what would you do to make this country better/safer?


Active Member
that just goes to show you that the establishment is taking our freedom away from us this year it is that (god out of everything) next year who knows we need to get rid of the aclu that is one bs organization jmo...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i meant reoffenders because if they re-offend you KNOW they did it in the first place, with first time and offenders that only ever did it once , it could be like a witch hunt case- i am definatly not defending these cretens ask
seasalt101 we have personal experience with an offender(my ex husband) i am saying if there is concrete proof they did it put them to death so they dont run around doing it more, we have a sick society that glamourizes young being beautiful and the pornography featuring young young young our society is basically training these people and most of us are just looking the other way or even contributing to it by purchasing their wares
I think in many cases that pornography is a gateway to someo people becoming sexual predators...Kinda like marijuana being a gateway to try other drugs.
Another thing that would fix this county is our so-called "War on Drugs" . This is really only a war against the poor. If we wanted to really eliminate drugs we would target our efforts on the big guys and not these neighborhood drug pushers. It takes a lot to get these drugs into our country; however you rarely here about the head international drug smugglers and their supply chains. Why don't we stop this problem at the source?


Originally Posted by seasalt101
i hope the keys aren't jingleing to loud it's been a peaceful thread...tobin
It won't get closed if it stays civil like it has been. Great thread.
Capital Punishment is a Great answer. In Japan they still hang people in the street.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
...Kinda like marijuana being a gateway to try other drugs.
That statement is complete and utter right wing propaganda. Marijuana is NOT a gateway to other drugs. It's the only so called drug out there that is not addicting and naturally available in its final form (meaning there is no processing involved) There is also substantial research that shows that marijuana has many positive benefits, not just in medicine where it has shown to be very effective in treating things from Cancer to Multiple Sclerosis, but also in industry, with all the useful products that can be made from hemp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
It won't get closed if it stays civil like it has been. Great thread.
Capital Punishment is a Great answer. In Japan they still hang people in the street.
I agree. Bring back public execution and make it painful and slow. Maybe that'll actually deter people from committing the same crimes!


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
It won't get closed if it stays civil like it has been. Great thread.
Capital Punishment is a Great answer. In Japan they still hang people in the street.

And their crime rate is lower by far.
america is the worlds number one producer of pshycopaths and sexual deviants. I can only think of one cause, pandering. they arent really going to be cured but if they know their unit is going to be burnt off or they are going to be summarily executed for doing what they do then they are less likly to do it. and the ones who do would only do it once. I personally would rather be wrongfully executed than have one child molested.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
That statement is complete and utter right wing propaganda. Marijuana is NOT a gateway to other drugs. It's the only so called drug out there that is not addicting and naturally available in its final form (meaning there is no processing involved) There is also substantial research that shows that marijuana has many positive benefits, not just in medicine where it has shown to be very effective in treating things from Cancer to Multiple Sclerosis, but also in industry, with all the useful products that can be made from hemp.

HAHAHA!!! I remember the days when I made that same argument! Wow, haven't seen those words in a while.

Oh, but you forgot how beer causes so many more deaths per year and yet IT'S still legal, and all that stuff...
Did I mention, LOL!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
HAHAHA!!! I remember the days when I made that same argument! Wow, haven't seen those words in a while.

Oh, but you forgot how beer causes so many more deaths per year and yet IT'S still legal, and all that stuff...
Did I mention, LOL!!!
True, I forgot to mention that no one ever smoked themselves to death whereas people drink themselves to death every single day!


And all the car wrecks! All the unprotected ---, all the irresponsibilityness caused by alcohol. No benefits to alcohol at all, yet it's still legal.
Without a drug test, almost nobody loses their job with pot...etc...


Active Member
i think this is the first thread i started without having any arguments started yeah, i agree with public execution theories what better way to make someone think twice about wronging someone, and the pot thing, if they would legalize that and make alcohol illegal i think there would be alot less unwanted pregnancies, car accidents, and spousal/child abuse plus numerous others, letskeep this one going thanks everyone...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I can agree with that. If someone wants to say a prayer or something in school, then so be it. However, it should NOT be a teacher saying a prayer in front of the class. If a student wants to pray on hisher own there is nothing wrong with that
then i guess u could say they shouldnt teach evolution


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Seriously, I'd add a 2 second delay at red lights before they turn green. I've seen 2 accidents from drivers trying to burn yellow lights that go red and I don't want to see anymore.
I'd also make it mandatory that kids play dodgeball in gym class.
They do that. When your light turns red. All lights are red for a few seconds. Its not the people who run yellows but the people who run reds a few seconds after being red.


Active Member
i think they should teach both ways evolution and creationism then let the kids decide what they want to believe...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
That statement is complete and utter right wing propaganda. Marijuana is NOT a gateway to other drugs. It's the only so called drug out there that is not addicting and naturally available in its final form (meaning there is no processing involved) There is also substantial research that shows that marijuana has many positive benefits, not just in medicine where it has shown to be very effective in treating things from Cancer to Multiple Sclerosis, but also in industry, with all the useful products that can be made from hemp.
Marijuana does have some positive medical benefits; however most people that smoke it abuse it. After you smoke so much of it its harder to get high, so people are more likey to move on to other drugs that will give them a better high. No this doesn't happen in all cases but I bet you that most of the people who are addicted to drugs such as meth, heroin, cocaine, and etc...smoked marijuana first.
The problem we have as a country is over indulgence. We abuse everything and if you have everything its not enough, and you have to get more. Nothing is wrong with alcohol if you drink it on occasion and don't abuse it, the problem arises when people abuse it, the same thing is probably true about marijuana.



Originally Posted by Rylan1
I agree with what others said. Its not about a particular religion
but about one of the principles this country was founded on, and that is the freedom to express your religion. Why are we taking God
out of our legal system and off the face of buildings, why are we not allowed to say "Under God
" in the Pledge of Alligence, why isn't a child allowed to openly pray in school or wear a reglious themed costume on Halloween? I just don't get why the opinions of the few people who oppose religion
get to dictate their views on the majority who don't. I also don't get why they only teach you the theory of evolution and no other theory such as the universe was created by a supreme being
Oh, it's not about a particular religion? Hmm...
Would you be so concerned if the prevailing religion of the US worshipped multiple gods? Do Muslims or Buddhists "oppose" religion?
...If so, that's news to me. Your statement expresses the exact reason for taking the Christian God out of school/government...it's extremely one-sided, unfair, and unequal.


Active Member
what about the Athiests and Pagans? forcing prayer, swearing on bibles, "in god we trust" on money, etc...
I guess the one true answer that is going to answer the question is this:
We need to vote into office politicians that see the same way the every day public Joe sees. We all realize the country is screwed. The only way to fix it is to start with the laws and the way the laws are enforced.