what is your stock list


New Member
This is a pretty long list
4" of substrate
70 lbs live rock
1 Sunken ship
3 3-Stiped Damsels 1 1/2"
1 Blue Spotted Puffer 2"
1 Cleaner Wrasse 2" (on the way)
2 Clown Fish 2"
1 Clown Trigger 2"
3 Domino Damsel 1 1/2"
1 Lawnmower Blenny 2"
1 Lemonpeel Angel 3"
1 Naso Tang 5"
1 Powder Blue Tang 4"
1 Royal Gramma 2"
1 Snowflake Eel 6" (on the way)
20 Blueleg Hermit Crab
1 Brittle Starfish
1 Bubble Anemone
45 Cerith Snails
1 Cleaner Clam
1 Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian (on the way)
3 Emerald Crab
1 Feather Duster (I think this is now dead)
1 Flame Scallop
1 Green Brittle Star
1 Lettuce Nudibranch (on the way)
20 Nassarius Snail
1 Pink Tip Haitian Anemone (on the way)
10 Red Leg Hermit Crab
2 Sally Light Foot Crab
5 Sand Sifting Crab (on the way)
1 Sand Sifting Cucumber
10 Trochus Snails
2 White Sand Star
1 Brain Coral: Red 3"
1 Bubble Coral 3"
1 Chili Cactus Coral 5"
1 polyp Green Ricordea
1 Plate Coral - Orange 4" (on the way)
1 30 polyps Zoos - Branching (on the way)

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Overload?
This is a pretty long list
4" of substrate
70 lbs live rock
1 Sunken ship
3 3-Stiped Damsels 1 1/2"
1 Blue Spotted Puffer 2"
1 Cleaner Wrasse 2" (on the way)
2 Clown Fish 2"
1 Clown Trigger 2"
3 Domino Damsel 1 1/2"
1 Lawnmower Blenny 2"
1 Lemonpeel Angel 3"
1 Naso Tang 5"
1 Powder Blue Tang 4"
1 Royal Gramma 2"
1 Snowflake Eel 6" (on the way)
20 Blueleg Hermit Crab
1 Brittle Starfish
1 Bubble Anemone
45 Cerith Snails
1 Cleaner Clam
1 Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian (on the way)
3 Emerald Crab
1 Feather Duster (I think this is now dead)
1 Flame Scallop
1 Green Brittle Star
1 Lettuce Nudibranch (on the way)
20 Nassarius Snail
1 Pink Tip Haitian Anemone (on the way)
10 Red Leg Hermit Crab
2 Sally Light Foot Crab
5 Sand Sifting Crab (on the way)
1 Sand Sifting Cucumber
10 Trochus Snails
2 White Sand Star
1 Brain Coral: Red 3"
1 Bubble Coral 3"
1 Chili Cactus Coral 5"
1 polyp Green Ricordea
1 Plate Coral - Orange 4" (on the way)
1 30 polyps Zoos - Branching (on the way)
Too many fish in too small of a tank....many of those fish will outgrow that tank.
I am not going to flame you (someone else might :hilarious ).....good luck.


New Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
a lot of people would tell you that that clown trigger would need like a 250+. those things get huge,but i would like to see the pics.
my tank is dirty sorry



my stocklist so far is
lrg yellow tang
small yellow tang
2 tomato clowns
small hippo tang
large hippo tang
med naso tang
flame angel
(soon to be added)
pygmy angel (dont tell me about campatabilty.. )
6 line wrass
Large powder Blue tang(for the main attraction)
. is it to large??????????????
oh and 35 hermits.
10 turbos snails
10 cone sanils
4 N. Snails
one coral banded
and 2 cleaner chrimp
in a 2 gallon pico.
jk. there in a 125


