what would you do to make this country better/safer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by katiev
Oh, it's not about a particular religion? Hmm...
Would you be so concerned if the prevailing religion of the US worshipped multiple gods? Do Muslims or Buddhists "oppose" religion?
...If so, that's news to me. Your statement expresses the exact reason for taking the Christian God out of school/government...it's extremely one-sided, unfair, and unequal.
If the majority of the US worshipped multiple God's?...That doesn't make a difference. The people who want to take God out are people who don't believe in God. I just believe that the people that are doing this want a country devoid of God, which in my opinion has a lot to do with where we are as a country today. If as a country we tell God that we don't need him, then He will continue to allow bad things to happen. ( I don't want to get into a religious debate) I think the reason why we have been so prosporous as a nation is because of our belief in God.
Muslims for example are supposed to pray 5 times a day. If a student wants to do this, is he allowed during the school day to go to a private place to do this?
My other statement is that this country's foundation was built on Christianity which is why the Constitution is structured the way that it is...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
If the majority of the US worshipped multiple God's?...That doesn't make a difference. The people who want to take God out are people who don't believe in God. I just believe that the people that are doing this want a country devoid of God, which in my opinion has a lot to do with where we are as a country today. If as a country we tell God that we don't need him, then He will continue to allow bad things to happen. ( I don't want to get into a religious debate) I think the reason why we have been so prosporous as a nation is because of our belief in God.
Muslims for example are supposed to pray 5 times a day. If a student wants to do this, is he allowed during the school day to go to a private place to do this?
My other statement is that this country's foundation was built on Christianity which is why the Constitution is structured the way that it is...
Why would you ever want to worship something that would turn it's back on you if others in your country didn't worship it. Doesn't that sound like a very human thing to do -- it doesn't seem like something an all powerful entity would be concerned with...unless it had an ego, which was easily bruised.
You say our country was built on christainity I disagree, if you do some research you'll find that many of our founding fathers were Deists and Unitarians...here are some quotes from James Madison, the father of the constitution...
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."
"During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Why would you ever want to worship something that would turn it's back on you if others in your country didn't worship it. Doesn't that sound like a very human thing to do -- it doesn't seem like something an all powerful entity would be concerned with...unless it had an ego, which was easily bruised.
You say our country was built on christainity I disagree, if you do some research you'll find that many of our founding fathers were Deists and Unitarians...here are some quotes from James Madison, the father of the constitution...
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."
"During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution."
Wow, I'm always impressed with everyone's knowledge of particular things on this site. Unitarism and Christianity do have many similarities and the same moral ethics. Difference is they only believe in God the Father.. not the Son and Holy Spirit. - I don't want to turn this into a religious debate... So I'll leave my comments to this... God doesn't turn His back on us, but why should he step in and save us if we turn our backs on him and deny His existence. We say we don't want Him in our lives, then why should He force Himself into them. He gives us choice, and if that is what we choose then who is really to blame?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Wow, I'm always impressed with everyone's knowledge of particular things on this site. Unitarism and Christianity do have many similarities and the same moral ethics. Difference is they only believe in God the Father.. not the Son and Holy Spirit. - I don't want to turn this into a religious debate
... So I'll leave my comments to this... God doesn't turn His back on us, but why should he step in and save us if we turn our backs on him and deny His existence. We say we don't want Him in our lives, then why should He force Himself into them. He gives us choice, and if that is what we choose then who is really to blame?

hehe, that's all you've been doing.
Your God is supposed to be all forgiving, and supposed to lead us to salvation. I guess i'd keep trying to bring all the lost sheep in instead of ignoring everyone. Things like 9/11, the school killings, Bush being voted in twice, etc wouldnt have happened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
hehe, that's all you've been doing.
Your God is supposed to be all forgiving, and supposed to lead us to salvation. I guess i'd keep trying to bring all the lost sheep in instead of ignoring everyone. Things like 9/11, the school killings, Bush being voted in twice, etc wouldnt have happened.
You should start a thread on "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" I think it would be interesting to hear/read everyones views.
What also would make this county safer/better is if we had a better Foreign Policy and relations with other countries.


Active Member
here's another one, eliminate toll roads that is what part of the gas tax is supposed to pay for our roads, it's ridiculous to pay gas tax that is about .50 cents per gallon and then charge you in a large part of the country to pay to use the toll road 1 or the other, and yes if you fill up on a toll road you still pay the .50 per gallon tax, for upkeep of the roads...tobin


Active Member
i'd prefer more toll roads, and get the gas tax down. Here's an example of why toll roads are necessary:
if you travel from Mass to Maine, you (most of the time) will drive 95 through New Hampshire for about 10? miles. New Hampshire has to pay to keep up that part of the highway, but how many people would stop to get gas in NH? So where's the money to pay for it?
Same thing with other states that get a lot of people in to work but don't live there. The roads get beat on, but no one buys gas in those states, so the states have to get money somehow.
if the gas tax were down, i'd be saving money since i rarely go on the toll roads.