 3' tank. Which is my ultimate dream!!!


my dream tank surrounds a circular room, safe to say maybe 24 feet long, four feet high and maybe 4 feet deep...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
lol if i ever become rich...
I have heard of an housing complex in Tennessee that has a Saltwater pool for people......my dream tank would be to have a saltwater pool converted to a "dive in" aquarium!! BYOS...bring your own snorkel...parties!
10,000 gallons should do it.
Or my own piece of the ocean....either one!
Realistically though....I am building a house in 2004 and have plans to put a 180 gal. in the wall...with an equipment room on the other side of the wall. .....that is really my dream tank...someday to be a reality.


I pretty much have my dream tank. If I could I would go a bit bigger but my 180 is pretty nice. Not nearly as nice as many I see but I am not as good as others are yet.
I have a 180 that I built into my home office wall. The other side of the wall is a fish room. So on one side is the tank and the other side is all the fixin's. Its a great setup. Now, I just need more time and money! :D


New Member
I'll be starting to set mine up hopefully next month. It's going to be a 180 aggro tank. Still haven't decided exactly what I want to put in it but I'll figure that out as I go along :D


Maroon....my apt. complex has a saltwater pool, havent a clue why, but i'm guessing its easier to care for.


Active Member
a huge underground tank in my basement with corals, fish, the works- and then have it so large i could scuba dive for an hour


Well i want to take my porch out and replace it with a big aquirium
Cuase our porch is pretty big.
4 moorish idols
67 scarlet cleaner shrimp
8 large bicolor blennies
5 mandirin gobies
70 hermit crabs
8 yellow tangs
8 clown fish
2 sailfin tangs
10 blue hippo tangs
30 small lawn mower blennies
And 35 peace maker tang police Dream Dream
And now for coral and invertbrates.


dream tank eh! i would be happy with 4 -500 gal tanks , 2 coral tanks and 1 community tank with live rocks and 1 aggressive. everything animated , i want all the high tech gagets to go with that so less work, and more time to enjoy the tanks. all i have to do is sit back and open a cold 1 (Bud). thats life:D
I was told that some people use SW pools to avoid using chlorine to keep down algae. I don't believe this because the algae certainly likes to grow in my SW tank!
I don't know, maybe because the salt water doesn't hurt your eyes like FW with chlorine. Anybody know why?? Maybe you could ask the people in your complex why??? Let us all know?
I once took a cruise in the Caribbean and the cruise ship filled the pools with freshly filtered Sea Water every morning. That was pretty cool. Wish I lived close enough to the ocean to do something like that.
Oh well........thats why they are called dreams.....MCF


New Member
I'd set up a room with a 10,000 gallon aggressive tank on one wall flanked on either side by a 7,000 gallon reef (lotsa clams) and a 7000 gallon fish only.