1 small yellow tang
1 watchman gobie
1 pajama cardnal
1 bartlets anthias
1 royal gramma
1 false perc
1 green brittle star
1 brown serpant star
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
6 tubo snails
12 (dwarf) blue leg hermit
8 ( dwarf) red leg hermit

a sea k

I opted for the 210 over the 180 because I didn't like the height to length ratio on the 180 based strctly on asthetics. However the 210 is deffinately a PITA to work on (can't hardly reach the bottom or back) also will need very strong lights to reach bottom as well ( more electricity and more heat to deal with) Almost wish I got the 180(almost)
Current fish,
2 Neon Gobies
1 Hectori Gobie
1 Lawnmower Blenny
4 Carpenter Wrasse
2 Percula clowns
Future fish
Randell's gobie & Pistol shrimp
1 P. Fridmani (Orchid Dottyback)
1 Radiant Wrasse
1 Eibli Dwarf Angel
1 Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel
! Majestic Angel (not sure on this one yet)
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 Bluespotted Kole Tang
1 Mimic Tang (chocolate surgeonfish)
Tank has been up since Aug 5, first fish added on Oct 6.


Active Member
75g up to 220g
In my 75g now I have:
Regal Tang (wouldn't recommend for the long run, can't keep his weight on not enough exercise)
Yellow Tang (does fine)
Big momma Swallowtail angel
Small swallowtail (trying to pair)
Female Maroon
Male Maroon
Purple Fridmani
Blenny I caught in South TX
Unknown Goby (white and tan, seen him once since I introduced him)
4 Brittle Stars
Various Snails
Harlequin shrimp (helping me with my asternia star population)
Squamosa Clam
Deresa Clam
Lots of sps
Quite a few lps mainly acans, blastos, micros, and a huge elegance
Zoas galore
Now for the 220g
Current fish, inverts, corals, etc.
Male blue throat trigger
Female blue throat trigger
Achilles tang after intensive quarantine
Watanabe angel pair if I can find them.
Maybe another tang of choice??? Any cool suggestions?
More corals of course
More Clams
Rock etc...
A sea K I am in between the decision between a 180 and a 220 (30" tall) is it worth the extra effort? I am like you asthetically it would look much better IMO whats your thoughts? PM me if you don't want to post here!

sign guy

Active Member
these list look good keep em coming
I would love to see what this site's sharks have in there tank
come on mod's


Active Member
The female is huge and the males looks like a runt. That's the only way I know of. I'm sure there are other ways though.


Active Member
While I'm at it I might as well list the fish in my fiance's parents 150g that I service.
6" Clown trigger (mean SOB, was in a 55g at about 4" for over a year)
4" Dogface
4" Regal Tang
3" Yellow Tang
4" Pinktail Trigger
2x Blue damsels
1 beau gregory damsel (collected in south TX)
Keeping the load light so less work for me, and alot of growing room for their babies...
Oh and about 220lbs of live rock, and barebottom...

a sea k

kpk, Even though my 210 is a major PITA when it comes to working on the tank I would not go with the 180. The taller tank just looks so much better IMO. I don't feel the the taller tank is any better other than looks and total volume. I would however be concerned about lighting/heat issues as well as flow considering you seem to favor SPS corals and clams. It will require alot more light (=more heat & electric) to reach the bottom of the tank, but the flow problems seem easy enough to overcome.
Have fun and good luck whichever way you go.


1 Percula Clown
1 Six line Wrasse
1 Chromis
1 Firefish
1 Neon Goby
Cleaning Crew: (just to start with)
2 Turbo snails
2 Nassarius snails
34 lbs. Live Rock
30 lbs. Live Sand
2 Powerheads
Does this setup sound OK?


