what's the 1st thing you wish you had known


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
Don't take someone you live with to the fish store. This for me resulted is a yellow tang.
Also, don't let your kid work for your LFS. The family discount benefit turns your house into a zoo. We have too many four legged critters because of that 'discount.'
I stupidly thought I would just stock my tanks and get amazing deals. Little did I realize that I would keep buying tanks and end up with more fish.
Never let anyone tell you it diesn't cost much in electricity to have multiple tanks. I have several and have seen my electric bill skyrocket.
Now instead of just heating the tanks in the winter and paying for the heaters and etc., I end up with the A/C on more than I ever did in previous years.
Denise M.


I'm only a month into it and don't regret too much. I'd definetely say buy used! Everyone is always upgrading to something bigger and better, and sell their stuff for super cheap. Might not be the best in the world, but if you are a "do'er" then it's nothing a little elbow grease can't help (non fish harming of course
www.craigslist.org <----Best place to find used equipment!
Also make sure everything is completely sealed so that it doesn't leak, and to watch where you put your LR so you don't crush things!! oops


New Member
How much this hobby costs!!!!!!! And all the arguing between me and my husband over stupid tank stuff!!!


New Member
I've read all 258 replies to this question and not only did I learn a few things, I also agree with the information provided.
I've had a saltwater aquarium for over a year now and the things I would change, if I could, is finding a reputable store who isn't in it for the $$$. I know it's hard to find but when you do, it makes a world of difference!
I would also stay away from undergravel filters and crushed coral. Worst mistake I ever made!! I recently started over and I am now cycling my 15 gallon with sand and no UGF. I also have a 50 gallon with sand as substate and I find it so much easier to keep clean and no nasty bristle worms to contend with!!!
Reading is especially IMPROTANT. Research is a necessary preliminary step to ensure the well being of your tank and its inhabitants. It's always better to take the time to ask questions or research BEFORE purchasing something instead of making a costly mistake.
Finally, patience is imperative. Your patience will reward you in the end and the rewards are endless if you do what you're supposed to do and ask questions when you're not sure. There are no stupid questions...just stupid mistakes!
Good luck and ENJOY! :happyfish


Active Member
Do not call a clown fish NEMO. It seems to pee everyone off to no extent. It even gets the guy at the LFS going when my 6 year old does it.
I said "nemo" he said: :mad:


New Member
I wish I'd know not to run my MHs for a week solid, giving me about a 1cm thick layer of algae and diatoms over everything. Oh and also to do water changes every week and not every 3 months.


New Member
I can look at my tanks and just count the money when I'm in the mood to brag. Trouble is there is no one to brag to. My friends now think I'm eccentric. Because I raise corals? So... I hate that!!!


New to the SW, but for my 55G FW tank...I wish I had known putting it next to the big screen tv, makes it impossible to concentrate on a movie

Also wish I knew Oscars were so clumsy :happyfish
Thank Neptune, for sites like this one.....




Originally Posted by Merredeth
largest pet food and chocolate manufcaturers in the world.
What an oxy-moron being that chcolate is posinus to dogs & cats.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
What an oxy-moron being that chcolate is posinus to dogs & cats.

The company is Nestle USA. They also make Purina pet products.
Basically, they have well over 300 brand names they own.
Every person in the USA probably has something by Nestle in their cupboards. Heck, there are even products out there that still don't carry the Nestle logo.
Denise M.


Im just starting my frist 29 gal tank and have most of my LR and LS but was reading about the RO water. Is it worth me switching out my water I have now (tap and instant ocean) to use the RO before I get really going?


Active Member
first of all................NEVER trust and of the so called "specialist". In all the years I have had fish, I thought I had heard it all until I started my salt water a years and a half ago.
Best thing to do is read. Arm yourself with knowledge. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Famous
Im just starting my frist 29 gal tank and have most of my LR and LS but was reading about the RO water. Is it worth me switching out my water I have now (tap and instant ocean) to use the RO before I get really going?
I have seen many people start a new tank with regular old tap water. They end up with diatom blooms however you will do some water changing before you put fish in.
You can still use the water in your tank - but as you do water changes then use RO water.
Diatoms (brown colored stuff over the sand) will still be in the tank, but as you make changes and the tank cycles you'll see less.
Denise M.


Originally Posted by Merredeth
I have seen many people start a new tank with regular old tap water. They end up with diatom blooms however you will do some water changing before you put fish in.
You can still use the water in your tank - but as you do water changes then use RO water.
Diatoms (brown colored stuff over the sand) will still be in the tank, but as you make changes and the tank cycles you'll see less.
Denise M.

Thank you I am going to go ahead and switch out the water just ot avoid the problems as much as possible. This is probaly a stupid question but RO does keep right? I mean for the top offs and stuff? Thanks again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Famous
Thank you I am going to go ahead and switch out the water just ot avoid the problems as much as possible. This is probaly a stupid question but RO does keep right? I mean for the top offs and stuff? Thanks again!
If it is for top-offs, keep it capped and you should be okay.
However, just keep in mind if you mix salt, it is best to let it aerate it with a powerhead for 24 hours minimum a long with a heater thrown into it as well.
Denise M.


New Member
Maybe how horrible Ich was! It made my dogface puffer look like something out of a horror movie before he died!
OH and that cleaner shrimp shed their ahem.. BODY! WTH! :scared:


BUY USED, I've saved so much money, and I have lots top notch equipment. Craigslist, ----, and sites like this one sites have all made it possible.
Great deals are everywhere, you don't have to spend outside of you means, if you don't purchase one deal, another one will come along soon enough.

Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences