Let me take it to a different level. If evolution were true, then we would see a "tree of life" which darwin originally put together and we've since dapated over and over. The theory is that at the very top of this tree is a single-celled organism, and as the tree flows down, more complex organisms are devloped... frogs, then birds, then mammals, then humans, so forth - you get the idea.
BUT the ACTUAL "tree of life" is more like grass than a tree... meaning there was almost nothing for a long time (millions of years), then all of a sudden, there was an explosion of all kinds of organisms, animals, mammals, etc. We know this because of fossils we've carbon-dated. We call this the "Cambrian Explosion." You should google it because it's very interesting.
Again, the best way to describe it is like calling it the "grass of life" instead of the "tree of life" because all of a sudden there were many genus's, species, all kinds of plants and animals, which historically came from almost nothing. Seemingly no evolutionary involvement in this situation.
As you read about it, it says that entire species have evolved completely in as little as 30 million years, some in 5-10 million years, which even still seems like a lot, but in a 4 billion year old earth, 5-10m years is like the snap of a finger in comparison. When I say "evolved completely" i mean that it went from literally nothing, to a fully-functioning bird with feathers and wings, and frogs with all of it's growth stages perfected. For so many species to come from nothing and be fully developed, fully done evolving, in 5-30m years... seems like something ELSE had to be there to help it along, you know?
Here's more info on the Cambrian Explosion:
Evolution's Natural Selection states that single traits are added and subtracted over many millions of years. The flagellar motor needed 40 traits to be added simultaneously in order for it to work. The motor simply cannot be "evolved" and yet it exists today. The Cambrian Explosion is also something we can prove happened which also blows natural selection out of the water.
Do I think our theory of evolution is flawed? It must be! Do I think evolution is wrong? Well, I'm sure it had a role in the process of forming these species, but clearly there had to be something else to help things along, you know?
Another thing that really doesn't help my un-belief in evolution are all of the fossils and such found to support the theory of evolution which are later found to be false - fabricated - FAKE. Why would some scientists try to lie to support their theory? In my opinion, it goes against everything that they work for. They seek out the truth... they start with theories and hypotheses with the goal of proving them or dis-proving them... not to fudge the answers to prove what they want people to believe. If you want a list of fossils that scientists have tried to get past people which have later turned out to be fake, I'd be glad to give you a list.