what's the 1st thing you wish you had known


When Adding A New Fish .. Unplug The Power Heads .. As A Dazed New Fish Can Get Caught On The Intake And Damage Their Fins
Also .. That Coralife Makes The Worst Protien Skimmer.. It Resulted In It Overflowing And Me Getting Electrocuted


i was on the verge of buying a coralife skimmer. . . .what would be an economical skimmer for a 30 gal tank?


Active Member
i was told at my old LFS that well water was a good source of water to use. Boy was that a lie and did i have to start over due to my algae tank with some fish and rocks


New Member
I started a 38g FO tank three years ago and did absolutely everything wrong. If it was wrong, I did it. I didn't know about what to do about cycling. I bought yellow tangs (3), and a mandarin, and 3 clownfish, a couple of big, nasty crabs and yellowtail blue damsels. The tangs stressed everybody and the damsels picked
on the survivors. The tangs went down the toilet along with the damsels. One clownfish survived but I felt sorry for him and gave him to a good home. I dumped everything I had except for the tank. Well, now 3 years later, I've either gotten smarter or forgotten all the previous grief, because I have a 15g tank started. I'm trying to go slow but it's killing me.
I just found this board a couple of days ago and have been reading every post until my eyes are bleeding.
I just want to personally thank every here for caring enough about the livestock, hobby and people like me by sharing your incredible knowledge.



Just get a bigger tank now. You're going to do it eventually anyways, might as well do it before you get everything in there. It doesn't matter how big of a tank you start with, you will soon want a bigger one.


New Member
Originally Posted by jacrmill
Just get a bigger tank now. You're going to do it eventually anyways, might as well do it before you get everything in there. It doesn't matter how big of a tank you start with, you will soon want a bigger one.
Soooo true! I'm already looking for a bigger tank and all of the accessories to go with it.

I just read in another thread about reef ready tanks that are drilled. I hadn't considered that in my planning...so now back to the beginning....(sigh) :thinking:


Originally Posted by chachi
when you got your first tank? We are buying an established tank from a mutual friend and are looking for 2nd opinions. So, what is the first thing you wish you had known when you got your first tank?
Not to buy a Mag 24! :mad:
BTW, after 6 weeks of high water temps, earspliting racket, and no start hell replaced mine with a Sequence Dart. Sooo quiet and starts everytime.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Tankyou
Not to buy a Mag 24! :mad:
BTW, after 6 weeks of high water temps, earspliting racket, and no start hell replaced mine with a Sequence Dart. Sooo quiet and starts everytime.

You won't be sorry with the Sequence line of pumps.....they are quiet


Active Member
Bigger really is better.... never skimp and buy a cheap protien skimmer. oh the head aches. sumps rule. macro algaes are cool.


New Member
I agree... Go as big as you can...and never never buy a cheap or budget protein skimmer - it will be the death of your hobby.
{edit link}


New Member
Originally Posted by Clown52
Water changes and RO water.
hi I just strated about 4 mon. ago and my ques.is about eels,are they reef safe.Thank you for your help.


I'm glad to know it's not just me. My husband teases me constantly because I seemingly stare into the waters of my tank for endless amounts of time. This is by far one of the best hobbies I have ever had. I can't remember enjoying something to this extent. And I'm just a beginner!

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by N.Solano90
hi I just strated about 4 mon. ago and my ques.is about eels,are they reef safe.Thank you for your help.

I would start a new thread for that one.


New Member
When in doubt, do a water change.
If a coral/inverts not doing well, move it. Diff light, water flow etc
With every new purchase know:
Lighting needs
Food needs: type/day/night
Water current needs, low, med, high.
Quarantine/acclimation needs
"Anything else I should know about this" :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


If i had known about SWF.com and all the fine folks here I would have saved myself alot of $$$$ and worry. I almost gave up and quit.


Active Member
my wife begged me to get a sw tank.i said yes if she help with the water changes..as soon as we got the tank she found out it was a lot more maintenince then her fw tank..she bailed out and never even touched the tank..but i find myself starring at it all day. now its my pride and joy..anyways
i wish i started with a bigger tank. i started with a 24g aquapod..and spent $500 to get it started...a month later i find myself purchusing a 90g..
and yes never take ur wife to the lfs..she beggs me to put a blue or yellow tang in my 24g..she gets mad when i say "no its tooooo small of a tank..even my new 90g is too small still"..