What type of shark?


Active Member
ya, Like I said look at my thread I started. It's perfect for anyone considering a small shark tank.


Active Member
i think its a great thread, but i personally dont like the internet information or shark books information.. they are "decent" at best guidlines for keeping sharks and rays.. When someone actually keeps sharks and rays then you observe that they contradict alot of internet and book information such as trank sizes, tankmates, feeding patterns and quantity etc..
if i listened to alot in that book and on the internet i would have been in trouble with my shark and rays,especially with the info on grey bamboos and bamboos in general.., that why i think its always good to write and ask questions from experience and personal observation..or others peoples for that matter.. CRIMZY on here was a huge help along with alot of others when iw as setting my shark and ray tank up..
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
That's how I found them and asked for a custom tank. It's a standard size custom wise and is 900$ not including shipping. (6'x3'x2')


Active Member
once again gret post though.. the only thing is that the shark pics ar switched.. the first picture is the grey bamboo the second picture to the right of it ( the fatter one) is the arabian bamboo


Active Member
Agreed sharks and rays by Scott W. Michael SHOULD NOT BE YOUR ONLY SOURCE. His recomended tank sizes are way off. THere is another forum devoted to just sharks and rays with a lot of people who kept sharks and rays on there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
if i listened to alot in that book and on the internet i would have been in trouble with my shark and rays,especially with the info on grey bamboos and bamboos in general.., that why i think its always good to write and ask questions from experience and personal observation..or others peoples for that matter.. CRIMZY on here was a huge help along with alot of others when iw as setting my shark and ray tank up..
Thanks for the props but I have to admit that I'm more than a little disappointed that your tank is gone and now your planning a... a... I can't even say it but it rhymes with "beef". Dude, you did a great job with that tank. If you build yourself a nice 500-600 gallon pond, you could just catch pups in your backyard and keep them for several months at a time. Don't go to the dark side.
Sorry to hijack...


I set up my 480gal for a shark/ray combination.....it's 8' long, 2' tall, and 4' front-to-back.....after I set it up I thought "man this is a huge tank, I can put anything I want in it".....well after a few tangs/foxfaces/tusk I added a 9" yellow ray....all of a sudden the tank didn't look quite as big, but still big enough....
......then I added a 22" Horn Shark who free-swims ALOT......now all of a sudden this tank looks like a goldfish bowl.....until you actually put one of these in your tank you don't realize how massive and how powerful these fish really are.....don't get me wrong, I LOVE my shark....it was a lifelong ambition of mine to keep one and I'm thrilled to be keeping him....and I'm not trying to discourage you from getting one either.....just be realistic about it and get the absolute biggest tank you can.....you'll be glad you did!


Active Member
And, as to the minimum tank sizes, especially those in Scott Michael's books, I think there should be a distinction between minimum tank size for survival and minimum tank size for what we would consider ethical. The reality, IMO, is that most sharks and rays that are common in the aquarium trade are pretty hardy and resistant to disease. Most can survive in tanks smaller than we commonly associate with being appropriate. Most disagree with the tank sizes, though becuase we don't consider keeping these guys in smaller tanks to be humane to the animal.


Active Member
dont worry there will always be the agressive in me and im sure i will get back into it...
thanks for that post because i think sometimes i sound like im trying to tell people not to get sharks and they dont like me but what you said i can share in that i didnt realize how big and voracious they are until you get one and experience all that comes with owning one..such as feeding, aggression, size of tank , etc. etc.


Active Member
MIKE22cha Definetly go bigger if you can! This is the biggest I could go since I'm limited in space.
thats why you should consider waiting, because 6 is short and a shark will outgrow it quick,,thats a great size tank but you might want to just wait, save up and get something you can have forever and house the shark in for life.. but thats your call..
CRIM, i was out fishing this weekend and i caught 4 blacktips and 2 lemons.. 1 lemon was small enough to house in a pond ... BUT WE ALL KNOW IT IS ILLEGAL TO TAKE ANIMALS FROM THE WILD AS PETS!


Yeah, I know what you're talking about.....and I wasn't directing my post to anyone except the original poster....I just wanted to relate my experience so far with sharks....I really love mine, he is beautiful, surprisingly agile yet powerful, and is my favorite tank inhabitant......I tell you though, the day I put him in the tank was pretty stressful. I was told when I bought him that he was 13"....well, they were a little bit off in their measurements
....I put him in and he started swimming all over the place, knocking down live rock and coral that I THOUGHT was secure.....he was really freakin out and so was I.....I was thinking about what a big mistake I'd made in putting him in there.....that was about 3 weeks ago and I've settled down some now
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Definetly go bigger if you can! This is the biggest I could go since I'm limited in space.
Same here im gonna do a 240 gallon reef ready 60*36*25tall
Originally Posted by robn
Yeah, I know what you're talking about.....and I wasn't directing my post to anyone except the original poster....I just wanted to relate my experience so far with sharks....I really love mine, he is beautiful, surprisingly agile yet powerful, and is my favorite tank inhabitant......I tell you though, the day I put him in the tank was pretty stressful. I was told when I bought him that he was 13"....well, they were a little bit off in their measurements
....I put him in and he started swimming all over the place, knocking down live rock and coral that I THOUGHT was secure.....he was really freakin out and so was I.....I was thinking about what a big mistake I'd made in putting him in there.....that was about 3 weeks ago and I've settled down some now

Thanks ya i think im gonna try a marble cat or a grey bamboo


Active Member
try the marble the grey is going to freak out in a 60 length, not only because he cant go on speed busrts but also feeding time will be a nightmare and he will attack everyone int hat small of a space..


Active Member
Can you not go to 72" lenght? THat would be more desirable. Go with the marbled catshark. Or coral cat, but I personaly like marbled catsharks better.
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Can you not go to 72" lenght? THat would be more desirable. Go with the marbled catshark. Or coral cat, but I personaly like marbled catsharks better.
ya thats 12 in more but im not gettin a custom tank like yyou but im buyin the same tank ill see


Active Member
72" tank isnt custom thats a standard size for most or should i say allot of 110,125,135,150,180 and 220 gallon tanks.


When it comes to custom tanks, normally you go with them becasue of the extensive width / height adjustments. You can normally find good sized tanks *length wise* stock.


Active Member
Ya they usually make tanks longer and taller. I got mine custom to have it that short and wide. Width and Length are the important things when it comes to sharks and rays.