what's the 1st thing you wish you had known


WOW! I'm not about 5 weeks into a new 80 Bowfront headed for a reef. Also, 2 weeks into that, I started converting our old 29 freshwater to a reef as well.
What I most wish now is that I had known about the message boards, the educational sites online, and printed material (books, etc)!!!
WHAT A GOLD MINE the foriums are!
At present, I have not waisted a lot of money but I have some. In cycling water, I caught my 29 up to the point my 80 was at-- not really rushing it but not taking nearly as long as my LFS wanted. At present, I have 178lb of RL split 128/50 with 100lb more coming Tuesday. I will have about 2.5lb/gal when finished. I am being very patient waiting for the water to cycle and know that the additional LR may delay that even longer but I want the LR to be in place before I start adding livestock (ok ok... i admit i have 5 hermits so I can watch something =) It was a LONG 1st week watching nothing but water circulate. I'm also using live sand 80lb split 20/60.
Here's some advice I received locally. When I say locally, in my small southern Okla town, we have a LFS that is a petshop you have to pet the dogs and cats and listen to the birds scream while having to put up with the smell of the mice and rats. Also, in OKC 100 miles away, there is a saltwater only LFS that has beautiful reef tanks. I'm finding out there are other saltwater LFSs within 80-100 miles.
Advice from LPS. (1) To grow corals, the 4' single bulb fluorescent light will just not do. you need to buy a 2 bulb fluorescent and have a total of 80W to really get the corel to grow. <SIGH> cha-ching

(2) you don't need to buy a skimmer, just run the emporer 400 and an air stone to create bubbles (they didn't say anything about salt creep) to break up the surface tension.
(3) you will need about 50lb of LR to do well with a reef tank. <sigh> (and they sell LR too!!!)
OKC saltwater shop. (1) you don't need a skimmer-- we don't have a single one anywhere in our shop on any of our tanks. just add a second emporer 400 for water flow and that is what will break up surface tension. <sigh> Cha ching! :mad:
... they did say not to use the air stone due to it causing problems with corals.
(2) the 80w fluorescent is just not enough. you need to move up to something like a power compact. (we're talking for my 80 Bowfront that has a 28" water depth). The recommended a Current 4X96W. CHA-CHING

THEN, I found the message boards and got some really good info. I had thought that MH was too expensive but then when I started adding up all the bulb replacement, MH will pay for itself in a couple of years. The good news is that both LFSs will take back the items they sold me with exception of the Emporer 400 <WHEW> But, if i can get so messed up on setup, what in the world would have happened to me when I started stocking critters.
READ READ ASK QUESTIONS and READ MORE! Go visit others and see how they are doing things. One thing that I have learned is that there might not be just one right way of doing something but there are MANY ways of doing it wrong!
I have MH coming for my 80. A very nice power compact coming for my 29 (both Corel Life) and AquaC Remora skimmers coming for both. (so wishing i had them during the whole cycling process!).
I'm reading up on cleaner crews which will be my next step. Probably put my own package together taylored for each tank. then if all goes well, maybe some fish! we'll worry about shrimp, other inverts and coral later.
can't wait to sit back ***) and enjoy my :happyfish
Best wishes all,
James =)


Active Member
The first thing I wish I would have known was the importance of live rock. When I first got into this, I tried running my tank without live rock and it just looked so dull and plain and it was so unstable.


:happyfish Tangs don't belong in 20g tanks

:happyfish Anemones need more than 20watt lights

:happyfish Yes, you actually have to do water changes

:happyfish The guys at the LFS dont know s#^*


Originally Posted by Rainfishy
:happyfish The guys at the LFS dont know s#^*



My biggest mistake was wanting a flourishing tank with fish in 2 weeks.
I bought all of these "cycling aids" and had my take ready in a week. Well nothing but bad things happened. I did the same thing twice.
I next aquarium I set up I let it cycle normally and everything was fine.
The lesson: Anything worth doing is worth doing right and taking it slow!


Active Member
I wish I had known that coral banded shrimp are kinda naughty!! Every time I put something into my tank, Scampi come nosing around to see what's for dinner. So far though, he's been great, but then he gets fed like a little king. Still...it would be nice to have some other kinds of shrimpies in my tank.
So far, that's the only thing that I can think of. I'm sure with more time and experience, I'll be adding more to this thread.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
i wish I had known that every single decision that you make when setting up your tank will affect the tank later...


I wish I had know to leave my tank further away from the wall to leave plenty of room for the dozens of things you need to plug in


Originally Posted by kjord97
The expensive side of the hobby. Wow I started 2 1/2 yrs ago with a 29 gal tank and 5 lbs of live rock some sand and an emerald crab. Now over the years everything just grows and it is a great excuss to tell the wife to get a bigger tank. Now currently I have a 125 gal reef and a 45 gal fowlr for her. And a few thousand dollars later we are still looking at upgrading, it is just so addictive. We even started a club here in our small town and alot of us get togther monthly and swap and share corals. Its all good and everything works out. Good luck to ya and remeber it is alot of fun, i must stare at my tanks for hours everyday, everyday finding new things in there to see.
yea we got our 55g free had a blind dont know what kinda fish it is and a shrimp upgraded so a sb from cc and had no live rock added all that fish corals got about 1800 in couple months and now planning to get a 150 or 180g probly have 10k in a tank that big LOL


Active Member
RO water
live sand instead of cc
getting the right equipment the FIRST TIME. LIGHTING PROTIEN SKIMMER, REFUGIUM


Active Member
Originally Posted by maeistero
walmart water isn't testing consistently lately. ok for hardy fo (fish only) tanks, but not reefs. buy from a lfs (local fish store), or find someone local with a ro/di unit.

I think that will depend on which Culligan's you have serving the self-serve RO units.
Our Culligan self-serve unit at the local WalMart is regularly serviced (the service date is posted) and if there is a problem, you could call the local Culligan's and they probably would fix it fast.
Each self-serve WalMart system is serviced by the most local Culligan's to the WalMart store. They don't want a bad name because they know people buy from them and I would think they would be quick to resolve any problem.
Personally, if the self-serve units tested out of whack, that is what I would do because the WalMart brand of RO water in gallon jugs is 64¢ versus 33¢ if I fill jugs myself from the Culligan's water center.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by robPSca
yea dont even watch the new big screen tv much anymore watch the tank more than tv LOL
Awwwww Tank HD-TV is always better than the boob tube now that Nip / Tuck and Prison Break isn't on.

Denise M.


using sand insteed of cc what a mistake always loseing power haeds from the sand chewing them up. But I do have a large enginer bleeny that keeps it stired up. cc woiuld have been beter have it in my 29 allways have 0 nitrates in the 29 and about 20 in the 75 with sand. Good luck this hobby is great and you will get lots of conficting advice on here.

darth tang

Active Member
Buy the quarantine tank before or along with your set up......
Have a quarantine tank readily available at a moments notice.
And that you can not house 15 fish all over 4 inches in a 140 gallon tank and stocked in less than two months..
Darth (always in a hurry) Tang