whats going wrong


Active Member
The extra noise you here is the greater volume of water flowing through the drains. I dont know if upsizing the stockmans will help or not, but it cant hurt. If it too noisy try laying a filter sponge over the top of it to muffle the noise some.

sign guy

Active Member

Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
The extra noise you here is the greater volume of water flowing through the drains. I dont know if upsizing the stockmans will help or not, but it cant hurt. If it too noisy try laying a filter sponge over the top of it to muffle the noise some.
ignor the noise for a little while we need to find out why your turnover is so low


Active Member
if i could say it, i would say f@ck yeah. i dont know whats wrong. i think cause i am new to the sump,and really nobody to help me, i think i am missing something stupid. just a feeling.
the noise dont bother me right now. i just want more from my return pump. wish you guys lived local.


Active Member
the water level in the DT is high enough that the water lines is half way up the teeth. when i simulate a power outage the tank drains just to the bottom of the teeth and the sump is filled to the top. this is correct right. i do have enough water in the system.
i hope so cause this is what sign guy pointed out earlier. just trying to go over the check list.



Active Member
Sign guy please tell me your set up. everything please, meaning just the sump part.
sump, overflow box,return lines from everything. you dont understand that i have been planning this for months and now for about a month i have had this problem.
i have only 1 damsel in there from my old tank, the tank has been running for over 2 months now. i refuse to put anything more in there until i figure this out. why you might ask.
i get crazy when it comes to my hobby. i dont like errors or setbacks. i'd rather wait forever trying, then doing and not succeeding.


just a question for ya is your u tubes in the right way? belive it or not i had mine in wrong and they are 2 differant lenghts.I had to switch them around and it helped out my problem , dont know how but did? just a thought im no expert on it though. you should try that and see if it helps you out? good luck.


Active Member
sign guys on the road i am, the turnover rate. i want to add two more powerheads but cant. the reason i cant is if i can get the sump return pump running wide open then i dont need the powerheads.


Active Member
dont down grade the pump. Try as I suggested and I bet you're worries will be over. My OF runs half way up on the teeth even when it's dialed back.


Active Member
im just wondering if the water level is above the baffles to begin with why would i have to cut the one down to let more water in there.
and if i cut the baffle and lower the skimmer box, i will have to mess with the stockman pipes to get them quite. so with more water the holes in the end caps should be bigger or smaller.

sign guy

Active Member
I wonder if your pipes in the over flow box are too close to the bottom of the box. how much room do you have?

sign guy

Active Member
here is what you need to test my theri a 20 tall and a 10 gallon pluss 3 feet of 3/4 id flex hose make freinfd with your lfs and do the test at his store


Active Member
i have about 3/4 of an inch. if i lower the box and open the valve fully the water line just keeps rising and eventually rises over and past the skimmer box.
what do you mean. what else do i need the overflow box and the return sump to see if i can get it even.


Active Member
from the overflow box i used spa flex tubing. and from the return pump 4 ninety degree angles. 4 forty five degree angles, 1 tee.
can u please tell my your setup. be informative