what's the 1st thing you wish you had known


New Member
when you got your first tank? We are buying an established tank from a mutual friend and are looking for 2nd opinions. So, what is the first thing you wish you had known when you got your first tank?


To use a sand bed instead of CC. My LFS told me to mix live sand and CC. I have spent most of the year I have in this hobby repairing that mistake.


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Originally Posted by mystic7
Cycle with Live Rock instead of a Yellow Tang.
sad in the same thing!!!!


Active Member
salifert test kits only to ensure consistent accurate results and a refractometer rather than wasting money on hydrometers.


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Originally Posted by chachi
what is RO water?
Glad I said it to you then!!!
RO water is a pure form of water that you use in your tank, so you don't get nitrates, phosphates, ect. These things come in you normal drinking water. You can purchase a unit, or you can buy it from the store (wally world, food store) It costs about .40 -$1 a gallon! You can purchase a Ro unit they will range from $100 up in price, but are well worth the price of them!!!! ( If you are getting a tank from your friend check with them to see if they already have the RO unit!!)
Some people even use Distilled water, but alot of people frown on it cause alot of distelled water is made from Copper coils, and if copper gets in the water, and potentialy in your system it can cause some problemes with you tank, inverts, ect.... (if you go that way make sure that they dont use copper coils to make it!)


New Member
Sweet! Thank you so much. This is the first bit of info that actually makes sense - especially w/the new lingo. :) The guy we are getting it from probably does not have an RO Unit as he suggested we get distilled water for when we move the tank. How long (months, years) does an RO Unit last?


Active Member
walmart water isn't testing consistently lately. ok for hardy fo (fish only) tanks, but not reefs. buy from a lfs (local fish store), or find someone local with a ro/di unit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chachi
Sweet! Thank you so much. This is the first bit of info that actually makes sense - especially w/the new lingo. :) The guy we are getting it from probably does not have an RO Unit as he suggested we get distilled water for when we move the tank. How long (months, years) does an RO Unit last?
Their filters( Can have up to 3 filters, 1 and 2 filters are normal too!) will usually last around a year, and changing them usually costs around $20-50, then they have a membrane where the RO water is made and it is put through this membrane in reverse, hense REVERSE OSMOSIS.
and that membrane will last 2-3 years dependant on model. It costs 10-40. Those are ranges I have seen them before.
The best RO Water filter for Fish tanks are RO/DI (Reverse Osmosis/Deionized). It takes out 98-99.99 of every thing from the water. That is what I have and it is a drinking water system also and it cost me $205 shipped to my door step!


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Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
haha! I wish I would have known how expensive and addictive this hobby is! :help:
didn't we all!!!!!


Active Member
wait until you get into the big tanks

i've seen some stuff that i want to do in the next decade that will be expensive.... :thinking:
but also a lot easier to maintain due to the more water volume.
that's another thing for you to think about. more water volume through refugiums, sumps and such will make it easier to keep consistent water parameters.


Active Member
i would wish i knew to get MH from the start, these lights are amazing. also i wish i knew about quarentine tanks which i regret to this day because i happen to be fighting some ich now but its under control.


Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
haha! I wish I would have known how expensive and addictive this hobby is! :help:

I second that... LOL :jumping:


Originally Posted by misty7850
I second that... LOL :jumping:
third that...even my humble 29 gal FOWLR is becoming a bit more than my student loans can handle. all said and done, though, I enjoy staring at the tank a lot more than staring at law books and briefs so it makes it well worth it (or so I tell myself)


Active Member

Originally Posted by gordie9
third that...even my humble 29 gal FOWLR is becoming a bit more than my student loans can handle. all said and done, though, I enjoy staring at the tank a lot more than staring at law books and briefs so it makes it well worth it (or so I tell myself)