Whats the single most important...


Whats the single most important factor in keeping a healty reef? Actually I know that there is much more too it than just one thing so if you had to put things in order of importance how would you do it?
I am trying to set up a reef and I need input from all of you experienced folks. For example I offer the following:
1. Trace elements
2. Salt content
3. Water changes
4. PH
and so on. What are the most important factors to a reef. Thanks for any help you can give me.


Active Member
Your education on reef keeping(not trying to be funny). But in my experince the most well read and self educated reefkeepers seem to have the most success. Read everything you can on all aspects of it. The internet is a well of infornation, just a search engine away, and the purchase of several good reefkeeping books to back it up.


I agree with BigMac w/water quality, a RO/DI filter is the best piece of equipment you can buy.
Another piece of vital equipment is polyfilters. If the water quality goes south for what ever reason, polyfilters are the first line of defense.


Active Member
Agree with the others ....
1) Initial Water Quality
2) Predictable Water Quality
3) Controlled Water Quality
RO or RO/DI water and properly mixed saltwater.
Adaquate biological, mechanical and chemical filtration.
Without these - everything else doesn't really matter.
Even with the very best lighting in the world, the healthiest specimens, the greatest cleanup crew, the choice in supplements/trace elements, although these are important ...... without really great saltwater - it's an uphill struggle.

nm reef

Active Member
The reference list I use:
1-Knowledge of the live forms within my system.
3-Stable water chemistry
5-Lighting that meets the requirements of livestock
7-Research additions carefully prior to adding
9-Allow the system to become stable and mature at a gradual rate without sudden changes
10- Did I mention PATIENCE

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The most important factor to a healthy reef tank to me is boron. Without proper testing and supplementation of boron on a daily basis you will fail...
Johnny Salifert

nm reef

Active Member
In the past two years on this and a few other boards I've seen and heard little about the requirement of boron.....explain/discuss please.:cool:
The most important thing I do is NEVER let the tank slide...spend at least 30 minutes a day checking things...fiddling...testing...just general maintenance...I have done this faithfully for years...


Drum roll please; and the number one most important factor is — Don't Drink the Water!! :D
I have to agree with water quality.

reef dude

I couldnt agree more with PATIENCE!!! and then water quality, and knowledge about all the living creatures that will be in your tank


Active Member
for fish only- WATER QUALITY- for reef tanks- WATER QUALITY and LIGHT but by no means are those the only improtant things- feeding- circulstion- overall health i could go on forever:)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I was kidding about the boron. On a more serious note, I noticed that Salifert offers a test for it. Has anybody ever tested or added boron?


Active Member
id have to say its a tie between lighting and water quality.
1. the majority of the corals we place in our tanks get most of their energy form the products of their zooxanthelae, which are algae and which use light energy to make simple sugars and ATP with oxygen as a by-product. therefore i think that the most time,effort,and money should be spent on your lightign set up.
2. at the same time if you have a kick ass lighting set up but fail to monitor your water and add necessary supplements all you will see is that the living organisms in your tank are perishing.
its a vicious circle!
good luck