What type of shark?

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
What will I have to replace?
Ok but that canister is supposed to filter correct. I may not do the closed loop system. I'll talk about it some other people and get a second opinon.
Also I'm not getting a ray since they need fed once a day and I'm trying to keep it to everyother day.
Thats cool but ya imabout to go to the beach but you can email me at birddogs108@yahoo.com cause i can check that on my phone


Not sure what your refering to as to " What types of Sharks will growout in a 330?". But I am using it for growing out Smoothhound pups.


All I have at the moment is my 330, 375pond, 25, 10 lol I am in the planning stages of my a 10,000 gallon pond. I do not want to go bigger and make it the way I would like becasue I will be moving in 5 years probable. So when I find my final location I will be building a larger pond in the 30,000 gallon range.


I would definitely go with a closed loop in a shark/ray tank, for a couple of reasons. 1) the shark/ray will either bump the powerhead, get tangled in the power cord, or worse yet, bite the power cord, and 2) sharks are VERY sensitive to electromagnetic impulses, all the way to 1 millionth of a volt, hence you want to keep anything electrical to a minimum.
Just my .02


Active Member
you can get current with a cloose loop as well..i had my powerheads right at surface pointing in all directions , no wires to mess with and i always tested my water for current..
i do however see your points and they are very valid.. its just alot of wasted electricity and energy for somethign that doesnt need strong flow


Active Member
Thanks for confusing me guys
. Well the electrical current thing is true, (is a mag floater bad for sharks then?). I talked to Krj and he recommended a pump that's gph is like 2000. Said it's got to have a 6-7 times turnover rate?


Active Member
That's a lot! I don't think I need that much for a 270g aquarium. Maybe a pond but not an aquarium. That's huge.


Active Member
hey brendan can is ee some pics of your tank?? i dont understand 40X turnover rate,, id o in a SPS dominated reef tank but i dont know about a sharkt ank, but whatever works for you.. as stated 5-7 times turrnover is more than enough for a shark tank


Psusocr1 - I will upload pictures tomorow. As for the turn over rate, I did not intend to have that much flow. However I am running a 5,500gph return pump which returns through 4 return holes at the front of the tank, plus 5 1,200gph powerheads I installed to get rid of any dead spots on the glass to help get rid of a diatom bloom I had. So far it hasn't been a problem for me. I haven't seen a spike in any of my parameters since I set the tank up so all smiles from me. Again, pictures tomorow.
Sorry everbody i've been at the beach but i just got back and my fish were dead
my spotted grouper, volition lion, fox-face, niger trigger and my banded moray. But my one coral was fine and there was bristle worms every where so im still in shock