Active Member
Hi, I have a 90 gallon tank with the following; 100lbs. LR 70lbs LS
6" Indian Triggerfish (black durgeon trigger) named - Rico Suave
5" Kole Tang named - Named ooh Eee (as in the song Ooh E Ooh ah ah
ting tang walla walla bing bang by the ChipMonks)
3.5" Coral Beauty - named Beauty
4" Diamond Goby - named Zeplin
2" Maroon Clownfish - named Maya (our first fish and queen of the tank)
1 Pink Tip Haitian Anenome
1 Green Star Polyp (Maya's home)
2x Button Polyp Colonies (super orange)
1 stand of Pulsating Silver Branch Xenia's
2x Mushroom Ricordia (green)
1 Hawaiian Featherduster
1 Pineapple Tree coral
20x blue leg hermit crabs
20x red leg hermit crabs
10x scarlet crabs
2x emerald crabs
25x astrea snails
15x nassarius snails
1x fighting conch (deceased)
2x queen conch
1 cleaner clam
1 green brittle star
1 green serpent star
5x sand sifting crab (1 deceased)
listed in order of water flow
Sponge filtering
Clear for Life Protein Skimmer
Temp probe
Ph probe
ORp probe
Titanium heater (Jali)
30lbs LR rubble in fuge
fistfull of Chaetomorpha
JBJ Submariner (submersible UV sterilizer)
Rio 2500 submersible pump
extermal equipment;
Midwest Aquatics - DeNitrator
Premium Aquatics Lighthouse Aquarium Controller
IBM X42 Laptop
Sailfert testkits
48" Nova Extreme 4x54 watt T5HO w/ 4 Lunar Lights
Galaxy Light II - for fuge
Tom's Custom Gourmet Marine foods
2 days after beginning production and the stage is set


My 55g, about 2 months old now (you'll tell by the names, my kids are all over this tank)
  • Mated pair false percula clowns (female about 3.5", male about 2.5") - "Marlin and Nemo" to the kids
  • 2 BTA's in marginal health (used to be one but split)
  • Royal Blue Tang (about 4") - "Dory"
  • Coral Beauty Angel (about 4") - "Coral"
  • Cleaner Shrimp (small/medium sized) - "Jaques"
  • Lawnmower Blenny (about 5") - "Toro", as in the landscaping equipment brand
  • Fire Shrimp (deceased today
    ) - "Spotty"
  • Various hermits (blueleg, scarlet, zebra, jade, probably about 35 total. A lot got eaten by a puffer who was quickly put up for adoption)
  • Sand Sifting Crabs (5, I think - they buried as soon as I got them and haven't seen 'em since except for some molted shells)
    Emerald Crabs (3)
    White Sand Starfish - "Patrick"
    Mexican Turbo Snails, Nasairus Snails, Astra Snails (probably around 20 total now, some eaten by puffer and some eaten by hermit crabs) - funny, all of my snails seemed to be named "Gary"...
    Green shrooms (single colony, around 12 heads)
    Yellow zoos (single colony, maybe 15 heads)
    Green stars (single colony, around 40 heads)
    ~45 lbs. live rock, ~55 lbs. live sand (can't keep the sand clean to save my life...)
    10 gal sump with Coralife 220 skimmer
    2x150w MH (10,000k) & 2x54w T5 (420nm)
Short video taken a few weeks back before we put the puffer up for adoption. You'll also see a Heniochus Butterfly who passed away a few days ago as well. I've got another thread going on identifying a potential serial killer in my tank, but that's another story.


90 g
1 porcupine puffer
2 clowns
1 velvet damsel
1 hippo tang
1 diamond watchman goby
would like to add others but I don't know what to get. Would like to get an eel but I am afraid of him eating the goby. Would like a starfish of some kind but afraid of the puffer eating it and electric flame scallop but also afraid puffer might make it lunch.
45 lbs of live rock
110 lbs of sand
had cc but recently changed, looks so much better
Royal Gramma Basslet-1
Coral Beauty Angelfish-1
Heniochus Black & White Butterflyfish-3
Ocellaris Clownfish-1
Tomato Clownfish-1
Clarkii Clownfish-1
Foxface Lo-1
Six Line Wrasse-1
Blue Tang-1
Yellow Tang – Hawaii-1
Kole Yellow Eye Tang-1
Bartlett's Anthias-1
Blue/Green Reef Chromis-6
Falco Hawkfish -1
125 Gal


My 65g Reef:
2 Clownfish
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Kole tang
Pearl Bubble
Pulsing Xenia
Green Star Polyps
Passion Flower Zoos
Baby Back Blue Zoos
Solar Zoos
Blue Ice Zoos
Clove Polyps
Green Button Polyps
Pink Colt
Another Darker Pink Colt
Cabbage Leather
Green Goni
Purple Mushrooms
Red Mushrooms