whats going wrong


judging by post #9 your box is to high your box water level should be bout 3/4 to 1in lower than tank level .in post 32 i can see your deff sucking air
somewhere .i can see it coming out in sump.if box levels ok try a third utube
worked for me.i have a diy box same size and i found myself closing my input
valve because the utubes couldnt keep up .and my teeth are 1/2 open per.
and a third utube fixed it .someone told me a utube is 500gph a while back
but it is same diameter as 1in but maybe cause the water has to go up and over its true???


Active Member
well tried the third u tube, was able to open valve, then it got very loud and i have to drop the inner box down alot. any way to quite this. i must have to do some thing with the stockman.


Active Member
What sucks is that i have a Mag12 that i cant get to open up properly, when i have SIGN GUY saying he got a Mag18 on his with the same setup and he has no ball valve on it. i keep asking for him to help me, but never really does.
not saying anything bad about u SIGN GUY, just saying im having trouble for over a month. and you have a little bit better system and your not filling me in on nothing. you where very helpful for a while then you say you got it,and just stop helping.
please explain how you did it. if you were local i would pay you to come here and do this.

sign guy

Active Member
If I were you pull every thing out and use a few spare tanks and test tthe ratio between the two. can you get a pic af the pump maybee its grosly over sized. but seeing every thing we have discused I think you need to setup a 20 tall with no pipes and your pump in a 10 with 3/4 flex hose back to the 20 and see if it stabilizes its self. I know its alot of troubble but somthing is up with the pipeing. as far as my set up goes Its disasimbled till I get a house in june but I have a mag 18 and the same box as you do. my box draines two 1.25 pvc pipes one to a pro clear wet dry and one to the sump of the wet/dry. pump without any valves pumps or bend sends water back through a 1.25 pvc pipe then T's off to two 3/4 pvc pipes and loc line.


Active Member
thank you very much. know i can start thinking of different things. but do you think that my setup should be working.
it would be impossible to get the 55 out. so can i just get a smaller return pump. what is the recommended turnover rate for cheato. i do have some in the sump with a 100gph small power head in there.

sign guy

Active Member
your setup should be working flawlsly befor you get a smaller pump I would call the manufactors and get there take on the situation. with us not able to pinpoint the problem I would say you have a good chance of getting a smaller pump and running into the same problem. I know you dont think thats posible but think of it this way. if there is somthig hindering yourflow such as a tall baffle or somthing cought in the pipeing it will efect a presentege of the flow. not a given amount of water


Active Member
sorry got a new computer and forgot the password until i was doin a water change on the tank and out of left field i thought about the password.
alright. so, i am thinking about reducing the tubing from the current 1" pvc down 3/4" pvc. by this maybe i wound have to throttle the pump back. no i know for sure my setup aint right, cause i pretty much killed my cheato wich cause a hair algea out break. i cant get this stockman stand pipe thing down built so many of them too. why did you Sign Guy go with the same overflow box that i got. are there better ones out there.