what's the 1st thing you wish you had known


amen, i have already become addicted and i haven't even started. i don't even hear people when they tell me i won't be able to do it. lol


New Member
Originally Posted by Rainfishy
:happyfish Tangs don't belong in 20g tanks

:happyfish Anemones need more than 20watt lights

:happyfish Yes, you actually have to do water changes

:happyfish The guys at the LFS dont know s#^*

Who is LFS? :notsure:


local fish shop/store. i know all the lingo is crazy. lol
ygm- you got mail
anyone add to the list for all us newbies? lol


I wish I had known NOT to get a blue damsel in my 15 gallon. He picks on EVERYTHING and I cant catch the little -*(&#(*$&.


Originally Posted by skyhi
local fish shop/store. i know all the lingo is crazy. lol
ygm- you got mail
anyone add to the list for all us newbies? lol
Courtsey of some of our members who have put this list together (from Beth's list)
AC=Activated Carbon, or Alternating Current
Admin=Saltwaterfish.com owners
AFM=Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
ALK=Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water
BB=Bulletin Board
BOD=Biological oxygen demand
BTA=Bubble Tip Anemone
BTW=By the way
CaCl2=Calcium chloride
CaCO3=Calcium carbonate
Ca(OH)2=Calcium hydroxide
CBS=Coral Banded Shrimp
CC=Counter current(when referring to skimmers)
CC also = Crushed Coral
CCS = Chocolate Chip Star
CO2=Carbon dioxide
CTA=Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
DC=Direct current
DD=Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI=Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY=Do it yourself
dKH=Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity
DO=Dissolved oxygen
DOC=Dissolved organic compound
DSB=Deep sand bed
FAMA=Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FO=Fish only, type of marine aquarium
FOWLR=Fish only with Live Rock
FWIW= For What Its Worth
FYI=For your information
GAC=Granular Activated Carbon
GBR=Great Barrier Reef
GPH=Gallons per hour
GSP=Green Star Polyps
HCO3=Hydrogen carbonate
HO=High output fluorescent light
HT=Hospital Tank
HTH=Hope this helps
HOT=Hang On Tank
IE=Internet Explorer, WWW browser
IME=In my experience
IMHO=In my humble/honest opinion
IMO=In my opinion
IR=Infrared, type of light with longer wavelength than visible light
ISP=Internet service provider
jk=Just kidding
KALK=Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
KI=Potassium iodide
LFS=Local fish store
LHS=Local hardware store
LOL=Laughing out loud, or Lots of Luck
LPH=Litres per hour
LPS=Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral OR
LPS=Local Pet Shop
LR=Live rock
LS=Live Sand
M2=Maracyn Two for saltwater fish which is an antibiotic medication
MACNA=Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MASNA=Marine Aquarium Society of North America
MEQ/L=Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity
MG/L=Milligrams per litre
MH=Metal halide, lighting
MJ = Maxijet powerhead
MO=Mail order
Mod=Bulletin Board moderator
NaCO3=Sodium carbonate
NaOH=Sodium hydroxide
NNR=Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique
NO=Normal output fluorescent light
NSW=Natural seawater
ORP=Oxidative redox potential
PBT=Powder Blue Tang
PC=Power compact, high intensity fluorescent light
pH=Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], (7 acidic, =7 neutral,)7 basic
PH=Powerhead, water circulator
PIA = Pain in the Backside(or similar location)
QT=Quarantine Tank
OT also=Off Topic
PPM=Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)
PVC=Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping/plumbing
RO=Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI=Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
ROFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLOL=Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor laughing my *** off
RTN=Rapid tissue necrosis
RUGF=Reverse flow undergravel filter
SG=Specific gravity
SHO=Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent
SiO2=Silicon dioxide
SPS=Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
TDS= Total Dissolved Solids
TFC=Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TIA= thanks in advance
TY=Thank You
TTYL= talk to you later
UGF=Under gravel filter
UV=Ultra violet, type of light/ultra violet sterilizer
VHO=Very high output fluorescent light
WMC=Western Marine Conference, United States
WTB=Want to Buy


Cylce your tank with LR not damsels. You will have to take all the rock out and put it in a tub of water from your tank to catch them. Unless you plan to keep them in there but you will have trouble adding smaller fish such as clowns cause the damsels will pick on them.
Also don't run your lights for 10 hrs a day just cause everyone else is doing it. Their tank has probably been set up longer. An algae outbreak is very frustrating in a newer tank so less hours of lighting for a newer setup.


