whats going wrong


Active Member
alright the durso standpipe dont work with an exteranl overflow box. so i made the stockman standpipes. still throttled back severly, the stand pipes are quite just not really pulling that hard.

sign guy

Active Member
considering the size of the pipes on the overflow and the size of your mag pump every thing should be fine. you know I have the same ofb with a mag 18 on my 125 and no valves


Active Member
alright so what am i doing wrong, my Mag12 is throttled back almost 4/5 of the way. how did you do your set up.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
alright so what am i doing wrong, my Mag12 is throttled back almost 4/5 of the way. how did you do your set up.
same way you did that is the most confusing part about all this. I am wandering if your sump has a type of restrictor that is hindering the flow cuz every thing should be flowing corectly

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by kainex
try running your return lines above you sumps water line do not submearge your returns
that would create a few thousand micro bubbles


Active Member
i have the two returns just an inch to two inches under the water line. could it be my stockmans. where do you have the inner box placed. meaning under the water line or at it. do you have any pics that would help alot. did you do anything about the standpipes or did you just leave them. what did you plumb your overflow box with. did you do any modifications to the overflow box. very minimual bubbles.


Active Member
when i opened up the ball valve it drained my return chamber to quick. well down to the baffles then drains the return chamber. my chamber is 9 X 12 iches. the fuge is 27 X 12. and the return from the overflow box is 12 X 12. are they measurments off or wrong or should be......


Active Member
IMO, and I sure aint no sump god,
You need to lower the inside box down to it's lowest setting, and the bafell prior to the return pump is to tall in the sump.
Shut down the sump, cut some slots in the baffle or lower it, lower the inside boxon the OF, then fill the sump to maximum capacity.
Can someone verify this should work?


Active Member
so how do i make it lower since its filled. and for the water level in the DT how far down should the water level be.


Active Member
Lower the internal box as far down as it will go. As for the sump :thinking: gonna either haveto be creative or drain it down....... It's acrylic baffles isnt it? If so take a hacksaw blade, just the blade, and use it to cut 2 lines down the baffle, then take a sharp razorblade and etch DEEP into the acrylic where the two lines end, connecting them together. Keep etching it until you can bend and snap it off. Be careful not to break you're silicone seal. If its glass you're gonna have to drain it down and remove it, cut it and recaulk it in. If you have a dremmel tool with the flex attachment that would prob work for the acrylic too.


Active Member
when i lower the inner box the stockmans become very noise is this cause my holes are to big. and should i go and remake the stockmans out of 1.25 inch piping.
how far down the baffle should i cut. and why is it to high.


Active Member
Like I said i'm no sump expert but this is what i believe is going on.
When you open the valve all the way up the water is drained out of the return compartment and dumped into the display tank. With you're water level what it is now, it comes up and will overflow.The teeth in the OF only allow so much water in depending on the level above the lowest most point of the teeth. It can handle more but you're level will be higher up on the teeth. so the inner compartment needs to come down to allow the higher volume. You're display tank will take more gallons of water than what you're sumpset up the way it is now can give it. By lowering the one baffle down at the return pump you can take in more water to that compartment and you should be able to find a balance. Somebody can do the calcs for you but i dont know how to. Bang Guy Sign Guy or Turning Tim can help you with that.