what is your stock list

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Ok, thought I would update my stocking list. It is a 125 Gallon by the way. I am playing on adding another Tang. Anyone one help choose one?????
1. Yellow Tang
2. Koran Angel
3. Porcupine Puffer
4. Pinstripe wrasse
5. Snowflake Eel
clown tang or purple tang


6 blue-green chromis
2 tomato clowns
1 algae blenny
1 coral beauty angel
1 royal gramma
1 powder blue tang
1 copper band butterfly
1 yellow tang


Active Member
125g reef with 384w of pc lighting
1 scribbled rabbitfish
1 sailfin tang
1 hippo tang
1 coral beauty
1 heniochus diphreutes butterfly
1 cinnamon clownfish
1 lawnmower blenny
1 diamond goby
3 neon gobies
2 fire shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 bubbletip anenome
Mutiple nassarius, turbo, nerites, bumble bees, and margaritas snails
Many LPS corals, mushrooms, zoas, leathers, and sponges.


This is what I have set up in my tank
92 corner has been set up for almost a year with fake corals/live sand
3 weeks ago I replaced all fake and put in all 80lbs cured live fiji rock
I have 300watts total MH = 36" Current USA Sunpod 150w x 2 with lunar
I have 2 PH 1200/600 maxi-jet with Red Sea Wavemaker
I have Ehiem Pro-2 with UV attatched
I have Freedom Filter/skimmer with 1200 mag-jet
My Stock list
Lawnmower Blenny 1
Percula Clownfish - Aquacultured 1
3 Stripe Damsel 4...little basterds they are fun to watch in rock work
Green Chromis 2
Foxface 1 (6 months new)
The rest of the fish I started with, lossed only a few Stripe Damsels their fault not mine, little basterds

green Brittle Star 2
Cleaner Clam 2
Fighting Conch 2
Arrow Crab 1...Super cool Crab HE FISHES, very neat to watch!! new
Blueleg Hermit Crab 1
Scarlet Hermit Crab 1
Coral Banded Shrimp 1 new
Cleaner Clams 2 new
Fancy Nassarius Snail 1 new
Turbo Snail 4
All other Inverts from the beginning (1year ago)
My water
78-80= temp
I AM GETTING FISH HUNGERY have not had a new fish latley
With my current condition when do you think I can add one and what type you think I should get????

How much more stock room do I have? Fish wise


125 gallon
1 Regal Blue Tang
1 Emperor Angel
1 Flame Angel
1 Foxface
1 Heniochus Butterfly
1 Mandarin green dragonet
2 ocellaris clowns
1 three stripe damsel
5 green chromis
1 sixline wrasse
1 Harlequin Tusk wrasse
1 coral banded shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 chocolate chip starfish
1 lawnmower blenny


Active Member
200lb live rock
150lb sand
Hawaiian Dragon Moray (Muraena pardalis)
Whitemouth Moray (Gymnothorax meleagris)
Giant Hawkfish (Cirrhitus rivulatus)


Originally Posted by AW2x3
200lb live rock
150lb sand
Hawaiian Dragon Moray (Muraena pardalis)
Whitemouth Moray (Gymnothorax meleagris)
Giant Hawkfish (Cirrhitus rivulatus)
Can we see a pic of yours...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bonita69
Can we see a pic of yours...

If you search my name (and previous name of AW2), you'll find quite a few pics of my setup(s).
It has been quite a while since I've taken new pics tho...and no pics of my Giant Hawkfish...so I'll get some new ones up in the next few days. I've got the flu, right now, so I'm really not feeling like doing much.


In our 125..
1 Orange Shoulder Tang
1 Sargasus Trigger
1 Scribbled Rabbitfish
2 fire gobies
6 green chromis
2 mollies
The sailfin we have is a really nice looking fish, and i think one of them just had babies

Looking at adding a couple more things to this tank.
In our 45..
4 green chromis
1 fire clown
2 Yellow tail damsels
1 6line wrasse
1 molly
Of course both are lit with a ton of VHO Lighting and have various corals, crabs, snails and shrimp in each.


Active Member
How big is your scribbled? I absolutely love mine...he is hand tamed, but only to me....how weird is that. I guess they can see out of the glass . Mine is 6".


Originally Posted by Anonome
How big is your scribbled? I absolutely love mine...he is hand tamed, but only to me....how weird is that. I guess they can see out of the glass . Mine is 6".
I just put him in last night

He is about 4-5" range. I really like him though! He has found a home in the tank, and hangs out with my tang all day long and has started eating well already.
I searched and searched for pics of him hoping to find a pic of an adult but couldnt find one. I liked the way he looks now, so I picked him up anyways. I wanted to get one after hearing how much algae they eat in your tank, and everyone has a foxface.....
1 Clark's Clownfish
1 Falco Hawkfish
2 Eels
Yeah I know there's nothing it in, but its an old tank that had been neglected up till now. I've taken charge of it and I want to get the water all perfect before I add more fish.


New Member
I have a 33 gal:
2 yellow-tail damsels
3 clarkii's clownfish
2 Firefish
P.S. I'm gettin a coral beauty and a lawnmower blennie 2morrow!


Active Member
150 gal
2 clowns
1 royal gramma
1 red firefish
1 purple firefish
1 lawn mower blenny
1 flame tail gobie
1 mandrine gobie
1 blue/green cromis
1 clown gobie
1 hawian saddle toby
1 diamond gobie
1 pj cardinal
multi mushrooms, zoos, leathers
to be added
1 fairy wrasse
3 or 4 anthias -lyertail
37 gal
1 clown gobie
1 pj cardinal
2 h erectis seahorses
zoos and shrooms
to be added
1 h erectis seahorse


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudezuk
I just put him in last night

He is about 4-5" range. I really like him though! He has found a home in the tank, and hangs out with my tang all day long and has started eating well already.
I searched and searched for pics of him hoping to find a pic of an adult but couldnt find one. I liked the way he looks now, so I picked him up anyways. I wanted to get one after hearing how much algae they eat in your tank, and everyone has a foxface.....
Here is my scribbled, I believe this is the adult coloration. Good luck with yours, they are awesome fish.


90 gal reef with 22 gal sump
Pacific sailfin Tang
100 nassarius snails, 40 mixed hermits
sand sifting star, and a green brittle starfish
Cabbage coral, cup coral, and different mushrooms, and a colt coral, and a leather


50 gallon
2 ocellaris clowns
1 coral beauty
3 chromis
1 sixline wrasse
1 scooter blenny
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
snails and crabs.