Active Member
I wish I had known not to:
Start with a 10g tank
With an undergravel filter
With white gravel
With 4 fish
With an anemone
With a brittlestar
I wish I had known about
Testing water
Proper specific gravity
Aggression in fish
Proper acclimation
Message boards
I was many years in the dark with the one thing that survived (a striped damsel). Yup, I've been there.

salty tank

Buy a nicer Oak stand not ugly pine
Buy stronger lights (still can but)
Set up my fuge with thicker plexiglass baffles
Make sure no sand from my fuge could leak to the side of my sump with my skimmer
not buy 3 nasty blue damsels that bully all my new fish and i cant catch them! DIE!
Buy quieter pumps
Better skimmer
and last, do a closed circuit water pump for water flow
In 5 or yrs when i move and sell my tank, im gonna save and buy better equipment, and take my time.
Needless to say though, my tank is doing just fine though.


Originally Posted by DRose
Never, never, NEVER buy damselfish! They are mean and aggressive. Not only to other fish but also to each other. My yellowtailed blue damsel killed my 2 newly purchased clowns. Does anyone want the murdering little bugger?
I seem to have no problem with my yellowtail damsel - maybe i just got a "good one"? and i even have a baby clown.. huh.
my dottyback on the other hand killed both my chromis in less than 12 hours.. no tears shed tho - they were only there to help cycle (what ugly fish!)


The first thing I wish I had known was how easy life could have been if I bought the reccomended amount of live rock from the start. Live rock is the key to success!


New Member
I agree about the damsels. I had some to cycle the tank and they killed everything. I had a heniocus butterfly and they killed it in three days!!!
i had to take out all my rock and half the water just to catch them. The are no longer with us
. They are nasty little buggers. Some are very pretty and they are cheap. That makes it tempting. DONT DO IT!!!!!
Also.....if possible....treat your tank or fish at the first sign of Ich. I will spead before you are even sure the first fish has it. Good Luck Everyone! :happyfish


Active Member
In this order...
R/O water
DIY wet dry filter
the importance of alkalinity
Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine
how to shrink 8 megapixel photos to a size which can be interneted and emailed.....
admitting that I'm blind and finding a lighted magnifying glass


Ten years ago when I attempted my first tank, I wish I had known that 30 gallons was not enough space for a regal tang, a yellow tang, a maroon clown, three damsels, and about ten man-eating striped hermit crabs from Galveston
I also wish I had known that undergravel filtration was not the wave of the future like I was told.
In that brief time that I had the tank, I did learn that even when a zebra perriwinkle escapes and slithers across your bedroom and isn't discovered for a month, there's a good chance they're still alive


New Member
to anwser the original ? i think i takes years to figure out everything but i think the most important i wish i did before hand is read, read ,read and read old books and modern books for the new technologies. but all in all it was fun trying to figure it out the hard way (expensive too)!!


I wish I had used sand instead of CC. I also still wish to get an RO but they are still too expensive and the tap water around me is fine and is surprisingly good as far a tap water goes and has very little I need to filter out (i.e. phosphates, ect.). Also not of cycled with a damsel, should have used one of many different options.


It's probably been said before, but I'll say it again. I really wish I had know how quickly things can go wrong!
I wish someone had said, "JB, this tank can head into the toilet quicker than you can say spit. So just be ready."

Oh yeah, and I wish someone had told me about all the spare parts I was going to need. That would have helped too.
I wish I knew about battery operated items that at least provide oxygen. Hurricane season can be a

when you have no power for weeks on end.